Michigan Daily
Edited and managed by Students at the
University of Michigan
Thursday, June 13, 1974
News Phone: 764-0552
Assaulting city services
PEOPLE TEND TO BELIEVE that elections really do not
mean a whole lot and ballot proposals are not a good
enough reason to get up and vote. Now the people of
Ann Arbor are going to find out what their laziness will
cost them. The defeat of the special 1.7 mill additional
property tax proposal may well mean Ann Arbor resi-
dents will be flooded in garbage.
Part of the money that would have been generated
by the tax increase would have been used for wage hikes
for workers in the city's sanitation department. With
the likelihood of pay increases almost null and void, a
strike around July 1 seems imminent. Already the crews
have been cut back on the city garbage runs with laid off
personnel being replaced by less expensive Manpower
For those Ann Arborites who failed to vote or who
voted against the millage proposal, consider this: How
much more lost money and inconvenience will you suffer
should refuge collection be cutback or temporarily halted
than would have been the case if the millage had passed?
It was your decision. Are you sure you made the right
ized traffie sinnals are not all they are cracked up
to be. Those r--sfli intalled at the intersections of
Packard State and ti enitomize the inefficiencies suf-
fered hv rntorists and nedestrians.
Since the city has "aeced up with these modern mas-
ternieces it has hecome increasingly frustrating trying
to get from one nlae to another in that area. In at-
temntin to travel westhond on Hill across State and
Packard. it is clone to impossible to proceed without
stopoing twice. If the motorist wants to turn left on
State St the brevity of the green light sometimes causes
delays of up to ten minutes (to say nothing of the diffi-
cultv during rush hour.)
Furthermore, if a nedestrian wants to cross State or
Packard. he or she must either be a world class sprinter
or have an abundance of patience.
The new stooliohts may make it possible for a driver
to make both green lights travelling on State St., a feat
which was never before possible, but only if great deliber-
ation, timing and speed are used.
good at committee meetings, and look good on
graphs, but they certainly can't feel good in the taxpay-
er's pocket. It is quite certain that they don't enhance
the driving experience, so why waste the money? Per-
haps next time, some of these misdirected funds could
be sent to the road improvement sector, where they might
be used to repair the treacherous pavement conditions
on many community strets which are aptly referred to as
miniature "Ho Chi Minh trails."
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Foreign policy/Watergate trade
By FRANZ SCHURMANN The Russians believe economic crats. While that may gain him
FEW OBSERVERS believe that and military advantages will favorable votes in an eventual
an experienced political in- naturally flow out of a political impeachment proceeding, it also
fighter like Richard Nixon is de- detente. Moscow needs massive solidifies his ties to the Penta-
tending himself against Con- foreign investment from capital- gon, whose support Nixon needs
gress solely by "stone walling" ist nations to develop the back- if he is to wage a successful
and dribbling out edited tran- ward sectors of its economy. \s foreign policy. Nothing more
scripts. The real White House in the U.S., there is p.)werftl dramatically ilustrates this than
strategy to block impeachment opposition to any reduction in the huge defense budget.
is to play for time and, this defense effort. But since as IF THE Syrian-Israeli disen-
.ummer, present Congress with much as 40 percent of Soviet na-
such powerful foreign policy tional income is reported as go- gageme lasts, and if Nixon
achievements that the waiver- ing into defense, even the hard- concludes a trade but not a ttra-
ers will be brought back to the bitten Soviet military 'sould tegic arms agreement in Mos-
cow, he will have scored real
President's side. find it dificult to resist Ares- diplmtcscesswt e
esidet s ide-. dilomatic successes with de-
One of the Nixon Administra- sures for defense cutbacks if monstrable pay-offs. He can tell
tion's major contributions to detente works. the Pentagon he managed to se-
foreign policy techniques is the cure Russian co-operation in the
concept of "linkage" - using THE NIXON-Kissinger foreign Middle East without compromis-
side issues and other parties to policy thrusts are more intri- ing on American strategic cap-
gain one's objectives on the cate. The U.S. needs peace in abilities, and without impairing
main issue. Kissinger's shuttling the Middle East and a new a defense budget which even
between Damascus and Jeru- working relationship with the government officials now admit
salem is a case in point: while Arab countries in the light o! its has "countercyclical", that is
he apeared to be acting as me- growing dependence on Middle anti-recessionary, effects. He
diator, Kissinger in fact used Eastern oil. So long as the Arab- can tell the business community
every weapon of U.S. foreign Israeli and other conflicts fester that the naths have been 6ear-
};};: .... - '"::, . s -' /-.rte. ~
"As the Russians see it, the most important
testing ground of detente is the Middle
East. If stabilization can be achieved there
without freezing out the Russians, Brezh-
nev will consider it a personal triumph
strengthening his power position within the
ed for investment in one of the
greatest untapped markets of
the world. He can tell the pro-
Israeli forces in Congress that
it wotld be open partisan poli-
tics to continue to refuse credits
and most-favored-nation status
to the Russians.
