r_ , n r .. I V -#JVw IVI 4 %.of I tJrNf N - U 4r%116 I flut4uuyt J-Unv Ar.%Jo 17 1"t State Senator Bursley Incumbent Rep. Bullard - seeks Dem. nomination to run tor re-election State Senator Gilbert iursiey (R- Ann Arbor) is running for re-eler- tion in the 18th District. This is hi-, statement: Considering the present state of affairs within the nation and the state, I believe office hold- ers who have faith in their own personal integrity and record of achievement have a moral obligation to remain available for continued public service. In this context, I shall be a candidate for re-election to the state senate. T THINK it important that whoever is elected have, as a highest priority, dedication to- ward reform and improvement in the election process so that young people of today will seek to enter political life as an honorable andchallengingpro- fession. Recently I have voted for reform measures in cam- paign finance which have not as yet received final approval. My own campaign will be operated as if the strongest version of such legislation had already been enacted into law. As a state senator, I have been the principal sponsor of over 60 measures which are now state law and have co-spon- sored many more. But there are still pending several important legislative proposals where I am closely involved and where I feel I can render valuable service. In school finance we have al- ready made monumental pro- gress, but I have proposed ad- ditional legislation which would provide for a 33 per cent roll- back in local school property taxes and would bring districts like Ann Arbor considerable ad- ditional school aid. THIS LEGISLATION, plan- ned for next year, is supported by 30 of my colleagues in the senate but depends in consid- erable measure upon my con- tinued initiative. I am com- mitted to airing it statewide in public hearings and to finaliz- ing its format for the 1975 ses- sion. Pension legislation affecting public employes and teachers needs additional improvement gearing it toward cost of living adjustments. I am actively in- volved in this area and want to see it succeed. State aid to local governments whose tax base has been se- verely eroded by state owner- ship of a large proportion of the community's real estate is the subject of Senate Bill 1305, which I have introduced with strong Municipal League back- ing. It is on our legislative schedule to win this one in 1975. I feel the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti communities have a great deal at stake and that I have an obligation to push this proposal through. "I HAVE introduced senate legislation calling for certifi- cation of automobile mechanics and registration of repair facili- ties. This is consumer protection of the highest priority, and it may be 1975 before it is final- ized. Legislation calling for equal pay for equal work performed by women originated in my of- fice. Unfortunately, its objec- tives have yet to be fully achieved and further legislation, on which I am working, is re- quired to assure implementa- tion of this concept in all areas. The same observation applies to mandatory special education which was also developed in my office. Reorganization of the state library system was approved by State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) is seeking re-nomination as his party's candidate for state House in the 53d District. This is his statement: During my first term repre- senting Ann Arbor in the Mich- igan House of Representatives, T have seen powerful economic lobbies triumph repeatedly in the legislative process - the banks, the insurance compa- nies, the realtors, the State Medical Society, the big chain stores and other well financed business groups seemingly con- trol the legislative process. Generally, the less the gen- eral public knows about an is- sue the more likely victory will be won by a sophisticated busi- ness lobbyist over the general public's interest. For example, SB 112, which nearly doubles my Education CommIttee, but this important goal has yet to receive full legislative funding. FOR FOUR years I chaired the Joint Legislative Commit- tee on Mass Transit and our recommendations are now re- ceiving greatly increased back- ing. I feel I can still offer lead- ership in this area. The governance and equitable fending of higher education is a policy issue of highest priority. Proposed constitutional amend- ments and legislation are pres- ently in my committee and I have an obligation to help re- solve these issues. I have been vitally interested' in long-term planning relative to population growth and the environmental aspects of life in Southeastern Michigan' and I have legislative proposals to offer on these subjects. Chiefly, for these reasons I plan to run again for the State Senate and will welcome sup- port from all sides. FROM NEW WORLD SUMMER CINEMA: WINNER OF 6 ACADEMYAWARDSI ACAGO P[) UCION\ REES P DAVID LEAN'S FILME OF BORIS PASTERNAKS IN PANAVISIOW*AND METROCOLOR TONITE! 8:30 P.M. ONLY MODERN LANGUAGES BLDG. AUD 3 the fees paid to administrators of small estates, was strongly backed by the banker's lobby since banks are very frequent- ly named as administrators in wills or appointed by probate judges. IN THE HOUSE Judiciary Committee, I cast the only vote against the bill. On the floor of the House when other represen- tatives saw that SB 112 would - double the cost of inheriting small estates there was some debate and about thirty-five votes against the bill - still not enough to stop it. This story repeats itself day after day in Lansing. Eliminating secrecy - demo- cratizing the governmental pro- cess - can help counterbalance the excessive power of the eco- nomic lobbies. With this in mind, I am a sponsor of the four Common Cause good government reforms - campaign finance disclosure, lobbyist financial disclosures, public official financial disclo- sure and open meetings. As the principle sponsor of the Open Meetings Bill, I fought hard for total openness. Except for individual personnel mat- ters, there is no justification for secrecy in government deci- sions. I intend to continue to work for open meetings and re- form legislation. IN ADDITION to strict finan- cial disclosure of campaign contributions, public financing of campaigns will be necessary to limit the excessive influence of the business lobbies. I pro- posed a limited public financ- ing amendment to this year's campaign finance reform bill - and I will continue to work for effective public financing. Greater citizen involvement can also help counterbalance business lobby power. I intend to continue to work with PIR- GIM, Common Cause, the Con- sumer Alliance of Michigan, the environmental lobby organiza- tions and other public interest g r o u p s to increase their strength and capacity for in- fluencing the legislative pro- cess. All of our institutions need in- creased public participation - democratization - to this end I have proposed that two thirds of the Blue Cross Board of Di- rectors be elected by consumers and that student elected mem- bers be added to the governing boards of universities. I am de- veloping a proposal for control of public utility companies by consumer and employe elected directors. INCREASED democracy and re-distribution of wealth are essential if we are to overcome the excesses of special privi- lege and power we now see all around us. My platform in the last elec- tion advocated decreasing the government's criminal law re- striction on personal behavior which does not result in injury to other people - decriminal- izing victimless crimes . My proposals and actions over the past two years have carried these issues to the Michigan public. Of equal importance are po- lice practices which invade in- dividual privacy and the move towards a 1984 style police state. These two issues are closely inter-related and I in- tend to continue my efforts to control police abuses and re- define the criminal law so that it is less appressive of harm- less personal behavior. Ladies' and Children's Hairstyling a Specialty- Appointments Available Dascola Barber Shops Arborland-971-9975 Movle Vilfaee--761-2733 E. Liberty-668-9329 E. University-662-O354