THE MVichigan Daily Vol. LXXXIV, No. 27-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, June 14, 1974 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Crowds cheer Nixon, Sadat on the road Sto exania Egyptian president accepts invitation for talks in U.S. ALEXANDRIA, Egypt M-Presi- dent Nixon rode by train across the Egyptian countryside with President Anwar Sadat to this Mediterranean resort yesterday, cheered all the way from Cairo by throngs estimated by Egyptian of- ficials to number 3.5 million. Nixon and Sadat rode in an open AP Photo railroad car on a train that had to PRESIDENT NIXON and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat exchange comments slow down several times along the on the sights of the port city of Alexandria yesterday. Hundreds of thousands 140-mile route because of crowds of Egyptians turned out to greet Nixon on his motorcade tour through the city. surging onto the tracks. The two rab gueril lasattempt raid tomarNiosvst TEL AVIV UP)-Four Arab guerrillas who Palestinian sources said wanted to mar President Nixon's Middle East trip slipped into an Israeli settlement yester- day, killed three women and wounded three men, then perished from gunfire and explosives, officials reported. The raid on the settlement of Shamir, just south of the Golan Heights, was the third such attack in as many months. It raised the Israeli death toll from the raids to 49. OFFICIALS said the guerrillas planned to hit the settlement's dining hall, where some of the 470 residents were eating breakfast, but were intercepted before they could strike. The gunmen were planning to take hostages and demand the release of 10 captive guerrillas in Israeli jails, the government said. Initially, the military command said three guerrillas took part in the attack and were gunned down or blown to pieces by their own explosives during a gun battle with Israeli soldiers and arm- ed civilians. A later communique said, however, that security forces and path- ologists had pieced together dismem- bered parts of four gunmen. In Beirut the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Com- mand claimed credit for the attack and said it was "our reaction to the Nixon visit to the Arab world." "THAT IS HOW every Arab should receive Nixon, the chief imperialist in the world," said spokesman Abul Abbas. He said ;he guerrilla group was deter- mined to "mar every attempt to beautify the ugly American face" and to nego- tiate with Israel only through bullets and suicide operations. The attack came after Nixon was cheered by enthusiastic throngs on his arrival Wednesday in Egypt. There was no immediate comment on the raid from the President. ISRAELI OFFICIALS said the terror- ists slipped across the border from Lebanon, out Abbas claimed they oper- ated from a base within Israel. The Israeli military command reported guerrillas in southeast Lebanon 'shelled Israeli positions near Mt. Hermon, part of the disengagement zone in the Syrian- Israeli pact worked out by United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. The ::ommand said Israeli guns returned the fire and poured shells into Lebanon. A Lebanese report said the shelling lasted three hours and was started by the Israelis, who attempted to set up positions in the eastern foothills of Mt. Hermon. AMONG THE WOMEN killed in the raid on the Israeli honey producing settlement of Shamir was a volunteer worker from New Zealand. "They came through the kibbutz fields looking like hippies, with long hair and bright-colored headbands, but as soon as they saw Judy, they shot and killed her," an Israeli television cameraman quoted ex-paratrooper Uzi Zur as saying. "Shooting her like that was a mis- take. As soon as the kibbutzniks heard the firing, they ran for their guns and that meant the end for the terrorists." ONE GUERRLLA was shot dead as he headed toward the children's house and another, injured by gunfire, crawled behind a truck and was killed in an explosion that demolished the vehicle, Zur said. The third guerrilla had escaped into the honey factory where two kibbutz wives were working. "We held our fire. We were afraid the women might get hurt," Zur recalled in the cameraman's report. TROOPS AND kibbutz members open- ed fire after the terrorist answered calls for negotiation by tossing grenades from a window and automatic fire inside the building indicated the women had been shot. When the shooting and an explosion were over, only fragments of the guer- rilla's body were found. Speaking of him and the man who died behind the truck, Zur was quoted as saying: "It would only be speculation to say whether they killed themselves or were killed by our people," Zur said. MAJ. GEN. Raphael Eytan, chief of the northern command, said the ter- rorists had planned to use guns, gre- nades and explosives on the kibbutz din- ing hall where some of Shamir's 470 residents were eating breakfast. The raid was the latest since Pales- tinian suicide squads attacked the fron- tier towns of Qiryat Shmonah and Maalot, where 46 Israelis were killed, 31 of them children, and 89 wounded. Yesterday's bloodshed raised the toll to 49 civilians massacred and 92 wounded. leaders then rode through Alexan- dria in a motorcade. THEY WERE cheered by slum dwel- ers in Cairo's outskirts at the ouset of the 3 I-hour train trip, farmers in their fields in the Nile Delta, peasants on camels and donkeys and hundreds of thousands of others who had formed in massive bunches all the way to Alexandria. In this city, people lined the streets, stood on seawalls and even hung from trees, shouting "Welcome! Welcome!" and chanting "Nixon, Nixon, Nixon." White House aides said the welcome was beyond all their expectations. "IT'S FANTASTIC, just fantastic," said Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler. The turnout outdid the Cairo reception on Wednesday when Egyptian officials said two million Egyptians turned out to greet Nixon at the start of what ap- peared to be his most triumphal for- eign visit. The President held another in his series of formal talks in a palace here with Sadat and last night announced that the Egyptian leader had accepted an invitation to visit the United States some- time before the end of this year. NIXON SAID Sadat would be shown not only Washington but other parts of the United States as well. "We will not be able to match certainly what we have seen in the way of an- tiquities . . . but I can assure you we will do all the best to demonstrate .. . that the American people have in their hearts nothing but the greatest affection for the Egyptian people." At the state banquet the Nixons gave for Egyptian leader and his wife, Sadat called on Nixon to work even harder on solving the remaining problems in the MiddleEast. He added that he was confident the President could find an answer to the "intricate problems" that still face the region. SADAT DID not specifically mention the need for an American answer to the future of the Palestinians who are de- manding a new nation in the Middle East. Nixon said his visit to Egypt-the first stop on his Middle East tour-has open- ed the way for a rebirth of friendship between the two nations. This relationship, he added, "is one we will treasure and trust will be passed on to future generations." "YOU CAN BE very sure that we have learned so much from this civilization . . . will profit from the series of dis- cussions held in Cairo and Alexandria," Nixon declared.