Friday, July 12, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764-0557 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. WANTED TO RENT JEWISH JUNIOR returning from Israel needs room in house. Fall. David Sonnenschein, 274 Greenbill, Dayton. 33L713 $20 REWARD for info leading to the signing of a lease for a cheap ($150 maximum) 1 bedroom apt. for fall. Close to campus; pets allowed, 761-7095 persistently, eves. dL713 $20 REWARD for info leading to rental of place for fall for 2 or 3 friendly senior women. 761-2138. 81L713 USED CARS 1971 FIAT 850 convertible. Well kept, excellent mileage, $800. 665-2701. 99N719 1970 PORSCHE 911-T Targa. Excel- lent condition, AM/FM, silver, 5- speed. For price and details, (313) 767-8989. 01N713 1960 VW BUG. Good engine, no rust, $600. 665-9679. ' 83N712 71 VW BUS, good condition,extras, $2000. 761-4323. 36N713 OPEL GT '69. Solid. New brakes, exhaust, battery. Best offer between $1000-$1300. 769-3397. 48N712 TOYOTA CASH BRING YOUR TITLE WE'LL BUY YOUR CAR! TOP $$$ 1971 SPITFIRE. Red mags, radials, ike new. $2295 1972 SPITFIRE. Brown. 4-speed, radial clean. $2595. 1972 DATSUN 510 4-door sedan. 4- speed. Perellt radials, sharp. 072 VOLKSWAGEN OS p e rhug. Bright orange finish, 4-speed, AM- PM, like new. Priced to sell. 1973 SUBARU GL coupe. Tach 4- speed, radials, radio, accent stripes, 7700 miles, 6 month warranty. extra sharp FWD automobile. 1972 RX-2 MAZDA. Two door coupe, one owner. 4-speed transmission. ra- dio, white vinyl top, white interior, silver blue finish, radial tires. Just like new. Priced to sell at $2895 '70 JAGUAR 6-cylinder, XKE coupe. chrome wire wheels, 4-speed. Brtish racng green f inish. A classic at 4995. (Spring sale now in progress on all used Toyotas) Tovota-Peugeot 907 N. Main 769-7935 eNte PETS AND SUPPLIES 000 NEFDS home 'til second week in Sept. 763-4250. 88712 WANTED--Good home for 1 year old snow white indoor cat. Doesn't claw furniture, never been out- side. Cali Ken or Marnie at 764-0552 or 663-5988. dT713 ROOMMATES NEEDED: female grad student to share large apt. Available immeda- tely, central campus. Call 665-5370. 93Y716 JULY and AUG. Female to share 2 bedroom apt. 911 S. Forest. 668-6906. cYtc FOR SALE ONE LADES LINDE STAR Sapphire r Perfect condition. Call Pat at 769-9417 after 6. 90B717 1971 Haig Ultra GOLF GLUBS. 0130. 3 woods. 9 irons. Call Ken, 769-6511, ext. 312, 8-5 or 761-6104 after 5. 951718 10-SPEED women's Schwinn, 1 yr. old. Call 663-2898 anytime. 970719 1964 PORSCHE 356-C. Good engine ard interior. Body rust. 25 mpg., $600. 761-9748. 98B713 NEW RALEIGH 10-spd. 24" frame, $100. 1-272-3922. 02B713 MUST SELL SAILBOAT. 9' wooden dinghy 15' mast. Completely redone Summer '73. Best offer. 973-0537. 89B713 ROCKA MY SOUL in the bosom of . Rocking chair, white bookcase, assorted kitchen paraphanalta. Call 769-0013. dB713 BIKES FOR SALE. Woman's Schwinn 10-speed Woman's Raltegh 3-speed. Good deals. 665-5441. 668712 4x6 PURE WALNUT TABLE with 3 chairs, old Victoran chair, pine end table, old Admiral TV floor lamp, all fr $125. Also 4-man nylon tent and case, $75. 663-2852. 78B712 '08 MERCURY low miles asking $375. 434-3193. 71B71 DIAMOND FOR SALE, unmounted, V2 carat, pure white, brilliant-cut. Call 434-0410 after 6 pm. 39B713 LACE WEDDING DRESS with hoop. Size 10. Call 973-1824 after 6 pm. 471773 TICKETS I NEED 2 TICKETS FOR JOHN DENVER, Pine Knob, any night, pavillion or lawn. Will pay gener- ously. David, 761-2388. 84Q717 MISCELLANEOUS TODDLER and MOTHER Playgroup. Openings in a small group for 12- month olds starting in Sept. Mon- day and Thursday mornings 10-1150. Mothers stay in room with toddlers. This group is part of the normal de- velopmental study of the Child Ana- lytical Study Program, Childrens Psychiatric Hospital. Inquire now: 704-0234, Ms. Legg. 94M716 RIDER WANTED to L.A. Leaving around July 17th. 1-399-2320. 