Tuesday, Muy 9, 1974
Page Three
'U' tradeworkers' strike continues
A 12-day-old campus tradeworkers'
strike for higher wages continues after
an unproductive meeting yesterday be-
tween negotiators for the University and
the Washtenaw County Building and Con-
struction Trades Council.
The Trades Council workers are de-
manding a salary increase of 11 per
cent the first year of a three-year con-
tract followed by annual raises of &75
and 7 per cent.
Although the increases were recom-
mended last week by Alan Walt, a fact
finder appointed by the Michigan Em-
ployment Relations Commission, the
University terms the raises "excessive."
OTHER recommendations made by the
state fact finder were accepted yester-
day by the University including improve-
ments in shift premiums, three-year
duration of the agreement, longevity
benefits, the wage increase wilt be retro-
active as of April 1, a cost of living pro-
vision and no change in existing holiday
work premiums.
The fact finder is expected to call
another meeting between the bargaining
teams later this week.
The 290 University electrians, plumbers
and carpenters represented by the
Council have been striking since June 27,
although it is technically illegal under
state law for public employes to take
such action.
THE STRIKE has halted work on all
University construction projects includ-
ing the new Architecture and Design
Building on North Campus, an addition
to the Institute for Social Research, al-
terations on the grad library and con-
struction of two new recreation build-
University negotiators James Thiry
and Douglas Geister said in a prepared
statement that "these proposed in-
creases are far in excess of other settle-
ments this year for skilled maintenance
They computed that. the salary in-
creases. alone with other sections of the
economic recommendations, will actually
mean a 12.4 per cent increase in com-
pensation the first year, followed by 10.9
and 9 per cent raises the next two years.
"THE FACT finders erroneously com-
pared rates paid by the University wilt
rates paid in the construction trade by
private contractors," the statement said.
"Thie University is not able to in-
crease skilled maintenance trade rates
by the percentages recommended with-
out doing serious injustice to other staff
members," it continued.
However, a Trades Council spokesmao
countered that "because the University
has succeeded in negotiating poor con-
tracts with other groups this year does
See 'U'. Page 9
Trudeau's Liberal
Party wins in
Canadian election
Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
UNIVERSITY ELECTRICIANS Urby Ault (right) and Max McCorty picket in
front of the power plant yesterday. The tradesmen have been on strike since
June 27 because of a wage hike dispute with the University.
Pot question not to
be placed on ballot
TORONTO ')- Prime Minister Pierre
Trudeau's Liberal party won a resound-
ing victory last night in an election re-
buke to Conservative Robert Stanfield's
proposed wage and price freeze to curb
And the Liberals appeared to be win-
ning enough seats to form a majority
The party swept eastern Canada, pick-
ing up more than two-dozen seats in
Ontario, Quebec and the Atlantic mart-
time provinces.
With early returns from Canada's
westernmost province of British Colum-
bia, the Liberals seemed headed to-
wards topping the magic number of 133
needed to form a majority government.
There are 264 seats in the House of
Liberals were elected in 131 districts
and leading in six. They held only 109
seats going into the election.
In a major upset, New Democrat lead-
er David Lewis, whose Socialist-oriented
party held the balance of power in the
last minority government, was defeated
by Liberal candidate Ursula Appolloni.
LEWIS, 65, had held the seat in a
largely Italian working class district of
Toronto since 1965. His defeat puts the
leadership of his party in doubt.
Appolloni, whose husband lost to Lewis
in the 1972 election, is a former free-
lance radio broadcaster and chairman of
the Board of Referees of Canada's Un-
employment Insurance Commission.
With decisions or trends available in
most districts, Liberals were elected in
124 districts and leading in 7; Conserva-
tives elected in 48 and leading in 14;
New Democrats elected in 10 and lead-
ing in 2 and Social Credit party candi-
dates elected in 11 and leading in 1. No
trends were indicated for 46 districts.
Social Credit leader Real Caouette was
TRUDEAU and Stanfield won re-elec-
tion in their home districts in Montreal
and Halifax.
