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June 22, 1974 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1974-06-22

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Snat rdln June 22. 1974


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uH MICy ,GA ILY,Pge Nie

TOKYO 6 -) Kujira-ya, o
the Whale Shop, is a-well-knos
Tokyo restaurant that serve
nothing but whale meat - dee
fried, barbequed, stewed o
Waitresses in white uniforms
scurry about with platteas
whale steak or uncooked what
"Sashimi." Patrons consume thI
fare, apparently little concern,
that the hunting and eating o
whales has made Japan the tar
get of an international conserv
tionist movement.
THE Conservationists clair
that despite quotas set by th
International Whaling Commis
sion, the whale populatiosi
decreasing rapidly and certai
species already are nearm ex
Japan and the Soviet Uni
are responsible for 85 'er ceu
of the world whale catch ea
year. Norway, Australia, Braz
and South Africa account for th
remaining 15 per cent.
But Japan is consideced t
major culprit by conseccation
ists, not only because it caugh
13,346 whales last year. T hi
Japanese government has le
the opposition against an Amer
ican-proposed, 10-year bn o
ers whales "ecologically impor
ant creatures" and has taket
strong stand against whaling a
iternational commission mee
ings in recent years.
At the next meeting, sched
uled to open Monday in London
the American side will agai
propose a 10-year moratrini
on whaling and is more relut
Cant than ever to see it vetoe
once more by Japan.
Washington has informed th
overnment here that Japanes
fish products would he boyco
ted under the Pellev Amen
ment to the U.S. .ishermeri
Protective Act unless whalin
ended. The United Stites no
imports about $200 millian 'vort
of salmon, tuna, srimp an
other seafood from Japa a eac
uroips and congressmen woul
like to go even farther, callir
for an expanded embargot
include all Japanese-made gooa
- from electronic calulators
compact automobiles - if Jap
persists in catching whales.
The fear in Japan nov is rin
it may be forced to give upti
lucrative whaling industry an
also could lose the rigt to fs
in foreign coastal 'aters as
result of the current Law ofit
Sea Conference in Caraca
Venezuela. This could spell di
aster for Japan's manmo
fishery companies.
Although not optimisic abo
the outcome of the interaton

Japan argue
r talks, Japanese officits and in- "AND AMERICANS expect us
n dustry sources insist there ro to automatically feel the same
s longer is any worry of 1st ingt he way. 'he thinking is that 'since
p remaining whales. we Americans don't eat whale
sr met, you Japanese shouldn't
SINCE QUOTAS wee estab- either.' "
s lished by the Internutional Japan considers whale meat a
f Whaling Commission fit certain vital protein source for its pro-
e species, and a cimlete b a n tem-poor people. According to
e was put on others, the wo h .1 e Japanese statistics, whales ac-
e population has rebounlid, says count for between six and nine
f Ken Atsuru, -director of th e per cent of annual meat con-
. Whaling Department at Nion -mption. It now sells for about
Suisan, a leading Japanese fish- the equivalent of $1.10 a pound,
cry company. one-sixth the- cost of average
"Research by the Icommissuin beef and one third that of pork.
, itself bears this out, ' he adds. it is a common school 1 u n c h
e The scientific commitee of staple in Japan.
- the International Cunmsissi, By-products of the whale go
i headed by Dr. 0. G. Chapman into such diverse fields as fine
n of the University of Wisnington lubricants, medicines, paint and
-- in Seattle, concluded ii its re- cosmetics.
port last year that there "-s no
n biological requirement fo- the MUCH WHALE meat is
it imposition of a blanket mora- ground ip with fish, rabbit,
' torium on all commercial whal- mutton and expensive grades of
it ing" and "no biological stLfi- pork and processed into what
e - cation" for one. is marketed domestically as
e BUT ANTI-WHALING groups No matter what form whale
- have their own experts and their Ne atte, hapanesmwhon-
it findings resort the opposite. meat takes, the Japanese con-
e To otte poie some an enormous amount of
s To emphasize their positin, it -- 122,000 tons in 1973. As its
some conservationist croups own catches aren't sufficient to
- have come to Jsoan wits tape meet demand, more is import-
o reordings of whole sounds. Oth- ed from the Soviet Union, in-
ers brognht voing children to dustry sources said.
cam naign -,Intens of thoisands ...........-
- of nrotost letters to ,,resent to
t- Prime Minister Kaknei 'nak..
a One visitor. Dr. Paul Spong,
it the 1ader of a Canadian anti- SHE'LL COAX
t- whelin armn, told a Tokyo
news conference that whales THE BLUES RIGHT OUI
- "have hd very friendly and
, gentle attitds toward human OF YOUR HEART .,.
n hains for tho'sands of years. .
m Thev've nroven themseives in the grandest
c- Qod friends and it's very slys h
,d t ilo red. musical of them all.
dto kill rnur friends."
e SOME AMERICANS maintain Open 12:45 Daily!
e that for the Japanese to give un Shows at 1, 3, 5,
t- eting whle wolId be no great 7, and 9 P.M.
d- sicrifite. hot it would s a v e
's the wnrld's lrest mammal
g from the threat of extinction.
w The Japanese reaction to this
h has been sharp. Some have cal-
d led Americans insensitive to
Jananese customs, others have
called them "arrogant and emo-
Fe tional."
d "To Americans whales are
g cute animals, complained
to Otstru, the fishery company ex w'THE
ds ecutive, ina recent interview. TWO "TH
toZany CHA
,n Comedies
at $; 6 The
ts locompar-
nd al
sh shi
he MEL
s Author
tb Gsof
at A~E IIK Saddles

AP Photo
Not snoopy-Henry
Henry Yates, motorcycling ace, displays his debonair road
outfit yesterday. Henry posed for this picture while he and
his masters Jay Ann and Tom Yates were stopped in Olympia,
Washington en route from McMinnville, Oregon to Vancouver,

s Mel Brooks
"Tilt I)L0I)J0tEI
Featurinq DICK SHAWN
Doin "Springtime for Hitler"
ues.: "The 12 Chairs" at 7:30 ONLY'
Producers" at 9 P.M. ONLY'
.: "The 12 Chairs" at 1:20, 4:25, & 7:30
sducers" at 2:50, 5:55, & 9 P.M.


Need something to
sit around on?
of a Limited Amount of
Pre-Rented Furniture
3426 Washtenow 971-9220

Fri., Mon., and T
Sat., Sun., and Wed
"The Pros

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