70M712 PRIVATE PILOT Ground School Monday and Wednesday eves., 7-9:30 for 6 weeks beginnings Wed., July 10. Room 2075 E. Engin. $30 includes text. Sponsored by U-M Flyers. 60M713 SUBLET PANTASTICALLY BEAUTIFUL PLACE! Persons needed to sublet 2 spaces. Rent negotiable. 663-3624. dU716 SUBLET: A/C, Hii and Main. July- Aug. Rent negotiabir. Fail option. 763-4250, 663-3983. 03U716 HIGH CLASS, low price. Female wdhted to sublet A/C apt. Own bedroom. Felice, 668-6906. dU714 CAMPUS apartment, 1-bdrm. unfur- nished, $180/month. Available Sept. 1. Division and Packard. Call 769- 2317. 82U718 SUMMER SUBLET: now thru Aug. 31. Share a very large double for $50/mo. or rent a single for $70/mo. in a hsuge 3-bdrm. apt. Central A/C, parking lot,-dishwasherlaundry fa- cilities 2 full bathrooms and two min. from campus. Call Larry eve- nings 761-5676. dU712 SPACIOUS sunny room close to campus, till Sept. 663-3487. 74U712 PERSON NEEDED to occupy well- kept, together house. Own room. Concenent location (Oakland). Im- mediate occupancy through August. Call 665-7196. 67U716 FEMALE sublet own room. July- Aug. Cheap. 769-2352. 65U712 ONE FEMALE NEEDED for lovely 4-man. 521 Walnut, No. 2. Available immediately. 668-6906 or 663-364L cUtc MALE WANTED to share two-bed- room apartment available immedi- ately through August. Large room with oversize bed, share kitchen and bath. Near campus. A luxurious deal at $75 per month, and that's nego- tiable. Call 764-0552 and leaveda memsage for Gordon. dU HOW WOULD YOU like your own furnished room in a house with four females? July-Aug., $40 per month rent/negotiable. Close to campus. Free parking. 821 Sylvan. 769-3075. 36U716 JULY-AUG. SUBLET-One/two -fe- males, own room, modern bi-level apartment. A/C, furnished, dish- washer, disposal. Call 761-9714. 38U713 SUBLET WOMEN ONLY! Own room in house. CHEAP. July-Aug. On campus, no lease. 994-3424. 69U718 McKINLEY ASSOCIATES Summer Sublets. Booms, efficiencies, 1 and 2 bedroom apis., plus whole houses. Furnished, campus locations avail- able. Please pick up our listing at 611 Church St. cUte Summer Sublet Best Location Spacious 2 & 3 Bdrm. Apts. A/C, dishwashers & balconies VISCOUNT & CHALET APTS. CAMPUS RENTALS 1 335 S. University 665-8825 cutc PERSONAL U-M STYLISTS OPEN TILL 5:30 P.M. AT THE UNION cF713 NEW SUMMER BOWLING HOURS 6 P.M.-12 mid. Ssn.-Thurs. 6 P.M-iAM. Fri. and Sal. Starts July 15 MICHIGAKi UNION cF7l3 WANTED: 1 or 2 booths for free art fair, E. University preferred. 769- 5495. 92F716 TENNIS INSTRUCTION From former U-team player. Indi- vidual or group lessons. Call Bill, 769-7456. 91F725 THE COPY MILL 211 B. S. State: 662-3969 FOR QUALITY COPIES c OFFSET cFc PROFESSIONALLY designed dia- mond engagement and wedding rings-hand hammered, hand en- graved, any pattern .- wholesale. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. Univer- sity, 663-7151. cFtc MATCHMAKERS. Meet new compa- ible people through SATURDAY NIGHT INSURANCE.ACall 663-1392 evenings. cFtc 2-BEDROOM APT. available for Fall. Call 665-4578 after 3:00. eFc XEROX AND OFFSET Fast, low cost duplicating. COPY QUICK 1217 S. University 769-0560 WHY WALK FARTHER? Get your Levi's cuffed flairs at WILD'S VARSITY SHOP WEDDING INVITATIONS-Mod. or traditional. Call 761-0942 anytime. cFtc WE BUY, SELL, appraise used and new oriental rugs. Persian House, 320 E. Liberty, 769-8555, 973-1678. cJtc INSOMNIA? You may be helped by this graduate psychology experiment in muscle relaxation. Robert Freed- man, 764-0434, 761-2295. 