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June 08, 1974 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1974-06-08

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Saturdoy, June 8, 1974


Page Three

Israeli, Syrian troops start

By The Associaited Press
Israel announced yesterday that the
long-awaited separation of Syrian and
Israeli troops in the Golan Heights had
begun, and returning war prisoners from
both sides traded charges of maltreat-
ment, including beatings with rubber
hoses, stints in solitary and inadequate
food and medical care.
Israeli tanks, heavy equipment and
even houses were being withdrawn from
Syrian territory captured in last Octo-
ber's Middle East war and from some of
the land held since the 1967 conflict
IN JERISAILEM, Premier Yitzhak
Rabin said Israel would launch initiatives
for a nonbelligerency pact with FEypt
as the next step to a lasting Middle East
1e ace
The 52-yer-old Israeli leader, who took
office Mondtv, said the next step would
have to be taken with Egypt because
"Egypt is the main country in the
Middle East. Without it, no war has
been started against Israel and without
it, no war against Israel has ended.
The rumble of explosions continued
along the front as the departing Israelis
blew up installations and fortification of
potentiali military use.
Sources said the withdrawal would
probably be comnleted ahead of schedule
and noted that the Golan area is more
compact than the Suez front, which
took weeks to evaciate after last Jan-
uarv's trc' there.
Heights renorted an Israeli nolback as
early as Wednesdav. Bit the statement
by an Israeli command spokesman said°
the disengnftement process was under- AN ARAB HOLY M
way was the first officiol confirmation war. In the foregrou
that the onerational plan signed .in change took place at
Geneva two days ago was being put into
effect on the battleground.
Israeli orisoners who returned home
from Syria on Th'irsdav told of abose
diring their cintivity. They reported
beatings with rubber hoses diring inter-
rogation, inadeqiate food and medical
care, and being kept for days with sacks
over their heads and their hands bound.
However, prisoner Gideon Arnhalt said
in Haifa, "I wouldn't say we were tor-
tired. I was able to stand up to the
physical punishment. Maybe they tor-
tured other prisoners. I don't know." By DAVIDV
Pilot Benjamin Kiryati said in a radio About 25 demonstrat
interview lie was wounded, captured and United Farm Worker
given poor medical care. He was beaten the Village Corner ye
painfully on his feet, interrogated while the store'spolicy of si
still ill and kept isolated for the entire Hoping to discourt
eight months, he said. tomers, the group is
ANOTHER RETURNEE said his hands boycott to protest Ga
had been tied and his head covered with picked by non-unionm
a sack for t0 days without a break.
In Syria, a military doctor, Col. Is- THE GALLO corpor
kandr Nabra Yazagi, declared that Is- producer of wine ma
raeli POWs were treated with "every grapes in the country
possible care," but that Israel inflicted bers of the AFL-CIO
torture- on its prisoners through wrong cotting Gallo for over
or insufficient treatment. the company's refusal
See MIDEAST, Page 10 contract.

at Golan Heights

AP Photo
AN, left, leads a procession of Israeli troops bearing the coffins of Syrian soldiers killed in the October
nd lie the flag-draped coffins of Israeli soldiers who fell behind Syrian lines during the war. The ex-
t the village of Es-Shams near Sasaa in the Golan Heights area.
bycott upporters

tors supporting the
s (UFW) picketed
sterdoy to protest
elling Gallo wine.
age potential cus-
part of a national
lto's use of grapes
ation is the largest
de from non-union
. The UFW, mem-
, have been boy-
r a year following
d to renew a UFW

Persuasions play benefit
concert tonight at Pioneer

t Village
John Farley, a coordinator of the local
Farm Workers Support Committee, said
the group chose to picket the Village
Corner over other wine-sellers because
the store sold "a lot of Gallo wine.'
Farley called the store's management
particularly unco-operative with the boy-
cottgrs. He said the store's location at
S. Forest and S. University made it a
convenient meeting place from which to
organize rides to Wrigley's supermarket,
which the group is also picketing.
EMPLOYES INSIDE the s t o r e ob-
served "no drop in sales" during the
picketing and added that Galla wines
were among their least popular. No
Galls wine was seen being sold during
the protest.
One employe who asked not to be
identified said the store wanted to "leave
it to consumer discretion" as t what
wines were bought. Another employe,
however, claimed the workers dis-
couraged shoppers from buying Gallo.
The person in charge of ordering wines
was not present during the picketing.
A CUSTOMER in the store looking
over the wines said "I haven't bought
it (Gallo) all along."
"If I don't buy the wine they are
picketing then shopping here is okay,"
he continued.
Robert Alexander, H u m a n Rights
Party hopeful for state representative,
supported this idea, saying the demon-
stration was not against the store itself,
only the selling of Gallo wine. However,
Phil Carroll, HRP candidate for Con-
gress, said, "I would like to convince
people not to buy anything from the
State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Ar-
bor) remarked, "The farm workers are
still fighting the struggle most vorkers
won in the 1930's-4he right to unionize."

A FACT SHEET distributed by the
demonstrators outlined the conditions
under which farm workers live and
claimed the average migrant worker
family has an income of $3,170 and lives
in two-room lodgings located in "labor
'U'air cooling
systems cool ilt
tsave power
In an effort to cut down on the
University's consutmption and electrical
costs, the Plant Department has begun
a policy of economizing on air condi-
tioning in University buildings.
"We can cut down on a lot of wasted
use of air conditioners and fans without
inconveniencing people," said Zed Kan-
aan, a Plant Department official. "By
making sure that air conditioning is shut
off in buildings when they are unoccup-
ied, and by cutting down on hot air
coming into buildings, we can decrease
power consumption drastically."
AIR CONDITIONING power use will
be further diminished by cooling build-
ings down only to 75 to 78 degrees in-
stead of to the usual 70 degrees. Ac-
cording to Kanaan, "Keeping tempera-
tures below 75 isn't necessary to keep
people comfortable."
President Nixon has asked the nation
not to cool its conditioned air to below
78 degrees.
See AIR, Page 10

Tonight at Pioneer High School Audi-
torium, the Persuasions and a bunch of
local kids will give city residents a
chance to hear some good old a cappela
and help out a needy group at the same
The Persuasions will appear at Pioneer
at 8 p.m. in a benefit for Operation
Education, a program which has taken
children from the city's public housing
projects on trips to Mammoth Cave,
Washington, D.C.,, New York City, and
Ottawa, in past years,
THIS YEAR, the group plans a bus
trip to the Grand Canyon, with side
excursions to St. Louis, Tulsa, the Petri-
fied Forest National Monument, Mesa
Verde National Park, and the Air Force
Hit hard by rising gas prices, Opera-

tion Education has sunk the money rais-
ed all year by sponsoring events in a
down payment to the Persuasions. They
need to raise $7,500 to charter a bus for
their trip.
Rumor has it that a major soul group
who the Persuasions have been traveling
with are in town and might make a
surprise appearanceaat the concert,
AS WELL AS music, the concert will
feature a celebrity auction, in which
personal belongings of big name per-
formers will be put up for sale.
Operation Education is forced to charge
$5 per ticket to cover their expenses,
but according to University Activities
Center spokeswoman Sue Young, this
may be negotiable in cases of short
funds. Tickets will be available at the

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