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June 26, 1974 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1974-06-26

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Wednesday, June 26, 1974

;time horn

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young musicians, played guitar and sang
to an overflow audience at each of his con-
certs; and the Saddleback Dancers did
some indigenous hoofing and some pretty
neat .Ed-Sullivan-type juggling, too.
And performers from the States were a
credit to their sex, or whatever. Malvina
Reynold kept the women songwriters' work-
shop howling in sympathetic appreciation;
Glenn Ohrlin, working cowboy and rodeo
rider, sang ballads and laments to charm
the most sophisticated listener; Almeda
Riddle sang old hill ballads that she learn-
ed at her grandmother's knee; Bessie Jones
and Family did traditional shouts and spiri-
tuals, and led the audience in several "play
parties;" Kyle Creed and friends made out-
standing bluegrass music; David Amram
played ragtime French horn that tickled
everybody's fancy; Pete Seeger once again
worked his musical magic and made an
amateur crowd harmonize like the Mormon
Tabernacle Choir; and Steve Goodman did
his stumbling-drunk charade -and played
and sang his way into everyone's heart.
THE PEOPLE who came to Mariposa were
comrades by virtue of their common love of.
music, eager to help one another, and un-
daunted by rain, hunger, and fatigue. Each
night when the program was finished, a
seemingly endless line collected at the ferry
dock, and all those people, cold, sunburned
and famished, sang songs together across
the harbor and into the Toronto twilight.
The festival must have been an experi-
ment in clean living; we got out of Toronto
and back to Ann Arbor with only one hitch:
we had to pay $1.43 tax on all those cheap

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