1-u u !~.y~~ Daily Classifieds SUBLET ONE FEMALE NEEDED to share beautiful apartment, near campus. Call 665-6256. 99U621 LARGE BEDROOM in apartment, 1- 2 females. July-Aug. 663-3544. 95U618 OWN ROOM in two-man apartment. Dishwasher. $50. 994-0475. 90U6179 JULY-AUG. - 2 bdrm. on campus. Air, balcony. Reasonable! 665-4628. 73U620 FURNISHED EFFICIENCY in beau- tiful old house, large kitchen, gar- den Washtenaw and S. Forest, be- hind Village Bell, Ineapensive sub- let for the summer, fall option. 71- 8299. 89U615 ONE LARGE BEDROOM in 3-bdrm. house. On campus. July-Aug. $M0mo. 662-7135, 665-0823. 83U620 GOT two arms and legs? We want you (any way you are)! Gotta beau- tiful place for July and August. Available June 26 to be exact. This is for yopu! Call Marc, 663-3624. lOUd JULY-AUGUST One bedroom furnished apt. FOOL, A/C. 703-0715. 000015 FEMALE ROOMMATE, July -Aug. Modern apt., A/C, $40/mon. 663-7929. 700615 ONE ROOM to sublet in large mod- erna 2-hdrm. apt. A/C, piano, Is- rated2on West Park. Price $70/mo. 603-7277. 350615 SUBLET SINGLE ROOM available immedi- ately in friendly, coed, cooperatively run house. 769-7519. dU615 MALE WANTED to share two-bed- room apartment available immedi- ately through August. Large room with oversize bed, share kitchen and bath. Near campus. A luxurious deal at $75 per month, and that's nego- tiable. Call 764-0552 and leave a message for Gordon. dU WE HAVE ONE ROOM available in otur house starting now, with a fall option. It's a really nice house with a lot of wonderful stuff in it. It even comes equipped with five peo- ple. If interested, drop by 841 East University or call 994-5743. dU615 JULY-AUGUST - For female, one room In large house one block from campus. 994-3424. 70U615 PARK PLAZA Apartments. July-Aug. Room for 1 or 2. Great location! Apt. 3. 665-7888. 20U615 McKINLEY ASSOCIATES Spring- Summer Sublets. Rooms. efficien- oles, 1 and 2 bedroom apts., plus whole houses. Furnished, campus locations available. Please pick up our listing at 611 Church St. cUtc - Summer Campus Rooms for girls. Furnished in a secure modern brick building. Avail- able now or July 1. Fall option. $75 mon. includes utilities. 761-1932. cUtc A there's thru ClassIified- n SUBLET SUMMER CAMPUS ROOMS for girls, Oom. pletely furnished carpeted, W8 £s modern bldg. Sunny, pleasant neigh- borhood. $100 for double, $79 single. Fall option. 74.1-19M2. cUM PERSONAL MARK'S COFFEE HOUSE ON THE RISE New plans include: MATRIX THEATRE - A community exhibition center for the perform- ing, cinema and visual arts, (f irst floor) children's matinees. CAPE OF THE AMERICAS - Law- cost, non profit coffeehouse special- izing in Latin American food and drink (basement). ART GALLERY - Changing wall displays for guest exhibitors (first floor and basement). YOU CAN HELP Building estimates for bringing site up to city codes is $12,000.00 (elec- tric air, mech, etc.) With the help of faculty, student and rommunity friends, we've raised $9.000.00, and have already begun construction. $3000.00 more wl enable us to opn. If you can loan, donate, invest or cosign for any portion of this sum, call the New World Media Project, 761-9855 (Keith or Bill). A Michigan Non-Profit Corporation cFtc WEDDING INVITATIONS-Mod. or traditional style. Call 761-0942 any- time, cFtc WOULD the taller member of the Dynamic Duo be interested in re- appearing at the same location Tuesday night at 8:00? 08P#18 SUNDAYS AT 1 P.M. BOWLING AT THE UNION CF015 BRING Howard Johnson stationery. -Hunt 98F615 26, PERSONABLE male wishes to meet sensitive woman. Write Box 31, Michigan Daily. 