Miichigan Daily
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 37-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, July 10, 1974 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Committee releases
2nd version of tapes
House, Nixon transcripts differ
_ - - ~-~ WASHINGTON UR-As the Senate
Watergate hearings were gearing
up last year, new tape transcripts
show, an adamant President Nixon
said t h.a t his a i d e s all should
"stonewall it, let them plead the
F i f t h Amendment, cover-up or
anything else ..."
The Nixon order was disclosed
for the first time yesterday as the
House Judiciary Committee issued
its version of eight of the presi-
dential conversations made public
in April by the White House.
THE HOUSE transcripts restored the
"expletive deleteds" and many of the
inadible portions of the conversations
left blank in the presidential version-
and included a lengthy discussion that
had not been covered at all.
One celebrated passage from the
March 21, 1973, presidential conversa-
tion was Nixon's discussion of possible
hush money payments to Watergate con-
spirator E. Howard Hunt.
In the White House tapes, Nixon's
apparent order was to "expletive deleted
get it." The committee version shows
that what the President said was: "Well,
for Christ's sake, get it . ."'
IN THE NEWLY included conversa-
tion, March 22, 1973, Nixon was dis-
cussing the forthcoming Ervin commit-
tee hearings with counsel John Dean
and former Atty. Gen. John Marshall.
They were talking about a "scenaris"
in which Nixon would offer the con-
mittee a report by Dean on Watergate
and would urge Sen. Sam Ervin to
conduct his investigation in closed ses-
Nixon said Ervin could be told, "this
is everything we know, Mr.-Senator .. .
This is everything we know; I know
nothing more . . if you need any
further information, my, our counsel,
will furnish it."
The President said he did not want
his staff hurt in the Watergate matter,
the way Sherman Adams, a top presi-
dential aide, was treated in an Eien-
Sower administration scandal.
"I THINK he made -a, made a mis-
take, but he shouldn't have been sack-
ed," the President said of Adams' firing.
"I don't give a shit what happens. I
want you all to stonewall it, let them
TANYA PADGETT, one of the city's eight female police officers waits in a
patrol car for her next assignment. Ann Arbor was one of the first cities in the
country to arm women with full arrest powers and assign them to patrol car
Policewomen combat crime
Cruising slowly through the down-
town rush hour traffic during the swel-
tering heat of late afternoon, Police Of-
ficer Ruth Gilbreath scans both sides of
the street for potential trouble while non-
chalantly explaining the perils and pit-
falls of patrol duty.
"Sure, there are times when I feel ap-
prehension," she admits with a shrug.
"But the reason I like this job is that
you never know what you're going to run
into-each day is a little different."
GILBREATH, who finds ambulance
calls one of her more enjoyable duties
"because you get to turn the siren on
and rush through traffic," has been a
police officer for the past two years.
After a rigorous stint in recruit school,
she joined the city's police force shortly
after women were first granted full ar-
rest powers and allowed to assume pa-
trol car duties.
According to Police Chief Walter Kras-
ny, female officers were incorporated in
the patrol force because "there was a
definite need for them.
"SOME PEOPLE said I was nuts," he
commented. "But we hired the women
because we needed them-not because of
anything to do with the women's lib bit
or because it was the going thing to do."
Ann Arbor's eight female officers,
most of whom are former metermaids,
were among the first policewomen in the
country to work on an equal basis with
their male colleagues.
However, three years ago, it was only
token equality. During their first eigh-
teen months on the force, policewomen
were rarely sent to answer "crime-in-
progress" calls and were mostly re-
stricted to public relations duties and
dealing with rape victims.
"WE THOUGHT we were being fair,"
says Major Howard Zeck, one of their
commanding officers. "But we were only
kidding ourselves - we never used to
send the women into combat situations."
The policewomen, who quickly grew
bored with their fairly tame assign-
ments, began griping about the discrimi-
natory treatment.
"They tried to protect us at first,"
says Officer Tommie Stewart. "But after
we got angry and began complaining--
things began to change."
ACCORDING TO Zeck, the city's po-
licewomen are now sent readily into sit-
uations that used to be handled exclu-
sively by male officers.
While relating some of the more dan-
gerous predicaments she's encountered,
Stewart recalls being strapped to the
ground by a "gang of dope pushers" at
the Blues and Jazz Festival last fall.
"That was about the toughest situation
I was ever in," she says with a half-
grimace. "But, there was also the time
I was sent into a bar fight down on Ann
St. - I really got the heck kicked out of
me there."
GILBREATH, who finds traffic stops
the most monotonous part of the job,
speaks with undisguised enthusiasm
when discussing the more "exciting" sec-
tors of the city.
"The west side is usually pretty dull,"
she comments. "I really prefer the down-
town beat or the low-cost housing