Friday, Juay 12, 1974 -THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Fridoy, July 12, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Poge Three House report shows Nixon feared link to Watergate Watergate developments at a glance EVIDENCE - The House Judic- iary Committee publicly released seven volumes of testimony and documents outlining what its im- peachment staff learned about President Nixon's role in Water- gate. GRAND JURY - Documents re- leased by the Judiciary Committee did not include the grand jury re- port naming President Nixon an unindicted co-conspirator in the Watergate cover-up. NIXON DEFENSE - Material submitted to the Judiciary C'om- mittee in defense of President Nix- on seeks to discredit his principal accuser, John Dean, and to blame others for a $75,000 payment to Watergate conspirator E. Howard I tent. IMPE ACHMENT - mean, the former presidential counsel, testi- fied behind closed doors of the Ju- diciary Committee, recounting tes- timony that led to the impeach- ment inquiry. TAPES - A Watergate proseca- tor told U. S. District Judge John J. Sirica there is another gap, this one almost 19 minutes long, in White house recordings of presi- dential conversations. PLUMBERS - Prosecution and defense attorneys presented clos- ing arguments in the plumbers' trial and disagreed'whether John Ehrlichman, Nixon's former do- mestic advisor, plotted an illegal, secret search of a psychiatrist's office. By JEFF DAY Special To The Oaily WASHINGTON-Over 4,00 pages of secret evidence presented to the House Judiciary Committee during June and July and released early today reveal that President Nixon was afraid that Watergate investigations would lead di- rectly to him. According to the report, the President said that "looking to the future there were problems and that (former Deput y Campaign Director Jeb Stuart) Magru- der could bring it right back to tlalde- man." TIIAT LINK in turn, Nixon cont cued "could bring it right back to the White House, right back to the Presideitt." The remarks were made on Mat:rch 17, 1973 during a meeting between Nixon and his Counsel John Dean- fear days befure the session in which he claits to have first heard the full W'v'ate stury. he President his refused to turn oer transcripts of that meetiung ad the committee report is based on the liter recording in which the discui was recalled. TIlE EDITED transcripta can aruig the March 17 meeting which the Presi dent supplied the committee "coatai no discussion of matters relating to Watergate," the report stated. For the most part, the eight volume document, which represents the findings of the investigative staff of the Ilouse Judiciary Committee looking into the impeachment of the President, are un- impressive and contain no new informa- tion. The committee made no charges in the report, saying it was its purpose to present an "objective, impartial presen- tation which will enable each member of the committee to make an informed judgment." WHAT' TIIE STUDY does present is a day-by-day account of the Watergate affair beginning with a Dec. 2, 1972 mem- arandttm from Gordon Strachan toi for- mer Chief of Staff HI.IR. "Bob" tHlde- man concerning developments of "a po- litical intelligence committee." It was this committee that hatched he Watergate break-in plot. "The attorney general discused with John Dean the need to develop a politi- cal intelligence capability. Gordon Liddy . . . will handle intelligence as well as legal matter," the memo, labeled "ad- ministratively confidential," said. "Dean will also work with Liddy on the politi- cal enemies project." THE REPORT continues through the July 17 break-in in which five burglars See JUDICIARY, Page 19 Hob-nobbing with the expert The fellow sitting to the right of U-M economics professor Paul McCracken in Washington yesterday may look familiar - he's something of a celebrity around the Capitol in his own right. Yes, it's none other than President Nixon confer- ring with business leaders and economists from across the country about the state of the dollar. 5 t 6 t f State legislature ponders 0 1 r . rl . e increases in'U budget By JEFF SORENSEN a 9.7 per cent salary increase, a five per year, the cost of living had gone up .48 The state legislature is currently con- cent inflationary increase on non-salary per cent, so that "in fact, the six per sidering a bill which could hike the Uni- items and a .7 per cent staff benefits cent increase would mean a reduction in versity budget as much as $9.3 million increase. income for faculty members." over last year's total., Nevertheless, Fedele Fauri, University If the final bill passed by the legisla- The Higher Education Bill, which con- vice president for state relations and ture today is higher than the governor's tains the figures for the University bud- planning, said he was "highly pleased" recommendations, those funds will like- get, is now in a joint Senate-House con- with the increased allotment passed by ly be earmarked for further faculty sal- ferende committee. The committee is ex- the House and hopeful that the Senate ary increases and financial aid in- ". ..creases. pected to iron out the differences be- tween the House and Senate versions of the bill sometime today and send the measure back to the legislature for a final vote. GOVERNOR William Miltiken in Janu- ary recommended a nine million dolar increase in the University's budget. Last week the Senate passed a bill calling for an $8.8 million increase over last year's figure. Wednesday, the House passed a version of the samse bill allocating a re- cord $105.5 million budget, $9.3 million more than last year. The House bill was rejected yes- terday by the Senate, and thus was sent to the conference committee. Final ap- proval of the compromise bill is expect- ed today as the lawmakers attempt to finish up business so they can begin campaigning for the August 6 primaries.. The increases in this year's budget are slated for salary hikes of at least six per cent for all University personnel and at least a four percent increase on all non-salary items including financial aid funds. THE UNIVERSITY had requested an increase of $23.4 million, which included wo idconcur." University officials had previously criticized the governor's recommenda- tions as "insufficient." PRESIDENT Robben Fleming said that the recommended increases "hardly kept pace with the cost of living." "We are concerned," said Fleming, "that no specific increase was planned for financial aid beyond a general four per cent increase to offset inflationary pressures." Fleming also expressed concern over the lack of funding for expanded staff enrollments in the new Architecture and Design Building on North Campus and the Governor's recommended 15 per cent cut in travel expenditures, saying that increasing gasoline prices "mean the ac- tual decrease would be considerably higher." ~ HAROLD Johnson, professor of social work and chairman of the Senate Assem- bly's Committee on the Economic Status of the Faculty, stated that the six per cent salary increase slated by the gover- nor is "grossly inadequate." - Johnson pointed out that for the 12- month period ending in November of last Convicts hold hostages in D.C. court building WASHINGTON I-Two armed con- victs facing long prison terms seized seven hostages in the U.S. District Court- house and threatened to kill them yes- terday unless given safe passage 0it of the country., "There should be no reason why a lot of people should die uselessly, man, just because two men want their freedom," said Robert Jones, one of the convicts, "IF I HAVE to go out of here feet first, I am ready," added Frank Gor- ham, Jones' partner. The prisoners made their bid for free- dom in midafternoon while being escort- ed by U.S. marshals into the historic courthouse where the Watergate trials are being conducted. George Hart, chief judge of the U.S. District Court, ordered food brought in to feed the hostages and prisoners short- ly after 9 p.m. He told reporters, "We're prepared to stay quite a while," SIIORTLY BEFORE tart ordered food brought in, the prisoners permitted the hostages to place phone calls to their relatives. Gorham, in a telephone interview with radio station WASH, appeared growing edgy as the hours passed. "I realize this stuff takes time, but it has been six hours and somebody should have done something. We are trying to cooperate as much as we can and we are not getting nowhere." Jones, citing their demand for a car to drive to nearby National Airport and a plane to fly them outside the United States, said, "I just want a break, man, See TWO, Page 9