Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, June 22, 1974 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, June 22, 1974 Frye named acting dean Profs discuss accords (Oonttinued from Page 1) Report and a massive evalNa- tine program designed to de- termine the college's priorities. Rhodes will replace Allan Smith as vice president. Smith will return to teaching at the University's law school. TIE CONTROVERSIAL film ban, approved by the Regents two months ago and die to go into effect on July 1, would pre- vent film groups from using University facilities including auditoriums. Film societies freed from the restriction were Cinema Guild, Ann Arbor Film Co-op, Cisemi It, New World Film Co-op, and th,-friends of Newsreel. The Regents had origin illy approved the restrictions on ;he use of University facilities by film societies pending a report f r o in the administration on ylans for making all student groups im o r e financially ac- countable to the University. That document will be pre- sented to the board at next month's meeting. HOWEVER, the ban remains in effect for any new film grotups that might hetgi opera- tions in the near futorl. toth student and faculty leaders had, at Thursday's session, requested the Regents to comptetets' lift the restrictions They pinted ot that if the present hMm orgaenia were no~t allmed to hok m cils for the fall immediately, certain cinema courses, which depend heavily on these groups, would suiffer drastically. The Regents yesterday also approved a Housing Office pro- posal that persons living in mar- ried student housing maintained by the University be surcharged for every year following the third that they reside in the units. UNDER THE plan, which will go into effect on Jan. 1, resi- dents will pay a 10 per cent premium per year after their third year in the housing. This is to encourage a' more rapid turnover in the 1,700 units, Housing Director John Feld- kamp told the hoard. Feldkamp pointed out that some tenants have lived in the relatively low-cost housing for up to eight years which defeats the purpose of the program, he said. "The housing was originally designed to provide new mar- ried students with a place to live during which time they could look for accommodations in the private sector," he said. Approved in conjunction with the premium sas an across-the- toard five per cent rent in- crease for m a r r i e d student honsing which will be effective Sept. 1. Also at yesterday's meeting, the biard withheld approval of a proposal that would eliminate the Medical Center as an ad- ministrative unit housing the medical school, the School of Nursing, and University Hos- pital. Under the plan the two aca- demic divisions would become administratively independent and the hospital would be oper- ated through a board of direc- tors chaired by the medical school dean. - T H E REGENTS expressed apprehension about "relative details" concerning the adminis- tration of the hospital and re- quested that present recom- mendations "be clarified." Ac- tion is expected at the July meeting. In other decisions the Re- gents:- --accepted bids for construc- tion of two recreational build- ings to be located on North and Central Campus. The total cost of the project will top $7 mit- lion; -approved the f is c a 1 1975 budget for University Hospital. The operating expenses will be $66 million-an increase of $8 million over this year. As a re- sult an increase in the cost of inpatient care will be necessary, the Regents were told; and -adopted an interim Univer- sity budget for -the upcomin fiscal year because of delays in the state legislature's con- sideration of the officiat finan- cial request. RENTALS STEREOS TVs AIR CONDITIONERS quaranteed repair service done right in our shop Hi Fi Studio 215 S. ASHLEY 668-7942 769-0342 (Continued from Page 3s is all that radical. America will certainly continue to sup- port Israel." PROF. SUMIt HANNA of the University of Utah said the U.S. image in Israel has "cooled considerably" and Israel has become suspicious of American policies and motives. Hrowever, Rammuny contend- ed that "the accords have cer- tainly improved the image of American in the Arabic nations. The U. S. has definitely made some changes in attitude toward the conflict." Rammuny also said he be- lieves that the policy change wasn't solely the result of Kis- singer's clever diplomacy. "It's a U. S. policy, not a personal one. Kissinger just happened to be in the right place at the right time. The shift in policy has been coming for quite a while. HANNA DISAGREED, saying that "Kissinger looked at the whole issue differently than any previous American official. I give great personal credit for the accords." A rgUs factory (Coneiuted from Pae 3) branch, would not comment on yesterday's plant shutdown. The 24-hour picket line that has been maintained since the strike began will continue in- definitely, strike organizers said. . T H E D I S P U T E cen- ters around the legitimacy of an April 1973 election in which workers voted to accept UAW representation. Day claimed Tuesday that "misstatements were made during the pre-elec- tion campaign" which render- ed the balloting invalid. Members of the Human Rights Rammuny stated that other factors such as "the oil em- bargo and the criticism ofU.S. policy by most of the nations of the world, particularly Eur- ope" have caused the U. S. to shift around in the Middle East. University Near Eastern Studies graduate student Nora Kalliel contended that Nixon's Watergate troubles were a ma- jor cause of American's great- er urgency in getting a settle- Trent. "The domestic pressure lis really been on Nixon" to come up with an agreement, she explained, KALLIEL ALSO - warned that Palestinians have been ex- cluded from the accord talks so far. "Not only the West, but also the Arab governments now have a lot at stake and neither can afford to let the Geneva talks fall apart, and I fear they may cooperate. at the expense of the Palestinians." "Governments may come and go," Kalliel said, "but the Pal- estinian problem still remains. There's still a lot of conflict left in the Middle East." r shuts down Party fIIEP) have been join- ing sworkers on the picket line in friot of the plant since Tues- day. (in Wednesday IWiP coor- dinator dJn Showalter a k en inito cuttdy fur allegedly scratching a car with a key as it drove through the line. Ile was charged with a nisdemean- or and released on $25 bail pending trial. Accident reports have been filed by picketers on several occasions who were allegedly struck by cars driving through the picket line. One driver has been charged with leaving the scene of an accident. Featurinq the Oozuzzazzazzuzoo Pits Orchestra and the Pizzazettes SREVUE,~ Presented by the Summer Repertory Theatre - Jure 26-29 * east quad and. * 8P.M. * $1.25 ercancitizens contribute $19.6 billion to charity annually It's a fact. But not likely to be a headline. Violence andscandal arethestaplesof news;individual charity , and kindness go unremarked. This is not to make any Pollyannish assumption that violence does not exist in harrowing abundance. In perspective we must see that violence is in all of us. So is God. The time is now to try His way, in concert, on a scale never be- fore attempted. Get together with your family, friends, neighbors, or co-workers to discuss the problems of violence and how you can work together to help solve them. For a helpful discussion guide and further information write: ReligionIn American Life, 475 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. Plan an active role in your community and help show the way. R IA RK ON IN AMERICAN0f The cOmmulIIInity of God. Make ityour way. Subscribe to The Daily PHONE ~64-0558 SCIENCE FICTION WEEKEND FRED WILCOX'S 1956 FORBIDDEN PLANET A structurol masterpiece with parallels to "The Tempest." Excellent design, effects, and musical score-the monster is a very successful model on the "too much knowledge" theme. As Colin Wilson says: Anyone who wishes to understand phenomenologv without effort should no see this film. "Prepare yourself for a new scale of physical scientific au " --Walter P d-eon. Anne Francis Next Weekend: THE THIN MAN and AFTER THE THIN MAN