11F620 CLOSED MONDAYS June, July, Aug. SAMS STORE 207 E. Liberty PERSONAL PERSONAL WANTED: Persons with ragweed, TENNIS LESSONS hayfever (itching of the nose and Former U-M player. Individual or sneezing in Aug. and Sept.) to take group. Fourth year in Ann Arbor. part in a study involving a new 663-6720. eF626 medication for treatment of hay fever. Must not be leaving Ann Ar- bor for longer than weekends from end of July to end of Sept. Pay 1s Starting Sunday $75 for approximately 9 hours time (at intervals). Phone 764-6142 day- ARS NOVA time, 434-4373 evenings. 94F620 Trotter House YES, WE ARE OPEN SATURDAYS 5-9 pm. 7Sf donation AS WELL AS MONDAYS U-M STYLISTS AT THE UNION Other guest groups cF615' weekly (Sundays) -- - Call 763-4692 for information La rge l item Pizza F LtWOMEN balf price May-June. SAT- URDAY NIGHT INSURANCE. 663- Keg. $3.04 1392,eFic Friday & Saturday Only DOWN & OUT, lonely sophomore June 14 & 15 wishes to meet sensitive guy. Please write: Karen, 920 Baldwin, Ann No Coupon Necesary Arbor 4104. 52F618 Mr. Pizza Liberty and Division BE HAPPIER! 769-8030 Scientoogy Works Scientology is an applied religious B2F615 philosophy. cFtc BOARD EXAM TUTORING Enrollments now being accepted for tonight S . H . K A PL A N tu to rin g co u rses to e npa f t co g C prepare for the upcoming MOCA.T., D.A.T., and L.S.A.T. Board Exams. T a m, Call (313) 354-0085 ci U NE ARBO NTN UN ION LANES ABOR INSTANT cF615 PRINTING cPO1 Offset Printing, Xerox, Typing, XEROX AND OFFSET Wedding and Social Announcements Fast, low cost duplicating, 214 . 4t Ave-9944664COFY QUICK 21 54 Ave.-994-4664 1217 S. University 769-0560 cFtc e __________--___ Why buy mass produced WEDDING BUMPER STICKERS custom printed RINGS? Have your own personal while-U-wait! MBL PRESS, 1217 design made by Jhan 769-7550, cFtc Prospect, Ann Arbor, 761-0942. cFtc 85F GULAG NOW IN STOCK IN PAPERBACK OPEN til 10 p.m. MON-SAT.; SUN. 11-6 316 S. State St. PERSONAL WHY WALK FARTHER? Get your Levi's cuffed flairs at WILDS VARSITY SHOP PINBALL ~Ar 1217 Ar S. UNIVERSITY VISIT ANN ARBOR'S only gem lab before you spend your money need- lessly. Fine quality diamonds and low prirmson all engagement and wedding rings. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151. cFtc STUDENT CHARGE accounts avail- able at The Village Apothecary, 1112 So. University. cFtc UPTIGHT?-Use whirlpool. Angels massages muscles. Exclusive, inex- pensive. 971-0867. cF823 WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY-Is im- portant enough to hire a profes- sonal far. Weddings by David- specializing in creative photography since 1968. Call 994-5440 for ap- pointment. CPc Fesm New World Film Co-op t-he A N IMATED D version of Georae Orwell's ANIMAL FARM IN ACTION COLOR SATURDAY, June 15 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. Natural Science Aud. 0 ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S 1959 North by Northwest Featuring two American landmarks-Mt. Rushmore and Cary Grant. James Mason and his kept man Martin Landau head a bizarre espionage group that keeps trying to kill innocent Cary. The crop dusting sequence -and the climatic chose across Mt. Rushmore ore among Hitchcock's finest moments. Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint, James Mason. NEXT WEEKEND: SCIENCE FICTION - (FRI.) - Wm, Cameron Menzies (1936) THINGS TO COME and (SAT.) FORBIDDEN PLANET THE a new improvised musical revue . conceived & directed by ALLAN ALBERT managing director DREW'SPARKS starring the cast of BOSTON'S longest running show THE PROPOSITION june 6 - august 10 THE RUBAIYAT 102 s. first st.,ann arbor wednesdays & thursdays -.9:30 fridays-9:30 & 11:30 saturdays-10OO With dinner-Wed., Thurs., and Fri.-$1.04; Sat.-$l.14 General Admission Wed. and Thurs.-$L50; Fri and Sat.-$2.86