Poge Nine Tuesday, July 9,,.1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, July 9,1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine City workers (Continued from Page) demanded four times that much in wage and cost-of-living in- creases. Local President William Northrup said that the AFSCME demands were "strictly catch- up requests," reflecting loss of employe buying power because of inflation. Management, and in particu- lar the city administrator, has received large salary jumps over the past 15 years, but lower echelon employes "have not gotten whatthey deserved," he said. CITY Administrator Sylvester Murray labeled those allegations "totally untrue," and added the city could offer no more than the three per cent increase be- cause of current municipal- fi- nancial problems. He did, however, concede that "a little less than 60 cents per hour" would be a reasonable union demand. Murray noted that a strike among the AFSCME workers "would have a serious effect" on city operations, particularly in the area of refuse collection. Other services that would stop include street and sewer main- tainance, building inspection, and parks and recreation pro- grams. THE CITY would maintain both water and sewage treat- ment by using administrative and supervisory personnel only. Police and fire protection will be unaffected by 'the potential AFSC7ME walkout because those departmental employes belong to another union. Also unaffect- ed would be the Ann Arbor Transportation Authority whose emloyes constitute a separate AFSCME local. If the walkout occurs, the ad- ministration will put into opera- tion several contingency plans d-itned to blnt the impact of I- ;"ke on city residents. ror instance the city landfill -ill be oen for residents to dlmp their garbage free of charge. Murray said that refuse pile-up probably would not be- come a major problem for at least two weeks. He also indicated that the city might seek a court injunction demanding the return of certain "emergency personnel" includ- ing those workers at the water and sewage treatment plants. FOLLOWING the vote last night, Northrup refused to say how long the AFSCME local could remain on strike. The union has so strike fund but has received promises of assistance from other AFL-CIO unions in the county and AFSCME locals across the state. Nonetheless, Northrup seemed confident that a negotiated con- tract would be agreed to shortly. "In years past, the manage- ment insisted they didn't have enough money but came up with more at the last minute." 'U' hit by strike (Continued from Page 3) not make the same terms ac- ceptable to the skilled trades- men." The spokesman who asked that his name not be used con- tended that "even with the 11 noer cent increase recommended by the state fact finder, the take home pay of University tradesmen would still be far be- low that ofmost outside con- struction workers "In addition, most tradesmen employed in outside construc- tion receive benefits such as paid vacations, paid pension plans, sick benefits and dental and hospitalization coverage paid by the employer," he said. "Tradeworkers employed by contractors can afford to lose four months work annually and still report the same income at the year's end as tradesmen employed by the University who report for work every day," he concluded. delay strike The AFSCME local had sug- gested the wage- dispute be settled through binding arbitra- tion but Murray rejected, that option. THE C I T Y admiistrator claimed using binding arbitra- tion would "hamper free, good faith negotiations in the future." Despite the tight fiscal situa- tion which has necessitated cutting a number of municipal services, the city has had the money to offer the 15 cent per hour increase because it has not filled currently vacant po- sitions. Apparently, if that offer were increased either additional serv- ices would be reduced or per- sonnel would be laid off. "Even the three per cent of, fer is pushing it," Murray said. If a strike were to continue for any length of time Murray said the administration would consider contracting out certain city services to private com- panies, but he mentioned no specifics. High Court hears Pot proposal tape arguments not on ballot r (Continued from Page 1) privilege protects the records of a hypothetical bribery deal be- tween a President and a judi- cial nominee. "I would think that could not be released," St. Clair said, adding that a President could be impeached for such wrong- doing. "How are yos going so im- peach himif you don'ttknow about it," Marshall retorted. The President's attorney did not directly reply, and that end- ed the exchange. ALL OF THE eight, black- robed justices asked questions of St. Clair and Jaworski. The courtroom's only vacant seat was the high black arm- chair assigned to Justice Wil- liam Rehniquist. He removed himself from the case, presum- ably because he held a policy- making Justice Department job during Nixon's first term. In rebuttal to St. Clair's argu- ment, Jaworski's associate, Phi- lip Lacovara, asserted, "A prima facie showing can be made that these conversations were not in the lawful conduct of public business, but in fur- thearance of a criminal con- spiracy to defraud the United States and obstruct justice." The subpoenaed conversations took place during three days of April 1973 at a time when the Watergate cover-up was un- raveling. The yellow-fin grouper often sails under false colors in order to survive, says Warren Zeiller, curator at the Miami Seaquari- um. When frightened or in dan- ger, this fish will instantly change its usually black color to blend with its surroundings. Cuiiu'unini efromi Page 3) lIe emphasized that the '1USL proposal is directed at .:urhing "accidental" deaths and to- called "murders of passion' The tax repeal drive, which would drop the four per cent tax on food and two per cunt tax on drugs, was backed 1-y labor and consumer groups.'The Citizens to lit Unfair Taxes claimed approximately 295,000 signatures had been turned in. Validation of signatures will take about a month, a sno-es- person for the state elec'iouis division said. State fiscal experts varned that rolling back the sales tax on food and drugs will cost the state $180 million annually and will result in about a two per cent hike in the personal isznme tax, which is currently at 3.9 per cent. Double Feature, ANTHONY NEWMAN, DONALD BRYANT and THE FESTIVAL CHORUS present Bach and Schubert in this second of the "Summer Fare" July concerts. Mr. Newman, gifted young harpsichordist and organist, discovered Bach's music at age five, and now combines it with his distinctive flair and imagination for an exciting musical experience.. The Festival Chorus, formed in 1969 under Mr. Bryant, adds ten songs of Schubert to its growing repertoire. Impressive past performances of the chorus include appearances with the Melbourne, Detroit, Prague, Philadelphia, Mozarteum, and Leningrad symphony orchestras> FOR ORGAN; Bach's Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor and Prelude and Fugue in E minor ("The Wedge") FOR CHORUS: Te Schubert songs for men's ,women's, and mixed voices FOR HARPSICHORD: Bach's Preludes'and Fugues, Nos. 1-7, from "The Well-tempered Clavier," Book II Concert tomorrow night, July 10, in Kill Auditorium, at 8:30 All tickets $2.50, general admission, available at Burton Tower, or at the auditorium from 7 p.m. on Wed. MORE TO COME: This event, with remaining attractions (4 events), available at series prices: $12, $10, and $7.50. (Singly at 5, $4, and $2.50.) Grant Johannesen, pianist, July 15; The PhilidorTrio, July 23; and Michel Beroff, pianist, July 29. N kvEk vTY ~fUSICAL'08OIETY Burton Tower, Ann Arbor Weekdays 9-4:30, Sat. 9-12 Phone 665-3711