. , . , * , . -_ -..,, . . : x . _ .,., iTHE Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the -University of Michigan Tuesday, July 9, 1974 News Phone: 764 0552 On women's rights and other vagaries EDUCATION IS a stepladder-men climbing one side and women the other. Notice that both sexes over- crowd the lower rungs which attain the college gradu- ate level. But also notice that while the men continue upward evenly, step-by-step, the wgmen cannot, for few of them can master the missing rungs leading to the Ph.D summit. In short, sexual discrimination pervades the nation's graduate schools. The U's Grad School Committee on the Status of Women in Graduate Education and Later Careers con- firmed that "the higher the rung on the academic ladder, the fewer women are to be found." According to the study during the 1972-73 academic year at the U, women accounted for 44 percent of the bachelor - degrees, while 14 per cent garnered Ph.D's. Pretty bleak. For the University of Michigan reflects the national picture too. "Faculty members are not taking them (women) seriously," the report states. Female grad students are a risky proposition. What if they drop out to marry or raise children? University departments risk too much in offering women fellowships, the report suggests. YET POSTGRADUATE INSTITUTIONS risk even more by preventing society from tapping a potential half of the nation's intellect. Even for the women who are lucky to make it, the pitifully small number of female instructors and counsellors offer little encouragement. The committee stated that the University's female Ph.D's were underemployed at three times the rate of their male counterparts. Thus the vicious circle con- tinues-women have little incentive for enrolling in graduate school, because of systematic and implicit dis- crimination at the graduate level, much of which could no doubt be eliminated by a stronger female enrollment. The Committee's recommendations are commendable -that the School's staff evaluate departmental data re- garding progress of male and female graduate students; and that the School develop "imaginative and systematic approaches to the placement of doctoral students, with emphasis on placement of women, both married and un- married.. The report claims the Grad School is "taking steps" to remedy the imbalance; but will they follow through? The University's paper commitment to Affirma- tive Action and their subsequent failure to provide the promised 10 per cent minority student/staff enrollment leaves us less than optimistic. -BILL HEENAN The'no-Issue myth By JAMES WECHSLER years than during the- period of the 19k and AMONG THE Democratic Party's numerous early 1970s." armchair strategists and philosophers, o n e OBVIOUSLY there may be clashing interprets- highly vocal group is contending that the formula OlIOS m fthertm etc.h e for success this year and in 1976 is to find a tions of some of the arithmetic. The grievances comfortable refuge in the deadly center and mute of many suburbanites may be intensified by the serious debate on controversial issues. realization that escape from the cities did not mean liberation froth the plague of drugs - or According to this doctrine, most frequently inflation. The dissatisfaction of the young white expounded by Messrs. Wattenberg and Scammon, college alumnus has very different roots from most Americans are leading private lives of quiet those of the black kid trapped in the slums. (Sig- satisfaction and resent being told there is any- nificantly. the sense of alienation among blacks thing deeply wrong with things as they are. The has remained constant at 66 per cent during the Democrats, so the theory goes, may nullify all last two years, white it has risen from 47 to their prospective dividends from Watergate and 57 per cent among whites). other Administration debacles if they appear to But whatever questions remain unanswered be spokesmen of discontent and advocates of by the figures, the central message seems incon- any basic social change. testable. There is a deep unease and frustration Instead they should be telling Americans that in the country, and Democrats delude themselves the reason "they never had it so good" is be- cause of the social progress recorded under the ,., , Democratic administrations of the 1960s. The comparative tranquility prevailing on the cam- "There is a deep unease and puses in recent times is cited - among other eeI epue~ n things - as proof of the country's distaste for frustration in the country, and the suggestion that there is any underlying mal- aise in our society. Democrats delude themselves That serene portrait of the American condition has been sharply challenged anew in the latest if they believe they can stam- Lou Harris poll (published in this newspaper yes- terday). And while opinion surveys are properly pede the electorate by merely subject to dissect-on and dispute, they re least offering their party label and likely to be wholly fallible when they cumulative- ly present a public mood rather than focus on a a reminder of past Democratic single question. glories. HARRIS summarized his findings in these words: : _se s-c ccc. s,..s-c. sc. . "Disenchantment with the state of the country has now reached such massive proportions among if they believe they can- stampede the electorate