Mi~ich~igan Daily
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 29-S
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, June 18, 1974
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Nixon. promises nuclear aid
to Israel, arrives in Jordan
AMMAN { - President Nixon
got a red carpet welcome yesterday
in Jordan, the last stop of his Mid-
dle East tour. He flew in from Jeru-
salem after announcing a nuclear
sales program for the Israelis to
match a similar pledge to Egypt
last week.
"It is only the beginning of the
journey for peace," Nixon told Jor-
dan's King Hussein of his travels in
the Mideast.
AS HE has in other Arab capitals, Nix-
on received from Hussein a catalogue
of conditions for permanent peace be-
e the Arabs and Israelis.
Hussein told Nixon at a state dinner he
wants Israeli withdrawal from the Jor-
dan Valley, the return of Jerusalem to
Arab sovereignty, restoration of the legi-
timate rights of the Palestinians and an
end to Israeli occupation of Arab lands.
Nixon gave the same form of response
he has given at other stops in his week
of diplomatic hopscotch.
"I WISH I could have brought a brief-
- case fall of solutions," he told Hussein.
Hesaid he didn't - although he spoke of
unspecified "new developments that have
reason to give us hope."
"War is not a solution," Nixon said at
the dinner after receiving cheers of wel-
come from tens of thousands of Jordan-
tans and Palestinians along his motor-
cade route. "We must try another way,
we must try the path of peace."
Hussein laid down his conditions for a
permanent Middle East settlemnent after
wruing that if the U. S. initiative loses
momentum "the days of no peace, no
war, will be with us again in anpoten-
tially more dangerous and explosive
... situation."
Daily Photo by TOM GOTTLIEB
SUPPORTERS of a Human Rights Party proposal to declare Gay Pride Week THE NUCLEAR PROGRAM for Israel
shout their support of the plan at last night's City Council meeting. Council was announced by Nixon and Israeli
defeated the proposal 6-5 amidst noisy disapproval from the crowded audience Premier Yitzhak Rabin in Jerusalem.
section of the chambers. U. S. officials insisted that safeguards
Council defeats Gay Pri*de
Week during sormy session
built into the agreement to be negotiated
would prevent the conversion of the nu-
clear material or technology to military
They made the same promise in re-
sponse to Israeli criticism of the Egyp-
tian plan.
The communique issued by Nixon and
Rabin in Jerusalem also disclosed plans
for a long-term military sales program
with Israel, reportedly totaling $5.5 bil-
lion over five years. Previous U. S. mili-
tary sales to the Jewish state have been
on a year-to-year basis.
LIKE ITS NEIGHBOR across the Jor-
dan River, Jordan has received exten-
sive supplies of U. S. military hardware
in the past. Much of it was at Amman
airport in the tightest security shield
Nixon has seen in the four Arab nations
that formed the greater part of his Mid-
dle East tour.
As the presidential jet Spirit of '76
touched down, armored cars with light
machine guns stood about the tarmac
and tanks and heavy machine-gun em-
placements were standing watch on hills
overlooking the airport.
Nixon and Hussein strolled down a red
carpet beneath a low-flying formation of
eight U. S.-built F104 jet fighters. The
Jordanian honor guard passed in review
carrying American M16 rifles as a band
played John Phillip Sousa's "Washington
Post March."
AFTER THE airport ceremonies, Nix-
on and Hussein. with their wives Pat and
Queen Alin, rode in a motorcade to Am-
man to be hailed by thousands of
rhythmically chanting and applauding
Jordanians, repeating on a smaller scale
the greetings Nixon received earlier in
Israel and three Arab countries-Egypt,
Saudi Arabia and Syria.
In his remarks later at the state din-
ner, Hussein warned that if the U. S.
initiative for peace loses momentum,
"the days of no peace, no war will be
See NIXON, Page 10
During a noisy session punctuated by
frequent booing and verbal taunts from
the audience, City Council last night de-
feated 6-5 a resolution calling for the
declaration of Gay Pride Week.
The Republicans-who accounted for
all six votes against the measure-sat
quietly while members of the gay com-
munity made rallying speeches and
waved picket signs proclaiming "Deto-
nate City Hall" and "Smash Straight,
White, Male Rule."
ABOUT 60 GAYS-many of them in
drag-employed hand-clapping and foot-
stomping to drown out Mayor James
Stephenson as he explained that council
meetings "should not be used as a forum
for philosophical debate."
The raucous demonstration forced the
council to adjourn before the last item
on the agenda was voted upon.
The Gay Pride Week resolution was
submitted by Human Rights Party
(HRP) Councilwoman Kathy Kozachen-
ko, a self-proclaimed lesbian.
"IN THE PAST we have declared
such occasions as Poison Prevention
Week," she said. "Just think of this as
Prevention of Homophobia Week."
Two other measures pertaining to
gays were also submitted by Koza-
One of them-a resolution urging other
communities to adopt legisaltion similar
to Ann Arbor's human rights ordinance
which prohiibts discriminaton on the
basis of sexual preference-was passed
8-3 with Mayor Stephenson and Council-
men Richard Hadler (R-Fourth Ward)
and Louis Belcher (R-Fifth Ward) ac-
counting for the no votes.
ALTHOUGH Kozachenko termed the
resolution merely a re-affirmation of
the human rights ordinance, she ex-
pressed surprise when three Repubti-
cans cast their votes in favor of the
"I have always supported the human
rights ordinance and I've never attempt-
ed to amend it," said Councilman Rob-
ert Henry (R-Third Ward). "I also sup-
port this resolution."
"I really don't think the Republicans
would have voted for it if there hadn't
been all these people here," Koza-
chenko said.
ANOTHER proposed resolution aimed
at ceasing alleged police harrassment of
gays was replaced by a Republican-
sponsored motion which directed the
city's grievance officer to study all in-
cidents of alleged police abuse of homo-
Democratic opposition to the substitute
resolution stemmed from the fact that
See GAY, Page 10