Wednesday, June 12, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Kissinger threatens Page Three to quit SALZBURG, Austria Or/i- Secretary of State Henry Kissinger threatened yes- terday to resign if a controversy over his role in Washington wiretapping isn't cleared up. But a White House spokes- man said President Nixon would be re- luctant to accept a resignation under these circumstances. In a special news conference that his aides said was called to "get some things off his chest," Kissinger repeated his denials of ever lying about his involve- ment in administration efforts to prevent leaks of classified documents. ALTERNATELY bristling with anger and pleading for understanding, he told newsmen who packed the large drawing room of his guest house here: "I do not believe that it is possible to conduct the foreign policy of the United States under these circumstan:es when the character and creditability of the secretary of state is at issue and if it is not cleared up, I will resign." Ile asked the Senate Foreign Rela- tions Committee in Washington to take another look at the testimon. he gave last September when it was considering his nomination by Nixon as secretary of state. Ile said he would leave the Nixon entorage to the Middle East t) return to Washington to testify if necessary. SIORTLY AFTER Kissinger' . news conference, the Foreign Ret itions Com mittee met in Washington anJ voted in- animiously to review his ca It was not immediately niwn it the secreary wold return to Washington or go on to the Middle Liast with Nixon tomorrow. Ronald Ziegler, Nixon's piess secre- tary, later told newsmen the ['resident understood Kissinger's desire to clear his name, and added: "The President would te very reluctant to accept Henry's re- signation under this type of circaum- stance." IN A FORMAL statement, Ziegler sid Nixon felt Kissinger's honor "needs no defense." In saying he would resign, Kissinger maintained that his honor and reputation were being defamed by reports in the news media back home about his role in wiretapping of newsmen and Washington fficials who may have had access to national security material. Kissinger read at his news conference a letter he said he had sent to Sen. J W. Fulbright, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee in Washington, ask- ing for re-examination of the entire mat- ter. HE SAID he would stay in office if the panel supported him. Kissinger's startling statement brought conftisiion to the White House staff, and, evidently, to President Nixon. Kissinger indicated he had not warn- ed the President in advance of his re- signation threat, only that he was going to go over the record of the controversy. SECRETARY OF STATE Henry Kissinger (far left) and President Nixon (second from right) chat with the Austrian heads of state early yesterday, during a two-day stopover in Salzburg. The presidential party will jet on to the Middle East. Later yesterday Kissinger made a surprise announcement in which he threatened to resign. Murray sees city millage voter'mandate By GORDON ATCHESON Reflecting on the sound defeat of a property tax increase Monday, City Ad- ministrator Sylvester Murray yesterday termed the vote a "mandate" from local residents indicating they prefer reduced municipal services to paying higher op- erating costs. In the election, voters turned down a 1.7 mill hike by a 60-40 margin. The one-time levy had been requested to bal- ance the fiscal 1975 city budget. WITHOUT the $1 million that the tax School board to revise budget after tax loss By REBECCA WARNER Secretary to the city Board of Educa- tion Leroy Cappaert said yesterday he could not predict the precise budget cuts which will result from the defeat Mon- day of a proposed 1.3 mill property tax increase to cover school "operating costs." The millage, which would have gen- erated $1 million annually for the next five years, was defeated by more than 1800 votes. THE SCHOOLS, however, had not pre- pared a list of items to be cut from the operating budget in case the millage failed. Yesterday the staff of Superin- tendent Harry Howard began meeting to draft a revised budget, which Cappaert said will be presented to the school board for approval in the next two to four weeks. The schools presently have a total revenue level of more than $27 million, See SCHOOL, Page 9 increase would have generated, major reductions in city personnel and service levels will be necessary when the bud- get goes into effect on July 1. "The cuts that are needed will be dev- astating," Murray said, reaffirming a position he publicly took before the elec- tion. "Of course that assessment is my own value judgment, however." To balance the upcoming budget, in the event the millage was defeated, Mur- ray proposed that 30 full-time municipal employes be laid off and that the re- maining workers receive no salary in- creases during fiscal 1975. IN ADDITION, he recommended that many non-service areas including Com- munity Outreach projects, recreation programs, anod safety activities in the fire and police departments be curtailed or eliminated. Murray is now in the process of meet- ing with city department heads to decide specifically who should be laid off. These decisions will be submitted to City Coun- cil within two weeks for final approval. Among those who may be pink-slipped are three command personnel in the po- lice department, the assistant fire chief, a. fire inspector, an assistant city attor- ney an investigator in the Human Rights Department, and clerical staff in all de- partments. THESE CUTS and the no-salary in- crease recommendation could lead to strikes or lawsuits on the part of the city's unionized employes, according to Murray. Although the administration has been in contact with the unions, Murray said yesterday he will begin to meet person- ally with union leaders tomorrow to set- tle as many disagreements as possible. "These are not vindictive cuts," Mur- ray said, "But they are necessary in light of the present budget situation." MURRAY ADDED that he interprets Monday's millage defeat as "a mandate from city residents who would rather see a cut in city services instead of in- creased taxes." The funds that would have been raised by the property tax increase would have been used to maintain the present level of city services rather than provide new or expanded operations. Consequently those services should be- come noticeably less efficient and com- prehensive when the new budget goes into effect. Murray plans to meet with council "by the end of the month" to discuss the problem of rising operating costs and where to find enough money to meet those increases, Teenager gives pet albino toad to 'U' for research By BARBARA CORNELL Kinships (CROAK), plans to use the By pure luck, a teenager from the rare toad for research. Detroit area discovered a one-in-a- Program coordinator, Christina million shot. No, he didn't win the Richards says that the toad is im- state lottery. He found an albino portant for comparison with normal- toad. ly pigmented frogs and also for Robert Bannasch,, 13, of Warren, tracing radioactive miaterials used in Michigan, stumbled across his albino the study of amphibian embryos. The toad "about a week and a half ago" absence of color makes the study less when his mother sent him out to do confusing since pigment grains can some garden chores, be confused with radioactive tracers Noticing that the toad was unusual, when they are photographed. Bonnasch first contacted the Deiroit Zoo. They expressed no interest. BUT SOMEONE else was interested in Robert's pet and yesterday he pre- sented it to the U-M Amphibian Facil- ity, an affiliate of the University's zoology department and the University Center for Human Growth and Devel- opment. The facility, known to insiders as the Center for Reseach on Amphibian ALTHOUGH RICIIXRDS estimates the likelihood of an albino toad being born is a million to one, three such toads have been found in the Warren area. Two were presented to the fa- cility yesterday and one more will be presented today. Richards attributes the sudden ap- pearance of several albtinos to a gene- tic phenomenon which produced the See RARE, Page 9