The game of politics ,s link-
age, and Nixon has always been
an expert practitioner of . h e
art. In the arena of domestic
politics, his capacity to make
linkae pay off has declined
policy to achieve the accord, re-
garded as'the crucial stepping
stone to Nixon's June Moscow
visit. Significantly, the schedul-
ing of the visit was announced a
day after the accord was sign-
WITH Syrian-Israeli disen-
gnerment, the U.S. has manag-
ed to swing the Arabs around in
one of the most remarkable
turn-abouts achieved by U.S.
foreign policy. But despite dis-
claimers, the disengagement
could not have been achieved
without discreet Soviet support,
e-ident in Foreign Minister
Gromyko's hardly coincidental
anearances on the scene at cri-
tical moments.
While a U.S. Soviet detente
is widely questioned in the Unit-
ed States, the official Soviet
press has vehemently urged
Washington to nail down the
detente. The Russians consider
Nixon's visit vital for this, even
though the President may be
facing an impeachment vote in
the House.
What does the detente naan
to the Rsisians? It in g nerally
admitted that there cannot be
an arms limitation agreement of
any substance while Nixon in
Moscow- neither side is pre-
pared to scale dawn deploy-
naent of strategic weapans. Ii is
possible Nixon will sign a U.S.-
Soviet trade agreement that will
clear the way for sizeable
American investments an I cre-
dits for the USSR, yet saish a
move will face strong saposi-
tion in the U.S. Congress - a
factor the Rusiaias are tally
aware of. Signing a trade agree-
ment does not mean it can be
THE VALUE of a nailed-down
detente for the USSR lies exse-
where. Like Nixon, 3rech'nev
faces strong oposition to his own
"peace for a generation" poli-
cies. For years Brezhnev (like
Khrushchev before him) argued
that the Americans would even-
tually come around to co-operat-
ing with the Russians in a dual
superpower policing of the
world. No concept has been
dearer to Russian foreign pol-
icy strategists than that of gio-
bal bi-polarity. Only the two
great military powers, the USSR
and the U.S., working together,
could assure the peace of the
As the Russians see it, the
most important testing ground
of detente is the Middle East.
If stabilization can be achieved
there without freezing oat the
Rusians, Brezhnev will consid-
er it a personal triumph stren-
gathening his power position
within the Politburo.
in the region, the door is open sharply.
to the return of Soviet influence.
The U.S. aproach to assure its BUT IN foreign policy : h e
position in the Middle East is White House strategy sees a
three-pronged: mend fences chance of rnking linkage pay
with and give munificent ail to off through "neace for a gen-
the Arab governments; seek de- eration"' counted with a ricing
tente with the USSR; and, as a anti-recesionary defense badget
reserve in case of troutsle, build and final assnrance by the
up military and political power Arabs of Israel's right to exist.
in the Indian Ocean. Nixon is betting that this rrd
Both Kissinger and Gcomyko not his Watergate misdeeds will
brought military factors 'o bear count when impeachment com-
in their negotiations with the es to a vote.
Middle Eastern parties inv lved.
But neither could deliver their
respective Pentagons --- only Franz Scturtann'is the av-
their bosses could. It is no se- /hor of /he forth-roming book
cret in Washington that Nixon The Logic of World Power
has been eagerly courting Con- The o 974 Wo Powe
gressional leaders with maiitary (Pantheon, 1974).- Cotyrigu,
ties, notably Southern Demo- Pacific Newis Sen ice, 1974.
Contact your reps-
Sen. Phillip Hart (Dem), Rm 253, Old Senate Bldg., Capitol
IHill, Washington, D.C. 20515.
Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep), Rm 353, Old Senate Bldg., Capitol
Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515.
Rep. Marvin Esch (Rep), Rm. 412, Cannon Bldg.; Capitol
Itill, Washington, D.C. 20515.
Sen. Gilbert Bursley (Rep), Senate, State Capitol Bldg.,
Lansing, Mi. 48933.
Rep. Perry Bullard (Dem), House of Representatives, State
Capitol Bldg., Lansing, Mi. 48933.
Doggy Business
deal has been written recently
about researchers who are
teaching champanzees to com-
municate with human beings
through a computer language
called Yerkes.
Thus far, the chimps have
used their new skill to impart
such messages as "please, ma-
chine, tickle come into my
room." Which is how one chimp
communicates a desire to have
someone scratch her stomach.
I'll concede this type of com-
munication may be a cut or
two above the average cocktail
party conversation. But there
isn't much use for discourse at
that level.
Instead, the experiments
could prove counter - produc-
tive, upsetting the relationship,
tenuous but workable, that has
evolved between people and the
animal kingdom over the cen-
turies. Household pets are a
case in point.
PETS AND their owners pre-
sently are able to tolerate each
other only through the good
fortune of not being able to'
Once the communication bar-
rier is removed, pet - owner
relations will be subjected to
the same stresses and strains
that beset marital relations,
race relations, international re-
lations and other fractious as-
The problem is that commun-
ication almost invariably leads
to mutual understanding. Which
can be disastrous to any sort
of relationship.
The owner's purpose in buy-
ing a Rhodesian ridgeback
may have been simply to have
a dog to fetch his slippers.
But the dog may feel that his
mission in life is to bite the
IF THE dog understood what
the owner wanted, he would
develop a guilt complex about
not doing it. And if the owner
knew his commands were being
ignored, he would feel hurt and
In short, communication cu
be a dangerous thing. So
anytime a chimpanzee tells you
"please, machine, tickle come
into my room," pretend you
don't speak Yerkes.