the American people that a record 59 per cent now by merely offering their party label and a re- feels disaffected, up from 55 per cent in 1973 and minded of past Democratic glories. more than double the 29 per cent who felt that The transcendent mood reflected in the poll way back in 1966. So pervasive is the current is a spreading public conviction that inequity and down feeling that no less than a marity of special privilege dominate our public policies, and every single major segment of the population is that most politicians do not give a damn. turned off by politics, the fairness of our econ- omic system, and the role accorded the individ- The findings have immediate relevance, of uat in our society." course, to many approaching Congressional and These conclusions were based on responses in stateecontests. But they also have direct bearing 1413 homes to a series of statements offered by on plans for the Democratic Party's midterm the interviewers. Seventy-nine per cent agreed "convention" in December. Many of the party's that "the rich get richer and the poor get poor- statesmen have envisaged that session as one er" (as compared with 45 per cent commenting in which "unity" is achieved by a congenial con- on the same words eight years ago). Seventy. spiracy of silence on explosive issues. eight per cent feel "special interests get more from the government than the people do," while IF HARRIS' ANALYSIS bears any resemblance 75 per cent believe "the tax laws are written to , restive American reality - and I believe it help the rich, not the poor." does - such a vacuous pep-rally could be a poli- In 1966 only 26 per cent accepted the state- tical disaster. For too many people can no long- ment that "the people running the country don't er be beguiled by the simple cry of "throw the really care what happens to you"; now that view rascals out." They are looking for something is shared by 63 per cent. And 62 per cent agreed more positive and inspirational than a purge with the assertion that "most elective officials are (which could incidentally menace numerous in- in politics for all they can personally get out cumbent Democrats). They are, one might even of it for themselves." conjecture, looking for leaders who dare to chal- Harris found the symptoms of "disaffection" lenge untouchables and to think unthinkable rising most precipitiously among those who had thoughts. previously felt least alienated - the college-edu- cated suburban dwellers. And, despite the surface peace and quiet on the campuses, he reported that "massive disillusionment" among the young New York Post. Copyright, The New York Post has spread far more rapidly during the past two Corp., 1974. .Greasing the skids at Big Oil, Inc. By DICK WEST WASHINGTON (UPI) - In recent days one major oil com- pany has tried to take over Montgomery Ward and another has sought control of Ringling Bros., Barnum & Bailey Circus. Now critics are asking how these proposed deals square with the oil industry's claim that it needs higher petroleum prices to finance energy explor- ation. As Business Week magazine points out in an editorial, oil executives who defend price in- creases never mention "the need for huge sums of cash' to buy department stores." This type of criticism, I feel, is un- fair. I happen to be acquainted with a big oil man and he ad- vises me that Montgomery Ward and Ringling Bros. both are potential new sources of energy. "IT'S A gamble, of course," he said, "but we big oil men spare nothing in our dedicated. effort to make America s e 1 f- sufficient in energy output." - There was a moment of re- verent silence while we stood and faced in the direction of Texas. Then I asked the big oil man how getting control of Montgomery Ward tied in with energy exploration. "There are two possibilities," he replied. "One is recycling Montgomery Ward catalogs to augment fuel for home heating and cooking. "Properly treated, a single catalog will burn for a couple of hours in a fireplace or sup- ply enough heat to grill four shish kebabs on a hibachi. "The other possibility is dril- ling for oil under Montgomery Ward parking lots in suburban shopping centers." I said, "I can see why an oil company would like to get its hands on Ward stores. But where is the energy potential in a circus?" "Here again there are two important prospects," the b i g oil man told me. "I'm s u r e you read about the man in Eng- land who, -during last winter's energy crisis, adapted his car to run on barnyard manure. 'IV"ll, sir, I hardly need point out that the circus is loaded with animal acts. Why, t h e elephants alone * make an oil company's investment worth- while. "Beyond that, there are the acrobats. Did you ever consider the tremendous amount of ener- gy that is released when an ac- robat jumps off another acro- bat's shoulders and alights on one end of a teeterboard? "You laymen probably a r e only interested in whether the girl acrobat on the other end of the teeter can turn a double backwards somersault and safe- ly land atop a three-acrobat py- ramid. "BUT WE big oil men a r e interested in whether this en- ergy can be harnessed and used to supplant the- fuel we now have to import from the Mid- dle East" Once you understand what's behind oil price hikes, y o u don't mind so much paying 60 cents a gallon for gasoline.