Friday, May 10, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eleven Liberal reeks nomination - , (Continued from Page 10) regard it as an enemy." MEANWHILE, Larrowe h a s bad words for his Democratic primary opponent M. Robert Carr, whom, he contends, fits perfectly the image of the tra- ditional smooth-talking but is- sue evading professional politi- cian that Larrowe so vehament- ly criticizes. Carr is a 30-year-old lawyer with a practice in East Lan- sing, who has served in poli- tics previously as a Congres- sional aide to Sen. Gaylord Nel- son of Wisconsin. Larrowe contends Carr evades issues and says he "comes across to me as the typical pro- fessional politician that infests Washington." Larrowe continues, "Carr looks exactly like Mark Spitz," and advises, "I basically dis- trust mod-looking, young types." BUT CARR maintains t h a t he has made his positions on the issues clear in the m o r e than 204 speeches he has made since announcing his candidacy. And Carr counters, "It is in- teresting that Larrowe fails to mention any specifics," in what he terms "a very hollow charge." THE SIXTH District encom- passes most of Jackson, Ing- ham and Livingston Counties, and part of Washtenaw Coun- ty (but not Ann Arbor), and could be described as consider- ably to the right of the liberal politics of Larrowe. The two major liberal centers in the district, Lansing and Jackson, are more than balanc- ed out by the extensive con- servative countryside elsewhere. And to complicate matters for Larrowe even further, a liberal Republican in the district, Wil- liam Ballenger, stands a good chance of winning in his party's primary. If this occurs it is ex- pected by many observers to deny Larrowe some support among moderate Democrats while not limiting Republican chances. ANOTHER factor that compli- cates the race for Larrowe is that disturbingly large propor- tions of Sixth District voters seem to ;oubt the seriousness of his intentions. Possibly responsible for these suspicions is the fact that Lar- rowe, besides his political ac- tivities, has been a campus per- sonality of sorts around MSU over the years, and has been in- volved in several publicity at- tracting events as an aside to his teaching career. One exam- ple of such an event would be a widely publicized paddle-ball match he had with the univer- sity's executive vice president, Jack Breslin, in 1972, which was played up in the media in a fa- shion similar to the Muhammed Ali - Joe Frazier boxing match- es. 0"0 For a free booklet on mixology write:GIROUX, P.O.Box 2186 Astoria StationNew York, N.Y.11102. Giroux is a product of A-W BRANDS, INC. a subsidiary of IROQUOIS BRANDS LTD. , TAPE *0 DEi RECORDER SPECIALISTS AUTHORIZED WARRANTY "THE FULLY-EQUIPPED & REPAIR STATION AUDIO LABORATORY" * ADVENT @ AKAI 0 PANASONIC * SONY * ALTEC " AMPEX " PE. SUPERSCOPE " AP E AUDIOVOX S"PERPETUUM- :SOUNDESION * AUTOMATIC- EBNER 0 SYLVANIA RADIO 0 PHILIPS PILOT 0 TANDBERG * BELL & HOWELL " PIONEER 0 QRK " TEAC " B & O " BOGEN 0 RABCO " SHURE 0 TECHNICS " BOZAK " BROTHER * BSR CLARION " CONCORD ~~ " CONNOISSEUR " CRAIG 0 CROWN " DOKORDER " DUAL S DYNACO -a 4 * ELAC " ELECTROPHONIC * ELECTROVOICE Q4 " EMPIRE " FERROGRAPH * FISHER , - - .- " GARRARD".s..eri *ENBURN * " GRUNDIG 0Y * HARMON- !' , 0 ite t KARDON . " HITACHI'' es aO " IMPRO oew 16A " JANSZEN *"JBL e : e * ** * JULIETTE *"JVC " KENWOOD " KC t LENCO MC Adams Digital Audio Analyzer Sys- * MAGNACORD tem Model 2000A and Phase Luck Wow " MARANTZ and Flutter Analyzer Model 1000. " MASTERWORK " MAYFAIR - 0 REALISTIC 6 THORENS " McINTOSH * REALTONE * TOSHIBA " MGA 0 MIDLAND 0 REVERE * REVOX 0 TRANSCRIPTER * MIKIDA 0 MORSE 0 SAE 0 SANSUI * VHER " MUNTZ 0 SANYO 0 VIKING V-M * NAKAMICHI 0 SCAN-DYNA 0 WALLENSAK " NIKKO * SCHAUB-CORENZ 0 WEBCOR " NORELCO * SCOTT 0 SHARP * WINLABS " ONKYO 0"SHERWOOD YAMAHA 0 CONSUMER AND PROFESSIONAL MODELS * WE DO CUSTOM MODIFICATIONS Complete Audio Repair 0 AMPLIFIERS 0 RECEIVERS 0 TAPE RECORDERS O TURNTABLES "ALL MAKES & MODELS 663-4152 AUDIO SERVICE BUILDING 216 E. WASHINGTON ST. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN + Use Daily Classifieds +' 0 Refresher course. From one beer lover to another. THE STROH BREWERY COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN 46226 A It