A Liberal majority would be a per-
sonal triumph for Trudeau, who nearly
lost the 1972 election. He came to power
in 1968 on a wave of voter appeal dubbed
"Trudeaumania" and formed Canada's
first majority government in a decade.
But four years later the Liberals edged
Stanfield's Conservatives by only two
seats and Trudeau formed a minority
that was able to survive only with the
support of the New Democrats.
ported heavy in southern Ontario and
around Vancouver, two areas expected
to swing the election.
Elsewhere voting was reported near
normal with a light turnout on the prair- -
ies. Canada has 13.3 million eligible
Trudeau voted near his Ottawa home,
then flieu to Montreti where he iet
party workers in the posh Mount oyal
Stanfield was among the first to vote
at a church hall in his liifa district.
He then visited other polls it the dis-
trict, took a walk downtown with friends
and returned to his hotel for a nap. Ca-
nadian voters had a clear-cut choice:
Stanfieid has proposed a 90-day freeze of
wages and prices followed by 18 months
of flexible controls to curb the coun-
try's nearly It per cent inflation. Tru-
deau and two minor party leaders op-
pose an' freeze.
'U' announces
for top posts
University President Robben Fleming
has announced the appointment of Rich-
ard Kennedy as the new vice president
for state planning. He replaces Fedele
Fauri who plans to retire September 1.
Several other appointments have alsa
been announced, including the new dean
of the graduate school, new chairwoman
of the women's commission, and deans
for the recently revised art school.
of a major reorganization of the Univer-
sity's top level administrative offices
which will be formally approved by the
Regents at their July meeting.
Kennedy is currently secretary of the
University and assistant to the president.
He will continue to serve as secretary
but will not continue as Fleming's as-
The reorganization calls for the plan-
ning function of the Office of State Re-
lations and Planning to be returned I*
the Office of the Vice President for
Academic Affairs.
Kennedy, will retain the capital planning
and legislative liaison functions.
In other areas, Eunice Burns has been
named chairwoman of the University's
Commission for Women. She succeeds
Virginia Nordin. Burns was formerly the
assistant to the dean for administration
at the School of Education.
Dr. Alfred Sussman has been appointed
the dean of Rackham School of Graduate
Studies. The appointment, effective July
1, is still subject to formal approvat
by the Regents. He succeeds Donald
Sussman has been associate dean of
Rackham since 1972. Prior to that time
he served as chairman of the botany
See TOP, Page 8
Petitions aiming to reform marijuana
laws and ban private handguns by
amending the state .constitution have
failed to obtain sufficient signatures to
put the questions on the November
A proposal aimed at repealing the
state's sales tax on food and drugs, will
however, appear on the ballot.
THE DEADLINE for filing the 265,001
valid petitions signatures required to put
the proposals on the statewide ballot
was yesterday.
Hoping to prohibit criminal penalties
for growing, using, or possessing dope
for those over 18 the marijuana petition
received 150,000 signatures.
The drive to reform marijuana laws
was sponsored by the Michigan Mari-
juana Initiative with state representa-
tive Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) draft-
ing the petition in Lansing.
According to Bullard, about 150,000
signatures were collected during the
petition drive. It was the second attempt
to put the dope question on the ballot
and Bullard said it wouldn't be the last.
"There will be an effort to organize
the people for a long term struggle," he
THE PETITION drive to ban private
ownership of handguns obtained about
200,000 signatures.
. Dwite Walker, chairman of Citizens
United to Save Lives (CUSL) wh, spon-
sored the campaign said "we do not
plan to give up," promising the cam-
paign for handgun control would "abso-
lutely be continued."
Walker contended the major reason
for the failure to obtain the required
number of names was "a late start"
with his group working only 96 of the
180 days allotted for a petition drive.
TIlE HANDGUN control petition al-
lowed police, military, and security
guards licensed by the state to carry'
Further exempted from the ban would
be sports enthusiasts and gun collectors
provided that the guns were stored in.
a local law enforcement facility.
Walker said that according to FBI
reports there were 19,000 homicides last
year with handguns used in 55 per cent
of these and 27 per cent being crimin-
ally caused.
See POT, Page 9