uesday, June 11, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Voters down city pr lax increase bybig ien. Jackson ears Nixon nay bungle %ideast truce ATLA\NTIC CITY, N.J. W - Sen. enr. Jackson (D-Wash.) said yester y feared President Nixon may he this country when the United eni during his current journey to thatr art w the world. s k Kissinger did bring some sta- i nd Ithe only thing I can see now e President screwing it up," Jack-g a cheering crowd of 1,000 at the, . ersey State AFL-CIO convention. S i1 PLACE OF the President is right: t, the Mideast cease-fire agree- is in such deep economic crisis" ickn ( said. iihe senator accused the Nixon admin- tratcn of "a gross mismanagement the economy " Me said the adminis- ato' four economic phases should be itoed by a "Phase 5', to phase out- e administration. Bu Sen. George Aiken (R-Vt.) said in ahington that he supports President iss S trip to the Middle East and re- cte argument that its purpose is to ert attention from Watergate AIKl:N, ranking Republican on the " s e Foreign Relations Committee, id if Nixon's trip improves the condi-4 ,is tor peace, the President "will have rforned a veoman's service for the The Vermont senator added, "May I int it in the interest of insuring the acv of the world, he visited both; lima and Moscow before Watergate FIRST LADY Pat Nixon and her husband Richard arrive in Salzburg, Austria caine anything more than an apart- yesterday on a brief stopover before arriving in the Middle Fast. Austrian ew: house " chancellor Bruno Kreisky, on the right, welcomed them at the airport. While Nin departed for the Middle East in the Middle East, the Nixons will visit several countries including Egypt, erdiy. where the President will participate in summit talks. Ixor lands in Salzburg n way to /Middle Eas t AL/BURG, Austria () - President hour stay in this Alpine city the Presi- tions with Syria while in Damascus. ion arrived last night in Salzburg, dent will continue "intensive prepara- Syria broke relations during the 1967 snpleting the first leg of a journey tions" for his swing through five Middla Arab-Israeli war. t will carry him through the Middle East nations which he said in Washing- The President has indicated, however, st to seek what he called a "perma- tou have "known nothing but war over that he hopes this visit will remind the nt and lasting and just and equitable the past 30 to 40 years." American people of his diplomatic suc- ice Very little is expected in the way of cesses with China and Russia and wil 'Every nation in the world has a concrete diplomatic agreements, al- convince them that he should remain in ke in maintaining peace in the Mid- though there are strong signs that Nixon office in order to insure a strong foreign East," Nixon said after stepping will announce resumption of full rela- policy. his jetliner into an Austrian rain- - _ .- . - Page Three operty margin By GORDON ATCHESON Local v ot e r a yesterday sounly de- feated a proposed property tax increase aimed at balancing the city's fiscal 1975 budget. The 1 7 mill hike-a one-time emer- gency levy would have generated some $1 million in revenue for the city. That amount will now have to be cut from the 1975 budget wtich cill ginitii effect on July 1. ALTHOUGH VOTER turnout was light- er than anticipated, theomllage was easily turned down. With all precincts reporting, the results showed 8,209 votes against the tax increase and 6,129 in favor. Before the election, City Administra- tor Sylvester Murray sal that if the millage were defeated, "devastating" reductions would have to be made in city services. The cuts will probibly come primarily in the area of personnel. Murray has proposed that some 30 full-time city workers be laid-off and that other mu- nicipal employes receive no salary in- creases during the up-cominig year. MURRAY ALISO recommended that funds ear-marked for Community out reach programs including drug help, child and health care, and related opera- tions be curtailed by about 590,000- about half the original allocation. "It's the city that lost," Murray said at last night's City Council meeting. tte was visibly upset, apparently by the ill "te defeat, and refused to comment further on the results. Although council has the final author- ity to decide which areas of the $18 million municipal bidge will be trim- ieed, it disagreed little with Murray's recommendations. DESPITE AN all-out effort by the city to inform the pblic about the conse- quences of the millage proposal's de- feat, the tax was as easily defeated as three simil::r requests made in the plst five years. In 1969 and 1972, voters rejected a city-wide income tax id in 1972 also trounced a millage bost similar to this year's proposal Among those employes who will prob- ably be pink-slipped as a result of the millage defeat- are three command per- sonnel in the Police IDepartment, the assistant city attorney, aniitspectrin i the Ilsman Rithts D epatmseti, tnt) clerical workers ii nearly alt detat- cnents. "SHOULD THE 1.7 millage not pass . . very drastic cuts will be necessary These cuts will not be 'fat' but 'muscle' and they will be felt," Murray said in a letter mailed to city voters the week before the election. The lay-offs and particularly the no- salary-increase stance taken by the ad- ministration may lead to trouble with the city's unionized employes that could include strikes and lawsuits. Council and Murray plan to meet in the near future to map out long-range budget strategies. The millage defeat and its effects should receive consider- able attention. 'WE TRUST this journey will con- ute to peace not just in that -aea to peace generally in all the world." e presidential jet touched down at p.m. EDT after an 8 -hour flight m Washington, ancellor Bruno Kreisky greeted Nix- his wife Pat, Secretary of State ry Kissinger and other members of official party. He proclaimed Nixon pacemaker for peace," TANDING b e s i d e the American T sident in the rain, Kreisky said the ld was fortunate that such powers the United States and the- Soviet 0 were making "strenuous efforts peace in the world." bton's aides said that during a 36- High Ct. reduces accused's rights WASHINGTON (15 - The Supreme preme Court known as the Miranda rul- that a defendant receive a perfect trial, Court yesterday broadened the power ing. only a fair one, it cannot realis'ically re- of prosecutors to use evidence -indirectly Tucker was arrested and questioned quire that policemen investigating ser- obtained from defendants who were not before the Miranda decision, but his trial ions crimes make no errors whttscever," fully informed of their rights, came after it, Rehnquist wrote. The court's 8-1 decision stemmed from Justice William Rehnquist, speaking He said there was no reasn to be- the conviction of Thomas Tucker of Pan- for the majority of the court in the Mich- lieve the testimony of the witness was tiac on a rape charge. Tucker appealed igan rape case, said Tucker's interroga- untrustworthy simply because Tucker on the grounds that the prosecution tions showed "inadvertant disregard" for was not advised of his right to appoint- learned of a witness only through a the procedural rules established under ed counsel. statement which Tucker gave police, the Miranda decision. But Rehnquist Justice William 0. Douglas, dissent- POLICE had not told Tucker that he said it did not violate Tucker's constitu- ing, said the circumstances did not meet had the right to have a lawyer provided tional right not to be required to incrim- constitutional standards for protecting free. Such a statement to suspects is mate himself, Tucker's privilege against self-incrim- required by a 1966 decision of the Su- "JUST AS the law does not require ination.