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May 09, 1974 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1974-05-09

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Thursday, May 9, 1974


Confidence game ends

(Continued from Page 1)
She telephoned K u b in s k i,
president of the local Sigma
Chi fraternity, posing as Tasha
Lodge-the niece of former U.S.
ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge
- according to the Ann Arbor
MERRELLA claimed she had
been receiving obscene calls
and letters from one of the
fraternity brothers and that a
meeting would be necessary to
rectify the situation.
After agreeing to meet her,
Kubinski was then told by Mer-
rella that a second meeting with
additional people in another
city was required, police said.
He and Merrella then left for
St. Louis where that meeting
was supposed to take place.
By canceling and rescheduling
those sessions, Merrella travel-
led with Kubinski to the various
location -- all at his cost.
POLICE were able to recon-
struct the pair's path by check-
ing the bills put on Kubinski's
credit card but could neither in-
.tercept the two nor predict
where they might surface next.
Throughout the journey, Ku-
binski never contacted his par-
ents, friends, fraternity broth-
ers, or anyone else concerning
his whereabouts. But police said
that Merrella often "convinced
her victims that to do so might
endanger their lives because
"agents" wanted to prevent the
meetings from taking place.

However, Kubinski's actions
were still described as "com-
pletely out of character" by his
older brother Walter, who is a
dental student at the Univer-
KUBINSKI IS apparently a"
relatively straight - laced per-
son who in addition to other ac-
tivities was an active member
of the Campus Crusade for
Christ before his disappear-
He was also due to graduate
this spring and enter the Uni-
versity dental school in the fall.
Kuhiski's six-week trip is the
longest Merrella has been able
to string along any of her vic-
tims. Most realized they were
being bilked within a week or
ten days.
BUT THE police have been
left amazed by the woman's
ability to consistently fool in-
telligent people with her bi-
zarre congame. "I find it hard
to believe that guys of above
average intelligence fall for this
scheme without checking it
out," an Ann Arbor police de-
tective commented.
"But she is so convincing in
the parts she plays," he added.
"It's as if she almost believes
the role she takes up."
Merrella is now being de-
tained in an Alexandria, Va. jail
and in addition to the charge of
escaping from prison may face
counts of fraud and misuse of
credit cards.

City CouncilOK's
" K -
1.7 miii increase
(Continued from Page 3) THOMAS PROPOSED a two
crease, "a $500,000 reduction in mill increase which was de-
the budget would still be re- feated along party lines with the
quired." He claimed a larger final 1.7 approved by all except
tax hike would make life in Ann Colleen McGee (D-First Ward)
A r b o r "uneconomical" and and Kathy Kozachenko (HRP-
cause a "flight to the town- Second Ward). However, Jamie
ships." Kenworthy (D-Fourth Ward) ex-
This feeling was echoed by pressed Democratic sentiment,
Carol Jones (D-Second Ward): saying, "This is a layoff budget
"The more we request, the more if it (the increase) passes or
difficult it's going to be for fails."
voters to approve it." Yet the
Democrats expressed fears that The council also moved to en-
social services would suffer the dorse efforts by the state legis-
most from budget cutbacks. lature to control no-deposit bot-
In response to a question con- tIes. This was in response to a
cerning social service funding resolution to appeal a court
posed by Norris Thomas (D- ruling which struck down a pre-
Second Ward), the Mayor com- s
mented, "This will be one year vious motion by council to out-
when we won't be able to have law nonreturnable bottles in the
our cake and e'at it too." city.
Centrol to Indian Philosophy is the question of
transformation of life. It is the general aim of
this course to introduce to students this way of
living the philosophies of life, and the yogas
that India has to offer.
SPRING TERM 3 CREDITS times arranged
for more info: Studies in Reliqion (764-4475)

Page N: ne
Doily Official Bulletin
Thursday, May 9
DBay Calendar
055: R. Day, Yale Univ., Has-
kins Labs, 'individsnol Ditferenres
in Lannuage t'rocerlg Inplica-
tions or a Theory o Cognition,"
1057 MHI, 3:45 pm.
Aeerleon tHrritage Night: Alaskaan
"*eno, League cofeteria. 5nmo.
Psychology 201: Mass meeting,
Project Outreach, Aud. A, Angell
Hall, 7:30 pm.
Computing Ctr.: E. Dijtotra,com-
puiter scientist, 'The ssence on
Program Correctness," nm. 91,-
Speech 511dg., wSU (NE carne of
Warren & J. Lodge service drive.
Detroit), 5 pm.

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