Wednesday, June 19, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Lasane U' ancers showcase talent TOSC 2n ini By CASSIF ST. CLAIR ing over half the performers not work for me. As the dance fan dance to be taken lightly. Lasntu t Frid y night the Power due to summer break, the dance progressed, it bec-ome more (haconne in D Minor was a P conti otdtfoma b addt enter aas the scene of sell still came off alive with spirit. and more geome-tric. Execution flamiogo type dance with Spao- a tearpoon of sugar and dcup executed techniqtues and styles The rhythmical, nmoving Asaka ot thot point wo critical so os ih flare, flashy costutmes and of milk. Coot the bottom of each by the University Dancers. The led to soft ond somber Amibois- not to destroy the lotlerns tie fantastic exccution. The per- on it. oateotm auce La choreography ond ctostumes me. The lighting in this piece performers created. formers leorted this ntmber by pan w