In the news National BRIDGEPORT, Conn.-A jobless high school dropout was charged Friday with setting a fire that turned a crowded Port Chester, N.Y., discotheque into an inferno in which 24 young persons died. Authorities said the young mats set the blaze in a toy chest of a bowling alley nursery to cover up a burglary of the prem- ises. The building was adjacent to Gulliver's, a restaurant-discotheque in a commercial com- plex that straddles the New York-Connecticut state line north of New York City. WASHINGTON - Wholesale farm and food prices fell sharply in June but industrial prices continued to soar, lifting the Wholesale Price Index 0.5 per cent. It was the smallest increase in eight months. The June increase, reported Friday by the Labor Department, is equivalent to an anuual inflation rate of 6 per cent. Although far below the 1.3 per cent rise in May when prices climbed at a 15.6 this morning per cent annual pace, last month's increas was still high by historical standards. Th figures gave further evidence that inflatio has shifted from the food area into industria commodities. Economists regard this asa more ominous sign because, unlike farm price which move up and down, industrial pric hikes tend to become locked into the economy They also mean higher retail prices ahead. Weather Be sure your batteries are charged up s you can head out to the beach tomorrow With highs in the mid 80's and sunny skies, i will be a great time to catch up on your tan The night will bring fair skies and low's around 60. Sunday will be another beautifu day with more of the same. The chance o precipitation is "near nil" says the weather man and a calm breeze is expected, traveling 8-1S miles an hour. Around A A day long conference called e "Women on the Job" will be e held today on the second floor of the Michigan League. The n discussion is sponsored by the I American Federation of State, a County, and Municipal Emplo- yees (AFSCME) and will get e under way at 9:00 a.m. The . program will focus on the prob- lems women face in hiring, pro- motions, etc. The American Indian Move- ment Support Committees of Ann Arbor and Toledo have scheduled a rally at the Custer r monument in Monroe, Mich. to- day at 1:00 p.m. Cars will be t leaving from the Union at noon. . People with room in their cars s and people who need rides 1 should assemble at the north f entrance. g The Ann Arbor Cooperative Aarens Cmmittee will hold a #'Co-ops Care Festival" today - to celebrate the city's sesqui- centennial beginning at 2 p.m. in West Park. The program fea- tures folk singing, Hawaiian dancing, a Karate demonstra- tion, and other attractions. + Use Daily Classifieds- AE t**m #&WW&h*A~t~ * anynen d Probably not. Allthingsconsidered you do what you do pretty doggone well. After all, no one has taken your job. And youhe eating regularly. But... But have you everconsidered what doing your job just a little better might mean? Money. Cold hard coin of the realm. If each of uscaredjust a smidge more about what we do for a living, we could actually turn that inflationary spiral around. Better products, better service and better management would mean savings for all of us. Savings of much of the cash and frayed nerves it costing us now for repairs and inefficiency. Point two..By taking more pride in-our work we'll more than likely see America regaining its strength inthecompetitive world trade arena. When the balance of payments swings our way again we'll all be better off economically. Soyousee-the only person who can really do what you do any better isyou. A Amel m.i~ rs uwUwCdo tonight 6:00 2 4 11 13 News 9 Taran 20 Movie "Golden an." 199 30 University Forum 30 Star Trek 56 57 what's The Big Idea? 6:30 4 13 NBC News-Tom Brokaw 7 24 Reasoner Report 11CBSt News-Dan Rather 39 asboqusari 7:00 2 CBs News--Dan Rather 4 George Meret 7 Town Meeting S PolceS Surgeon i nee Raw 13 50 Lawrence Wek 24 Wrestling 3 Ton Owe St To Torself 14 Masterpee Theatre 57 Behind the LInes 7:30 2Wil.WldWorideef Animals 4 Johnny Mann's Stand up and Cheer 7 Word of Survival 9 Beverly Bibtdlles 30 Consumerame 8:00 2 1 All In the Family 4 13 Emeegenyl 7 24 Partridge aily S The Jury 20 Movie "The She-Creature." 195 30 Carrascolendas 50 That Good Ole Nashville Muse 57 Boboquivar 1:30 2 11 MOA*S*S 7 24 Movie "Cry Panie," 1974 9 Whiteoaks of JIna 30 s6 57 Hollywood Television Theatre 50 Merv Griffin 9:00 2 11 Mary Tyler Moore 4 13 Movie "The Apartment" 9:30 2 11 Bob Newhart 9 Blass This House 20 Temple Baptist Church 30 56 7 Resolution of Mssie was 10:00 2 11 Barnaby Jones 7 24 Owen Marshall 9 Inside Canada 20 seven Hundred Club 50 Lou Gordon 10:30 in the Mood 11:0 2 7 11 News 9 CBC News-George Finstad 24 ABC News 11:15 7 ABC News 9 A Look Back 24 Don Kirshner's Rock Concert 1:30 2 Movie "The Hangman." 1959 4 13 News 7 Movie "Cast a Giant Shadow." 196 9 Movie "Pony Soldier." 1952 11 Movie 'Sea of Grass." 1947 s0 Movie "House on Haunted Bill" 1959 12:00 4 Johnny Carson 13 Movie 'The Projected Man." (English, 194) 1:30 2 Movie 'God's Country." 1144 4 Saturday Rock 7 Movie ,Every Man a ing," (Israeli; 1970) 1t News 2:80 13 News 300 2What's My Line? 3:30 2 News 7 Collage 4:00 7 News Daily Official Bulletin Sunday, Jly 14 Day Calendar TV Ct.: Bureaucracy. WWJ TV. chacnel 4. noon. Outing Club: Huron St. Entry- way, Rackham 1:30 Pm. Monday, July 15 WUOM: Rep. Donald Reigle, D 1G. 40th anniversary. AA Planned Parenthood Federaton 10:10 am. A-VC r.:"Lke Other People", And. 3. MLB 7 pm. Music tel.: Midsuner 'Pp' arlllone'r, H:Ladd. Burton Tower, 7 pm. MscSoleacety: . Johanneses. pianist Rackham And., 8:30 pm. General Notices Att. veterans: deadline to request Advance Payment on V.A. ane- fits for Fanl term. 174 is getting ear; veterans who wish to receive Advance Payment should complete request form in Veterans Oertifica- In Oe.. 114 L A Mdg.; deadline for Law & Dental students, July 19; fo- other students. July 31. THE MICHIGAN DAILT Volume LXXXIV, No. 40-S Saturday, July 13, 1974 Iseie ndmngdbysuet iedited and maage ,y sudent. at the University of Michigan. Newa phone 744-0102. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. Published da i ly Tuesday through Sunday morning during the Univer- sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscriptksa rates: $10 by carrier (campus area): $11 local mail (Michigan and Ohio); $12 non-local mail (other states and foreign). Summer session published Tue- day through Saturday morning. Subscription rates: 5.10 by carrier (campus area); $.00 local mail (Michigan and Ohio); $6.50 non- local mail (other states and foreign). lb50it lhso.a sr .Wot ,ss 'ua4