THE Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Tuesday, June 11, 1974 News Phone: 764-0552 ENTREZ GISCARD The French non mandate 4b TO HOA U (KW A CWH OT CAMP~ THEJEV6)YO H HrFOE5 JCc YOUR MAF(A BV P2O(Wo Ail (~AV26U By PAUL O'DONNELL (N SUNDAY, MAY 19, the day of the historic runoff between presidential candidates Valery Giscard D'Estaing (Independent Republican) and Socialist Francois Mitterand, suspense was acute eserysThere in France. Observers in all parts Of Europe and in many parts of the world paid close attention to the electoral battle, remaining awake until well after midnight on election night to listen to agonizingtt close vote counts. Despite criticisms by many members of the extreme left of the "electoral farce", voter participation was massive: over 87 per cent of all registered French voters cast their ballots for the man they chose as Pompidou's successor. Even those who were totaly uninterested in what some commentators called "the most dra- matic election in the history of the French re- public" could hardly avoid reading about it. The newspapers which appeared on European streets on the two days following the election proclaim-. ed the French Finance Minister's victory with photos and eye-catching headlines: GISCARD, PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE/ GISCARD, PRESIDENTE DEI FRANCESI/ IT'S GISCARD/ GANO GISCARD/ ALMOST MORE interesting than the name of the winner were the final figures: 50.80 per cent in favor of Giscard and 49.19 per cent for Mit- terand, in other words the closest presidential race on record in France. Results were seen by many as a triumph of the forces of continuity and tradition over the forces of change, others saw it as a successful usage of commercial poli- tical tactics that the United States is famous for. My intention in writing this article is not to discuss in depth the causes and effects of Gis- card's victory, nor the further deterioration of the Gaullist movement (in power for fifteen years before this election), but rather to compare the two candidates themselves, as well as their re- spective electorates. Such comparisons are facilitated by the numer- ous opinion surveys that were made public pre- vious to the elections, and which showed French electorate to be clearly divided according to age, sex, and social standing. Based on these surveys, the following conclusions can be drawn about the election: 1) If only men had voted, Mitterand almost certainly would have won. 2) If only workers, or even employees of any kind, had voted, Mitterrand would have been victorious. 3) If young peoplebetween the ages of 18 and 21 years of age had been allowed to vote, Mitterand would have been much closer to vic- tory. When Giscard nosed out Mitterand by approxi- mately 400,000 votes, many concluded that Gis- card's election was a victory for women, the old, and the upper classes. FEAR OF COMMUNISM was another decisive factor in the outcome of the election. What makes Mitterand "scarier" than Britain's Wil- son is that Mitterand is supported by a coalition of Socialists, Communists, and Radicals, and that the Communists represent about 25 per ce: of French voters. Certain members of the ele torate were frightened into believing that satin for a Socialist-Communist coalition would be step towards surrendering La Belle France int the greedy hands of the Soviet Union. 1pet sonttlly do not believe intimations made by man newspapers that a victory of the 'Union of tol Left" would have been a victory for the Rn sians. I doubt that Mitterand or the Frenc Communist Party are the kinds of socialis that Moscow likes to see in power. There 's muc evidence to support the statement that the Sosie preferred Giscard over Mitterand. THE TWO candidates reflect their resen constituencies even by their Socio-economic ha ground. Mitterand is the son of a railriid en ployee, and he made his way up the poli'ti, ladder after participating in the French Resi ance in both military and non-combat role It political platform was based on the "Cornnt Program of the Left," a document signed by va ions leftist organizations, containing plans for n tionalization and other social and economic toe, sures. Although the document has nsumeros faults, notably a certain ambiguity cancerni foreign policy, it presented a much more cocre: plan than anything Giscard proposed. Giscard, in contrast to Mitterand's retlie humble origins, is a descendent of French K:r Louis XV. The former Finance Minister's politic tactics included trying to appear as a "middlei the road-centrist" candidate, when he