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June 20, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-06-20

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Miichigan Daily
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 31-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, June 20, 1974 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Nixon hails world peace as
Mideast h ostilities continue

WASHINGTON (P) - President Nixon
returned yesterday from a 10-day jour-
ney to five nations of the Middle East,
pledging- that the United States "must
play and will play the crucial role in
making progress toward peace.".
"Let us be worthy of the hopes and the
trust of millions of people," Nixon said
at welcome-home ceremonies on the
South Lawn of the White House.
ed suspected Arab guerrilla encamp-
ments in southern Lebanon yesterday for
the third time since President Nixon
ended his Middle East peace mission.
Nixon said, "A profound and lasting
change has taken place" in the Middle
East. "Where there was no hope for
peace, there now is hope. Where there
was hostility for the United States, there
now is friendship," he added.
Vice President Gerald Ford and more
than a half-dozen Cabinet officers greet-
ed the President. Some several hundred
persons cheered.
IN HIS remarks, Ford quoted the bib-
lical phrase, "Blessed is the peacemak-
Nixon's trip carried him to Egypt,
Saudi Arabia, Syria, Israel and Jordan
as well as to conferences with President
Bruno Kreisky of Austria and Gen. An-
tonio Spinola, the Portuguese leader.
Spinola met for nearly two hours yes-
terday with President Nixon and won a
promise of United States economic aid
for his troubled new government.
IT WAS after the meeting with Spi-
nola in the Azores that Nixon returned
to Washington yesterday afternoon.
Nixon said, "a much longer journey"
lies ahead "toward a lasting peace not
only in the Middle East but in all the
"Waging peace is, in fact, more diffi-
cult than waging war," Nixon said. "It
is more complex. But I think all of us
realize the rewards are infinitely great-
NIXON planned to be in Washington
only 24 hours, then intended to fly to
Key Biscayne, Fla., to relax and prepare
for next week's trip to Brussels and Mos-

At the same time Arab leftist papers
said Nixon had given Israel "the green
light to attack Lebanon" clearly during
weekend talks in Jerusalem.
The air strikes, clearly in retaliation
for a Palestinian terrorist raid on the
Shamir farm settlement and the killing
of three women there six days ago, con-
centrated on a rugged region reportedly
dominated by Al Fatah guerrillas.
"WE WILL strike at the guerrillas
wherever they are - at their bases and
in the headquarters," declared Informa-
tion Minister Aharon Yariv, a former
intelligence chief and government ad-
vier on the war against terrorism.
He told reporters during Nixon's visit
that Israel's reprisal policy remained
unchanged, even though there was no
immediate retaliation for the Shamir
raid. He said Nixon's presence in the
area was a factor in this delayed re-
University Club
employes qi
in wag edispute
All of the University Club's regular
banquet waiters and waitresses have
quit because of a new tipping policy
which will reduce their built-in gratuity
from 15 to five per cent.
University Club manager Wiggo An-
derson announced the wage cut last
month in an attempt to equalize em-
ploye wages and help combat rising food
THE RESTAURANT presently o w e s
$79,000 to the University despite the
fact that the Regents Bylaws state that
the U Club is responsible for meeting
its own expenses.
The new tipping policy means that in-
stead of making 38 cents on a $3.00
buffet luncheon, banquet employes will
now earn only 13 cents in tips in addi-
tion to a $1.75-$2.00 hourly wage.
Employes feel that the recent cut in
gratuities, which comprise the bulk of
banquet wages, is a means of forcing
them to pay for the club's financial
"IT WAS USED as a last desperate
means to keep the club open," says
Julie Franck, a banquet waitress who
quit after the announcement of the new
Tom Hauer, another banquet employe
who quit over the dispute, notes that
Anderson refused to take a cut in his
own salaryrto offset the club's losses.
"I haven't taken an increase," Ander-
son says, refusing to disclose his salary
for "personal" reasons.
MEMBERS OF the club, who are pay-
ing the same price for a meal, are not
even aware of the new tipping policy,
according to a banquet waiter who re-
cently quit.
"It's sort of a sneaky deal," he says,
"because the customer still sees $3.00
on the menu but he doesn't know his
money is not going where it used to."
Furthermore, some employes feel that
club members, most of w h o m are
See U CLUB, Page 10

PAT NIXON and her husband Richard are met by David Eisenhower and their
daughters Julie and Tricia yesterday on their arrival at Andrews Air Force
Base after a 10-day Middle East tour. The President commented on his peace-
making efforts while Israeli planes again bombed Lebanon in retaliation

SGC puts Friends of


Newsreel on probation
By DAVID BLOMQUIST bare minimum," which under SGC rules order Newsreel to establish an
The Student Organizations Board of is at least 50 per cent. ing system that will permit the
Student Government Council last night The probationary status will not, "promptly pay current debts."
unanimously voted to place the student however, hinder Newsreel's summer Previously, Newsreel has
film group Friends of Newsreel on pro- film program. "Newsreel will not be re- under what the organization's
bation until September. stricted from the scheduling of Univer- Robert Powell, has termed an
"It is the general consensus of the sity auditoriums and facilities as any record keeping system, which
board that the investigation has revealed other student organization for the dura- loosely organized that Newsr
some significant problems with News- tion of the probation," the board said. not provide the board with a lis
reel's - practices and operations which The action marked the end of the first currently outstanding,
must be corrected immediately for the phase of the board's investigation into Newsreel treasurer Glen Al
group to remain a viable, responsible the financial affairs of Newsreel. The not seem shocked by the Boa
part of the University community," the inquest began about a month ago when sion. "It doesn't greatly upseti
board's resolution stated. SGC received complaints from movie vord said last night.
distributors that Newsreel was not pay- Allvord did, however, ask t
NEWSREEL was ordered to improve ing bifls promptly for film rentals. to- refrain from sending, copi
its accounting procedure and "endeavor probation statement to film dis
to have student membership above the THE TERMS OF probation specifically fearing a "paranoic" reaction.

group to
"ad hoc"
was so
eel could
t of debts
lvord did
rd's deci-
me," All-
he board
es of the

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