ichigan. Daily Vol. LXXXIV, No. 32-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, June 21, 1974 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Israeli planes raid guerrilla targets near Lebanese cities Hail to the chief Well-wishers greet President Nixon upon his arrival at the White House after a t0-day Middle East tour. The spent yesterday on preparations for his Moscow summit me eting after assuring Congressional leaders he mad ret deals in the Middle East. Senator Hugh Scott (R-Pa.) told reporters Nixon said the U. S. "will give noe ment to any country in acquiring nuclear weapons." Jaworski asks Hitgh Court to deny documents to Nix, -By The Associated Press Israeli planes attacked Palestin- ian guerrilla targets near the major Lebanese cities of Tyre and Sidon yesterday. A guerrilla spokes- man said 27 Palestinian refugees were killed and 94 wounded. "Now we are facing a war of an- nihilation by Israel, which was in- stigated by Nixon, that false hero of peace," Zohair Mohsen of the Syrian-backed Saika guerrillas told a Beirut news conference. HE SAID THE statement issued in Jerusalem Monday by President Nixon and Israeli Premier Yitzhak Rabin "sig- naled the green light for the barbaric raids against innocent civilians." He was referring to a clause in the U.S-Israeli communique saying every nation has a duty to abstain "from or- ganioing or encouraging irregular forces or armed bands including mercenaries from incursion into the territory of an- , other state." The bomb and rocket raids were the fourth in three days of retaliation for last week's Palestinian terrorist attack on the Israeli settlement of Shamir in which three women were killed. The raids were delayed "stil President Nixon left the Middle East on Monday. THE LEBANESE government appeal- ed by radio for "urgent blood donations of all types." The Red Crescent, the Palestinian guerrilla equivalent of the AP Photo Red Cross, sought for Arab and inter- national help to rescue men, women and children buried in the rubble. The Lebanese government hospital in President Sidon, 25 miles south of Beirut, reported e no sec- receiving 40 casualties from the raid and encourage- a refugee camp hospital at Ein Al Hil- weh outside the city said it received eight killed and 43 wounded. Reports from Tyre, 51 miles south of Beirut, were sketchy AT THE Ein Al Hilweb camp, weeping children watched their parents dig fran- tically into the debris for bodies or pieces of furniture. More than 100 houses in that largest refugee camp in Lebanon were damaged in the air strikes. S "We had been expecting something," said Aziza Abmed, a refugee housewife unrestricted at Ein Al Hilweh. "But for God's sake, eedings and what could we do? We have no shelters and no real means of defense." One bomb victim told reporters: "Tell -related de- the Israelis we will never give up. They ary Commit- may kill us, but we will never let them a President live in peace in Palestine." ne tax negli- THE ISRAELI command claimed its embers said pilots took "all possible measures' to te the Presi- avoid innocent casualties, and that all targets "were definitely identified as sadpof military installations of the terrorist ssaid proof organizations" Among them it listed a d to an for command post of the Popular Front for y the cim- the Liberation of Palestine-General e eom-it Command, the group which claimed re- end of its sponsibility for the Shamir attack. The Tel Aviv command said other tar- ed the five gets were a terrorist headquarters, a the Internal central garage for guerrilla vehicles, an ion with un- operations unit directing infiltrators eral income through the border, bunkers and various other military posts. But Israeli military sources said that said Nixon some targets were inside the refugee e tha $4M- camps and that the Palestinians were en- f limitations dangering their own safety by harboring guerrillas. sment made Guerrilla defenders fired antiaircraft npaid taxes missiles at the planes but scored no hits, ive per cent an Israeli command spokesman said. He added that all aircraft returned safely. WASIINGTON (l)-Special prosecutor Leon Jaworski asked the Supreme Court yesterday to deny the White House ac- cess to material that led a grand jury to implicate President Nixon in the Watergate cover-up. The request for the material was made by White House lawyer James St. Clair Wednesday, adding to the legal struggle now going on in the high court between the President and the special prosecutor. IN THE DOCUMENT, Jaworski said publicly for the first time that "it is far from certain that an incumbent Presi- dent is. immune to indictment." Previously, the prosecutor had put the emphasis differently: that legal doubt in the question made it imprudent for the grand jury to indict Nixon. It was that which led to the jury's voting 19 to 0 to name Nixon a co-conspirator, but not to indict him. In his brief, St. Clair had said: "The grand jury was attempting to substitute the impeachment proceedings before the douse Judiciary Committee for that of a trial in district court. The grand jury was attempting to charge the President with a crime but using a different forum for the trial." THE HIGH COURT is to receive briefs from both sides today on two main ques- tions: Whether the President has the right to withhold 64 conversations on tape from the prosecutor on grounds of execu- tive privilege and whether the grand jury overstepped its authority in naming the President. Jaworski told the court: "This court is called upon to decide only the ques- tion of constitutional power, not the evidentiary basis for the grand jury's finding." He called the grand jury's action on the President "merely incidental to its indictment of seven other persons in this case and he was not the focus or target of its action." BESIDES, Jaworski said, the President can argue about the grand jury's evi- dence before the impeachment inquiry. He said St. Clair had made "a bald charge of insufficient evidence" leading to the grand jury's findings and asked:. "The opinion of any lawyer that the evidence against his client is not per- suasive cannot be accepted as a suffi- cient reason for granting access to grand jury proc exhibits.' IN ANOTHER Watergate velopment, the House Judici tee learned yesterday tha Nixon was assessed an incon gence penalty, but most mu they heard nothing to indicat dent guilty of tax fraud. However, several member of fraud might not be ne Nixon's tax troubles to lea peachable offense finding b mittee, which is nearing tht evidence gathering. Several members confirm per cent penalty imposed by Revenue Service in connecti derpayment of Nixon's fed( taxes for 1969-72. ALTHOUGH THE IRS has underpaid his taxes by mor 000 for 1969-72, the statute o has run out for 1969. According to the IRS asses public last April, Nixon's u for 1970-72 totaled $284,707. F of that would be $14,235.