could b ter be described as "the representative off ta tionally pro-American middle and upper midd class." -NIXON WAS the first chief of stnve to co gratilate Giscard upon being elected; he did before the results of the election were officji which is not part of White House protocol. Ti was interpreted by many as a clear des ' the part of Nixon to improve Franco- Aurir relations: indeed, Giscard will certainly pro: be more pro-American than either of his G list predecessors were. His platform wsi mi less concrete than that of his Socialist ri victory is certainly more a result of peal," commercialization, and fear of th. i: ruies," than of public support for his tt governing France. Whatever be the reasons behind Giscard's ,le toral success, the results show that the re. pce dent will have to face the opposition of mately half the French population, naimiCei majority of the young, the students and tihc ing class. Hostile reactions to Giscard's eli:: are expected from the students and the lab unions, but nothing big is expected entil ie fall: organizing strikes and demonstratiitis i: mass level is almost impossible duringe c mer vacation months. MEANWHILE, Giscard must attend to the :o of building a government from the ri :iiiof : Gaullist party and from the diverse righ-ci and center elements that brought him into po t These elements are anything but cohesive a homogeneous, so this task will hardly proe be an easy one. 0OlT67WrERTE ARE 6k)X6H Uk)CMY Hf 1Op(AY5 TO RFVCFSCE Tfc MjkC(AUIOF) CU TB COUT,7w b«Y LOOR(A-YS; NCMSS tkx GET S ,TO R5UVGC MWu-1THAT iaO) oI ((K3AUUILOT cDO~k 600p2 Ny.TO OUR 5 FA&66 Pk. ACIC UP&UTDE Y6TITAL< TOR IAM5HAVE AP c)E&TOIJU CUT OFF )~J7 -r-"-o-5 THlE (P TO'-S TOUX- OF GEAR - -r5O F&(5e209 IF WGCT TA$FO 3 CAU06dT WE1 CAK,) C09 lI I Letters to the Daily conference To The Daily: ON JUNE 15, 16 and 17 in Iowa City, Iowa, the Attica Bri- gade will hold its first National Convention. It's been five long years (the SDS convention in 1969) since students from all over the country got together as one organization to figure out how we could best fight back against the oppression of people at home and around the world. But the student movement didn't die with SIBS like the press is always telling us. Al- though many students did be- come cynical and some got mis- led into working through elec- toral politics on the McGovern campaign, during the late '60s and early '70s something else happened to many of us. Be- cause of the war, the Black liberation struggle (especially the Black Panther Party), and through what we saw on our own campuses and high schools, many came to an understanding that it was more than just flaws or errors in America, but a whole system of oppression and exploitation. And we called it what it was - Imperialism. NOW IS THE TIME for all of us to get together - members of the Attica Brigade, indepen- dent anti-imperialist student groups, independent progressive students. We have to talk about the struggles we've built and what the issues are to build around in the future. We have to talk about our victories and also sum up our mistakes. It will be a time to figure out what prin- ciples unite us and also to strug- gle out our differences. There will be speakers from the Youth organization for Black Unity, a Farah striker, an Attica Brother, the Revolu- tionary Union, Zimbabwe Af- rican National Union, Vietnam Veterans Against the War. Winter Soldier Org. and Clark Kissinger, former National Sec- retary of SDS 1964-65. Educa- tional workshops will be held on such various subjects as Fascism, Chile, Ireland, and African Liberation. Practical workshops will range from topics such as Women, Fight- ing National Oppression (Ra- cism), Militancy, Cultural Work, and Electoral Politics. There will also be representatives in- vited from other forces: are fighting back against I perialism - Vets, xirke 'third World organizations. ci munist organizations -'so can learn how to best jois struggles with theirs. FIVE YEARS is too lng have got to move now to huil new student movement --u unified, more conscious, m militant. We can not let other year go by with all of all over the place, someti working on the same thin sometimes on struggles should be linked, but a getting together: never re concentrating all the power have. We hope to come out the Convention with a State of Unity, an Organizati structure and an increased litical understanding of best to move forward our and of what tasks face the tire anti-imperialist move0 For more information an rides call Mark 763 F6 Marianne 665 0825. -The Attica Brig