PaeTei THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, June 25, 1974 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, June 25, 1 9'1~ Panel to rule on 'U' sex bias High Court defers action 'Cons'm'it"d from ' Pee- in the preventive maintenance office since 1966, reports that he worked at the same schedul- ing job at a "C-5" classifica- tion, two steps higher than Con- nel. FORSYTH SAID last week that he classified the scheduler job as "C'-3" partly because he was told by supervisors that the position as to be subordinate to that of the other person in the office - Irauninger. Meanwhile, Brauninger told Connel shortly after she assum- ed the job that he felt she was underclassified and that she should demand a re-audit of her job. Connel requested the audit in March, 1973. Compensation ana- lyst Gloria fHovan determined that she was working at the "C- 5" level. HOVAN NOTIFIED Wedge of her finding and he agreed to provide Connel with back pay for the period during which 14o- van found her to be underclas- sified. Nevertheless, Wedge later notified Connel, who had been demoted to "C-3" work, that for the time she was under- classified, she had been doing work more complex than that she had been hired to do. He directed her not to perform duties that would be classified above "C'-3" without written permission. Connel testified at the hear- ing that Wedge told her at this point that he hadn't informed her that her predecessor was classified higher because he "thought it would make her mad." SHE ALSO reported that he refused to upgrade her classifi- cation to "C-5" because such an upgrading might encourage other clericals, like his person- LOW-COST FLIGHTS with SCHEDULED AIRLINES to EUROPE STILL AVAILABLE FROM College Travel Services-(416) 962-8464 771 YONGE ST., SUITE 204, TORONTO M4W 2G4 LATEST AVAILABILITY: NEW YORK to SPAIN .. . $269 .(fixed return) NEW YORK to LONDON . ..$319 (fixed return 'NEW YORK to LONDON or PARIS .. $389 (3 to 6 wks "N.Y. to AMSTERDAM or BRUSSELS $389 (3 to 6 wks. 'from COLUMBUS .odd $90 'from CLEVELAND and DETROIT add $60 YOUTH FARES THROUGH CANDADA under 24 Years of age) from MONTREAL to LONDON or PARIS $299 iBo-si from MONTREAL to AMSTERDAM or BRUSSELS .. $299 (Basic) from MONTREAL to SPAIN . $319 (Basic) from TORONTO to above destinotions . add $20 to basic from DETROIT WINDSOR to above dest. add $50 to basic ADULT FARES THROUGH CANADA from MONTREAL to LONDON or PARIS... $299 j ~ (3 to 6 wks. from MONTREAL to AMSTERDAM or BRUSSELSt 6 $299 (3 to 6 wks.) from MONTREAL to SPAIN .., $319 (3 to 6 wks.) from TORONTO to above destinations ... add $20 from DETROIT WINDSOR to above dest. add $50 Boking aforis ir- stilt avrilable froin your Studeu t Activities Ottice or Studrot Union Ott nor by coatnting ColegeT ravel services directly. al secretary, to demand higher classification. Wedge contended at the hearing that he did not recall making any of these statements. Connel then complained to Wedge's superior, Donald Wen- del. Wendel agreed to upgrade her classification to the "CA" level. Connel, however, de- manded placement at the "C-5S level. Meanwhile, B r a u n i n g er requested a job audit seeking a still higher "analyst" classifica- tion because he said he had been working at a higher level than "C-5." HE SAID when Connel per- formed "C-S' duties, he had been freed from some tasks such as revising the scheduling system. BUT WHEN Connel's duties were restricted, Brauninger was forced to abandon his more complex duties, and he contend- ed that this downgrading of his job constituted a retaliation against his support for Connel's grievances. After complaining to Wendel, Cannel and Brsuinger carried their complaints to the three- member panel. THE JEWISH GRAD GROUP "SUMMER BREATHER" * Refreshments Volleyball * Surprises Meet & Greet - Every Wednesday 8 :00 p.m. 1429 Hill Street (Continued from P g1) THE COURT also ruled yes- terdav that an illustrated ver- sion of a government report on pornography was obscene, but the movie "Carnal Knowledge" was not. It was the court's first major obscenity decision since one al- most exactly a year ago in which it laid down new and stricter standards for judging what is obscene. The same four justices 'vho dissented from the June 21, 73, rifling, dissented from the de- cision regarding the iltsrrated version of the report of the President's Commission on Ob- scenity and Pornography. THE COURT was unani ius in freeing "Carnal KnowleJge" on obscenity charges. In other cases the court ruled that states may deny ex-con- victs the vote and that i eport- ers do not have a constitu'ignal right to interview inmates of state or federal prisons. Dissenting from the decision on the obscenity report, wiich arose out of proposed commer- cial distribution by a publishing group in California, were Jus- tices William O. Douglas, Wil- liam Brennan, Potter Stewart and Thurgood Marshall. THE FOUR agreed with the outcome of the "Carnal Know- ledge" case, but they based their conclusion on different Referring to the standards laid down last year, Brennan wrote that "the court's new formulation does not extricate us from the mire of case-by- case determinations of obscen- ity." Be reiaterated his earlier view that the First Amendment to the constitution, "at least in the absence of distribution to juven- iles or obstrusive exposure to PHOTO Sexyt pmg .4hSi Sports beints! Get out that pctre and send it infor fPHoto stationery It makes letters su ow n u os rstmeivc. Add or postage Handng . ., W ld i ipagepcureo o oa n pag Douglas unconsenting adults . . pro- hibits the state and federal gov- ernments from attempting whol- ly to suppress sexually oriented materials on the basis of their allegedly 'obscene' contents." DOUGLAS went further, con- tending as he always has that 'any ban on obscenity is pro- hibited by the First Amend- ient " In its decision last June the court ruled that community standa-rds rather than national standards ould be used to test obscenity. In yesterday's majority opin- ion, Justice William Rehnquist left open the question of what geographical range is to be cov- ered by the term "community standards." "The Constitution does na o t require that juries be instructed in state obscenity cases to ap- ply the standards of a hypothe- tical state-wide community," Rehnquist wrote. Order Your Subscription Today 764-0558 Bernard could sleep later and save gasi Whether you've been studying or partying te night before, yrou could forgct the rush hour hassIe l enjoy a few extra winks tact morning at our place. If you're involved in campus activities, you can walk to meetings instead of driving. Save your gas money for . Eiat special date with your special friend. There are other good features here you'll like. So .make the right move. Come to where the living is easy. M Gdiiix" sitMyO 6i(3- n, 1 ~3~~-E What's NEW on SOUTH U? GET ALL. THE NEWS AS iT HAPPENIS DAILY N.Y. Times Chicou Triltune Detroit ewspaoees Woshington Post W04 Street dournol MONTHLY Cosmopoitan Notionaoltompoon Psy chsowy Today Playgil Ployloy & Hundreds mosre N WEKLY PLUS people All the e s t sellers in Time Macwz ne a eiback and oroun Newsweek Books and Moaoines an New Yoe+r every conceivable s6,ect. Sorts lllust ried Mhabetica by author. 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