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June 08, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-06-08

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Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 23-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, June 8, 1974 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Gesell warns Nixon
of contempt liability
Claims justice nearly obstructed

Festival takes off
Traditional Greek dance is performed last night as part of the city's annual Ya'ssoo Greek Festival being held this week-
end. The festival will continue today and tonight at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, 414 Main St., featuring home-
made Greek food, more folk dance, and live bouzouki music played by a native Greek band.
- ---- --------- --- -------
atricia Hearst vows to
continue fight h

WASHINGTON (M - President
Nixon risks "appropriate proce-
dures under the contempt statutes"
by refusing to allow full access to
White House documents wanted in
the Plumbers trial, U. S. District
Judge Gerhard Gesell declared yes-
Gesell, in a stern lecture to the
President's chief lawyer, James St.
Clair, said that Nixon's shielding
of the materials "borders on ob-
struction" of justice.
"I DON'T think he understands the
consequences of what he is doing," Ge-
sell said of the President.
In a nearby courtroom, meanwhile,
Judge John Sirica lifted the secrecy on a
grand jury report which is known to in-
clude the President's name on a list of
unindicted co-conspirators in the Water-
gate cover-Lp. The material is now in
the hands of the Supreme Court, how-
ever, and when it might actually be re-
leased to the public was uncertain.
At the Gresell hearing, the judge said
Nixon and St. Clair had brokcn an agree-
ment under which defense lawyers would
be able to accompany John Ehrlichman
in a review of hindwritten notes Ehr-
lichman left behind at the White House.
REBUKING St. Clair, Gesell said,
"When you make a commitment in open
court, you make it to me. You broke it."
The White House policy of narrowly
limiting Ehrlichman's access to mater-
ials he may need for a fair trial is "to-
tally offensive," Gesell said. "It bor-
ders on obstruction."
In the Plumbers case, Ehrlichman,
Gordon Liddy and two others accused
in the 1971 break-in at the office of Dr.
Lewis Fielding, D~aniel Ellsberg's psy-
IT IS NOT clear precisely how far
Gesell might be prepared to go in press-
ing possible contempt proceedings
against the President. He has also said
he is willing, if necessary, to dismiss
the charges against the Plumbers de-
fendants if enough evidence is not made
available for their defense.
On learning yesterday that Ehrlich-
man was denied permission to take his
lawyers with him into a White House
vault where the files are stored, Gesell
"I propose to have a hearing . . . as
to who has the custody of these docu-
ments so that I may take the appro-
priate procedures under the contempt
statutes to determine whether or not this
material will be produced."
LATER, he announced his intention to
"write an order and opinion" on the is-
sue of White House access. He did not
say when that decision is expectable.
At the other hearing, Sirica reversed
his earlier order which sealed the grand
See GESELL, Page 10

LOS ANGELES M)--In a taped mes- She said she was amused at specula- "If
sage received yesterday, Patricia Hearst ,tion that she had been brainwashed into afraid
said she was in love with slain Sym- joining her captors, and strongly indi- are t
bionese Liberation Army member Wil- cated she would never surrender. Wolfe
hiam Wolfe and vowed to fight on with "WHILE I HAVE no death wish, I thisn
the SLA. have never been afraid of death," Hearst becas
The 20-year-old fugitive newspaper said. "For this reason, the brainwash- FBI 1
heiress, kidnaped more than four months rbecau
agorevled er amil asthe pig duress theory of the pig Hearsts has bea
ago, reviled her family as the "pig always amused me. Life is very precious helpI
Hearsts," and said she had been in love to me, but I have no delusions that going right
with Wolfe, 23, who was xnown by the to prison would keep me alive, and I
SLA as "Cujo'." would never choose to live the rest of YO
AT THE HEARST home in Hills- my life surrounded by pigs." to a 1
borough, the family spokesman said, State
"The voice was definitely Patricia's," In Emmaus, Pa., Dr. L. S. Wolfe, Ste
He said the family was "generally de- father of the SLA member whom Hearst Cinq
pressed" and had no immediate public professed to love, said her description SLA'
comment. of him as a gentle and beautiful man was Hea
Calling herself by her SLA name correct.
"Tania" and sprinkling her statement
with obscenities, Hearst said she was - -
"reborn" on May 17 when "Cujo" and
five other SLA members died in a shoot-
out with Los Angeles police. She 'said Rememe
SLA members had saved her life whenb e r
they kidnaped her Feb. 4.

you are the gentlest of men and
d of nothing, and see how people
reated, then you must go mad,"
said. He said he wanted to send
message to Hearst: "Come see me
se I understand and tell the . . .
to just stay away from this house
se I can talk to Patty and I can
Patty and I can have Patty do the
LUNG WOLFE HAD been an adviser
black studies program at Vacaville
Prison, where he met Donald
ue" DeFreeze, who became the
rst ended her statement with the
See HEARST, Page 10

to vote Monday

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