-"-I THE Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Thursday, July 11, 1974 News Phone: 764-0552 Pie in the sky, sex on -the wing DURING THE PAST two weeks, the airline stewardess' union has been protesting "sex-in-the-sky" adver- tising which they claim is both degrading and misleading. According to Kellv Rueck, the president of the Asso- ciation of Flight Attendants, this alarming escalation in alluring advertising could lead to "a spontaneous loss of enthusiasm by airline stewardesses." She also said the union, which represents flight at- tendants from 20 U.S. airlines, "is ready to take all ap- propriate actions, including law suits if necessary, to halt the spread of these disgraceful and discriminatory cam- paigns." The airlines have long been known for their sexist and discriminatory treatment of women. Stewardesses at one time were prohibited from marrying, forced to retire at an early age, and penalized when their weight slipped above the maximum allowable for a Twiggy-style figure. Not surprisingly, many airlines still cling tenacious- ly to these repugnant regulations. It appears with the latest barrage of sex appeal ad- vertising, the stewardesses have come to the end of their rope. NATIONAL ADS FEATURING a stewardess saying "Fly me" or "We'll really move our tail for you," are not only degrading, but are in extremely poor taste. The air- lines have even managed to surpass traditional sex ap- peal advertising by aiming below the belt in these "crotch appeal" slogans. We wholeheartedly support the sentiments of the flight attendants union and urge patrons of National and Continental airlines, the prime offenders, to inform the airlines' managemtnt that uncouth advertising does not sell seats. -CHERYL PILATE - iXOJS niiraiSUMMT xon -rwac> twar f* - v ' i \ "'Il "- . '>1. Up from under: A political history or, By MITZI BURTON, DAN BYRNE, and JAN COOPER AST WEEK bath AFSCME and the UAW filed petitions with MERC (Michigan Employment Relations Commission) requesting that.they hold an election to determine if University of Michi- gan clerical workers wish to be represented by a union. The following is a herstory of the CCFA (Concerned Clericals for Action), CCFA is an organization which evolved from the CSFA (Concerned Secretaries for Action- Law School.) CSFA was formed by a group of clericals who had become angered by the working condi- tions at the Law School and the unwillingness of the U of M Personnel Office to act on their grievances. Their man complaints were low wages, evaluations being changed after they were signed, and low merit increases as compared to other units in the University. CCFA started a series of weekly lunch hour meetings where clericals from different units on campus could meet each other and discuss corn mOn problems we all face as University clerical workers. LOW WAGES was the complint most often discussed and by inquiring we discovered that our salaries are from $600.00 to $1500.00 per year lower than those paid to clericals at any of the comparable educational institutions in Michigan. A letter was sent to the Budget and Priorities Committee stating this complaint and Allan Smith among others replied for the University' by say- ing: 1. This is a free enterprise system and the Uni- versity has no moral obligation to raise clerical salaries. 2. The University provides a convenient place fo- women to work while their husbands are in school. 3. Competent secretaries are not hard to come by. 4. The University would reply further in the Spring of 1974 (this was in the Fall of 1973 and the University has not replied yet.) Need- less to say, this answer did not satisfy our question or our needs and the lunch meetings went on. AFTER MANY weeks of discussion and no ac- tion and many suggestions (off the cuff of couse) by University personnel officials and even a member of the Budget and Priorities Commis- sion that we unionize, we moved in that direc- tion. We sought out people with experience with unions, and invited Ron Egnor, a labor lawyer, Vickie Niewberg who organized the clericals at Michigan State, University, AFSCME representa- tive Joe King, Nancy Pillsbury and another Team- ster member, United Auto Workers representative Hubert Emerick and a Communications Workers of America representative to speak at our lunch hour meetings. At an open meeting the committee took a demo- cratic vote and the majority of the members agreed to ask the UAW to help us in our organiz- ing drive. Most of us were torn between the UAW, AFSCME and an independent union. THE DISCUSSION about the independent union centered on women helping ourselves but the big- gest obstacle in that course was the tremendons amount of money necessary for the organization drive and our lack of skills in organizing. The Teamsters were ruled out for their blatant Male Chauvinism (the representative constantly called us girls) and their pride in the fadt that they are the major obstacle in the United