Page Ter. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, May 9, 1974 Page Ter. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, May 9, 1974 Gays confront psychiatrists Ypsi crisis center seeking volunteers (ostured from 'atwe3) their convention in Cobo Hall. Nearly 200 gays - both men and women-traveled to Detroit Tuesday. Local lesbians de- manded that thes have two rep- resentatives in the panel dis- cossion to present gay feminist ,iues. "We wanted to make it clear to the psychiatrist that we are not overly grateful that thet took us off their sick lis" com- mented local feminist Rachel Kamel. "Their past crimes re- garding their treatment of gays were so enormous that this re- classification is not a sufficient reparation." Shortly after the panel discus- sion began, Kamel and a radical lesbian from Philadelphia read a speech that lashed out at the "atrolities" committed in rhe name of psychiatric therapy. "YOU SAY your work is heal' ing and helping, but look at shot you have done to women and to lesbians," Kamel told 'the group of approximately 100 psychiatrists. "On your author- ity, women are incarcerated in mental hospitals and are lobo- tomized. On your advice, wo- men take dangerous drugs which destroy the mind and the spirit." After the speek, a small group Of radical lesbians demanded that the men leave the stage so they could discuss problems unique to women. At this point, most of the psy- chiatrists left the room. "The lesbian message went in one ear and . out the other," commented Kamel. MEMBERS OF the APA were not available for comment. Although most of the local gays felt the confrontation w ith the APA had been unproductive, they termed the remainder of their sprint csnference "highly successful." By ANDREA LILLY SOS, a community crisis cen- ter, is looking for volunteers to participate in a two week train- ing program this summer. The center, located on 114 N. River in Ypsilanti, offers coun- seling in all areas, from preg- nancy and human sexuality, to suicide prevention and d r u g help. TIlE CENTER has a 24-hour hotline, walk-in counseling and a 24-hour "on call team," a group that goes out and deals with problems that cannot be handled either in the center or on the phone. SOS is also a referral center for problems its 5t f is not eqoupped to handle. DIAL 660-6416 it v'. a ter ,,- HELD OVER FOR YOUR BENEFIT! PHONE 43:4-1782 WAYSIDE Theatre THUR&fRt 4%3020 WASHTENAW-1 &LMites 7 & 9 P. M East of U.S.23-Arborand WALT 1D)[01EY wn A I RWOEC TH &a nygo 4n3020 WsrAADStWU-lo Mclets17Weib:.ney oonw The community crisis center is now looking for volunteers to staff the hot lines and work in the center. They have no re- quirements for volunteers, only that all volunteers are sincere- ly interested in this kind of work. THERE WILL be a training session from May 31 until June 13 and isterviews for volunteers will be held previous to the start of the training session. The trajning program will consist of empathy training, (learning to listen), vahies clar- ification training, (learning how not to force one's soals on oth- ers). first aid and drug overdose aid. If yo% reit, rst3!oii n fthter infarmutisa and ore ready tos commsit at least eih hours of your hoc each wseck Try Daily Classifieds Mixed League Bowling OPEN 11 AM. U-M Union Lanes 231 SOUTH STATE 662-6264 HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU ENJOYED THE STING? WINNER OF 7 ACADEMY all it takes AWARDS! ( pG) is a little 1:30 Confidence 6:0 "the STING" 10TH WEEK OF PLEASURE! 603 E. Liberty DIAL 665-6290 STARTS ENDS FRIDAY!TODAY the"WHERE ORIGINAL u :ES BLOOM" Billy Jack *IG RETURNS in .3m.57. "BORN LOSERS" TOM LAUGHLIN as Billy lack J) SUBSCRIBE TO THE SUMMER THE SUMMER DAILY FEATURES: * Community and National News. * University Events. 0 Sports-Including the late baseball scores from the West Coast. * The (semi) Continuing Story of MADAM SOPHIE. Remember, the DAILY is almost your only contact with the University during the summer months. It's a must if you're in Ann Arbor. And if you're not, you need it to find out what you're missing. To subscribe, simply stop by our offices or fill out -the form below and send it with a check for the proper amount to: The MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104. -------------*"""""""""* LEAVE BLANK Yes, I would like to subscribe to LEAVE BLANK THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY (pre-payment necessary for subs. outside ofAnAbrMih TERM: Ilia IlIb III SUMMER SUBSCRIPTION PRICES: $5.50 Sprino-Summer Term (I1) 1) $6.00 by Mail (Mich. and Ohio) For Circulation Dept. Use Only $6.50 by Mail (All other U.S.A. points) $3.00 Sorinq lIla) OR Summer (1lb) Term ~ Stencil Typed $3.50 by Mail (Mich. and Ohio) $4.00 by Mail (All other U.S.A. points) I * Number of papers 1I (Please Print) Lust Name First Middle Initial Amount Due $ I D. No._Phone_ _ U Date Started Number Street Name Apt, Na Code 3 City State Zips: F t;<, > i ;<'; ,; S- .. As ... '> t k t .+.yr ,en 1Dt.\ 4. ... . . ..v l. K,. >. ... _[ ti.Y',