49F713 PERSONAL SIGN UP FOR MIXED LEAGUE MICHIGAN UNION LANES OPEN TIL 1 A.M. FRI. & SAT. cF713 ARBOR INSTANT PRINTING Offset Printing, Xerox, Typing. Wedding and Social Announcements 214 S. 4th Ave.--994-4564 cFtc INTERESTED IN GIVING TOURS OF CENTRAL CAMPUS? Prospective U of M students and their families are eager to be shown the campus. If you have a spare hour a week to volunteer your services, please call Edi Bietcher at the Alumni Associa- tion, 764-0384, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. 42F713 BOARD EXAM TUTORING _ Enrollments now being accepted for S. H. KAPLAN tutoring courses to prepare for the upcoming M.C.A.T.. D.A.T., and L.S.A.T. Board Exams. Call (313) 354-0085 aitec WANT TO MAKE A DEAL? For large wine orders try us. The Village Apothecary. cFtc. PERSONAL sharing a warm honest, growing friendship with an open gentle man, 22, who loves music, camping, peo- ple, life. Write Steve, Box 333, Mich- igan Daily. 78F625 I WOULD like to meet a together woman who is in tune with her heart, mind, body, interested in BE HAPPIER * Scientology Works Attend an Introductory lecture (2 houra long) every Wednesday, Room 2207 Michigan Union. Lectures at I, 4. 7 p.m. Scientology is an applied religious philosophy. F CREATIVE WEDDING PHOTOG- RAPHY -- Weddings by David has been doing it since 1968. By ap- pointment only, please call 994-5440. crtc PROFESSIONAL TENNIS INSTRUCTION Brian Eisner, U-M Tennis Coach Mike Ware, U-M Asst. Tennis Coach For more information, call 764-0163 cFtc PASSPORT PHOTOS Call the Daily and leave message for Ken or Steve. 764-0552. dF BUMPER STICKERS custom printed while-U-wait! MBL PRESS, 1217 Prospect, Ann Arbor, 761-0942. cFtc LOW-COST FLIGHTS with SCHEDULED AIRLINES to EUROPE STILL AVAILABLE FROM College Travel Services- (416) 962-8464 771 YONGE ST., SUITE 204, TORONTO M4W 2G4 LATEST AVAILABILITY: NEW YORK to SPAIN .............$269 (fixed return) NEW YORK to LONDON .. .....$319 (fixed return) *NEW YORK to LONDON or PARIS .. $389 (3 to 6 wks.) *N.Y. to AMSTERDAM or BRUSSELS $389 (3 to 6 wks.) *from COLUMBUS ... .add $90 xfrom CLEVELAND and DETROIT . add $60 YOUTH FARES THROUGH CANDADA (under 24 years of aqe) from MONTREAL to LONDON or PARIS $299 (Basic) from MONTREAL to AMSTERDAM or BRUSSELS... $299 (Basit) from MONTREAL to SPAIN.............$319 (Basic) from TORONTO to above destinations . add $20 to basic from DETROIT/WINDSOR to above dest. add $50 to basic ADULT FARES THROUGH CANADA from MONTREAL to LONDON or PARIS... ....$299 (3 to 6 wks.) from MONTREAL to AMSTERDAM or BRUSSELS . $299 13 to 6iwks.) from MONTREAL to SPAIN. .. $319 (3 to 6 wks.) from TORONTO to above destinations . . . . add $20 from DETROIT/WINDSOR to above dest. . add $50 Booking forms are still available from your Student Activities Office or Student Union Office or by contacting College Travel Services directly. PERFECT FOR ENGINEERING, SCIENCE AND MATH STUDENTS 15 .U i% U $195.00 ;~7c t immediate delivery This 8-digit, 12.3 oz. Battery Portable with a memory is small enough to slip into your pocket. Large enough to answer scientific and technical problems. 12 essential hard- wired scientific functions including: *TRIGONOMETRICAL *LOGARITHMIC INVERSE *SOUARE ROOT TRIGONOMETRICAL *PI *EXPONENTIAL *FLOATING DECIMAL A mini marvel you can take with you on field trips, con- struction sites ..-wherever SHARP PC-1861 -and for whatever you need a scientific solution. You SHA R THE COMPANY THAT CREATED can count on It, THE INDUSTRY" DATA MACHINES COMPANY 45 ENTERPRISE DR. ANN ARBOR, MICH. PHONE 761- 0450 48103 $10 per donation. Plasma twice a week. Or whole blood every 8 weeks. Monday through Saturday. Free parking. 9 A.M.-5 P.M. DETROIT BIOLOGICALS, INC. 234 W. Michigan Avenue Ypsilanti, Michigan-Phone 487-9400