Farm Workers organizing drive. The Communications Workers of America did not seem to be a very strong union and although they have a very high ratio of women members their executive officers are pre- dominantly male. We considered AFSCME a strong possibility be- cause they represent the service wrkers eni campus. After talking with those service work- ers, however, our opinion of that union changed. The service employees complained that AFSCME did not very often follow up on grievances and that although the dues were high the local had very little money since their charter requires that $45 a, month go to the International and. the AFL-CIO. We were also somewhat surprised to find that they have no defense fund and .no pro- visions for strike relief. We considered this a very weak bargining position. THE REASONS ,for choosing the UAW were: the UAW is known for bargaining far the wage and benefit packages that set the style for all other industries, they servie their :otracts and grievances efficiently, the oportunities for wo- men to advance to decision-making positions in the UAW hierarchy are greater than most unions, and their involvement in social/political causes which affect the rights of working-class people (such as their support of the United Farm.Work- ers struggle in the Southwest.) We also found that dues under the UAW would be less than AFSCME, and yet leave more money at the local level than AFSCME. UAW dues are 2 hours pay per month of which 30 per cent goes to the strike fund (which would be available to us), 30 per cent goes to the International and 3 per - cent goes to the Walter and May Reuther Educa- tional Fund (which we could also use). Thirty- seven per cent (using $2.75 per hour as average clerical pay) or $2.03 stays with the local union (those who earn less pay less). AFSCME dues on the other hand require a flat $4.50 per month, no matter how much or how little you make. The entire $4.50 goes to the International etc., and in order to give. your local $2.00 per month their dues would have to be $6.50 per month. AFTER WE MADE our decison to affiliate with the UAW the real work began. We set up mass meetings, circulated cards, held recruit- ment meetings and talked to as many clericals as we could. We learned how to produce leaflets and pamphlets. We continued learning about un- ions by talking to members of unions asking them the pros and cons of their union. We also walked the picket line with the Argus workers when they went out on strike to learn what strikes were all about. In the first week of July both AFSCME and UAWfiled petitions with MERC to hold an elec- tion to determine if the majority of U of M clericals wish to be represented by a union. At this point we still urge clericals 'o sign UAW authorization cards. The unionization drive is still on. On July 10 the UAW, MERC, AFSCME and the University met to certify those authorization cards which we have collected so far and deter- mined what our bargaining unit will be. They also agreed to hold an election on the following dates at the following locations: Sept. 16 - Study Center, Flint; Sept. 17 - Class Office, Dearborn; Sept. 18 - North Campus Commons; Sept. 19 - Hospital; Sept. 20 - Mich- igan Union; Sept. 23 - Michigan League. All U of M clericals (full and part-time) em- ployed at all campuses and study centers as of August 15, 1974, are eligible to vote. Those cleri- cals unable to vote at the polling places above will be allowed to vote by mail. THE BIGGEST problem we face at this point is convincing clericals that they are essential to the University and as such deserve 2ompesation for their services. Many U clericals are under the misimression that relations with the University would drastically change with unionization. - Don't be too surprised if clerlcals receive a sizeable raise in the next fiscal budget. But re- member: to catch up to 1973 inflation we need a 17 per cent increase; to, keep up with this year's inflation at least another 10 per cent increase. Even if the University gives us a sizeable raise this year, in these times of double- figure inflaton, we need protection and security for the years to come. To get ahead and stay ahead we need a union. Although the CCFA definitely believes that the UAW is a far superior union than AFSCME, we also believe that a union is better than no union at all. We ask clericals who are yet undecided to investigate for yourselves what each union has to offer. Find out what unions have done for other workers. If you do this, whe the elec tion is held the percentage of clericals who vote for "no union" wil be very- small indeed. MiLJ2 Burton, Dan Byrne, and Jan Cooper are -smembers of the Concerned Clericals for Action. "Many clericals are under the misimpression that relations with the University would drastically change with unionization. This is only true in that for once we would be seriously considered when the Uni- versity makes.its budget decisions."