Friday, June 7, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine 1ti Ch Ch Cal gee cot ers S ese Mi the Saf scl ap Hawaiians protest ban on firecrackers WASHINGTON .P) - Likening ter that he was "quite taken inese firecrackers to t h e back by the absoluteness" of the ristian cross, two members of ban on manufacturing and sales ngess from Hawaii have lod- of all sizes of firecrackers, and d protests against the forth- attached a three-page letter of ming federal ban on firecrack- protest from the Chinese Cham- , ber of Commerce of Hawaii. THIS WEEKEND Sen. Daniel Inouye, a Japan- "IN CERTAIN ceremonies the 8:30 $2.50 -American, and Rep. Patsy use of fireworks is as import- FRI.-SAT. nk, a Chinese-American, told ant as the use of bells or the U.S. Consumer Product use of a cross in the religious ELEKTRA RECORD'S fety Commission that t h e activities of other beliefs," said S d J ohn heduled June 17 ban would Chamber President Clinton I O pear to violate religious free- Ching. Koerner What's NEW on SOUTH U? GET ALL THE NEWS AS IT HAPPENS DAILY MONTHLY N.Y. Times Cosmopulitan Chicago Tribune National Lampoon Detroit Newspapers Psychology Today Washington Post Playgirl Wall Street Journal Playboy & Hundreds more WEEKLY PLUS People All the b e s t sellers in Time Masazine paperback and hardbound Newsweek Books and Magazines on New Yorker every conceivable subiect. Sports Illustrated Alphabetical by author. SPECIAL ORDERS WELCOME Another COMMUNITY NEWSCENTER Open 8:30 a.m.-1 1 p.m. 7 days a week 1301 South University-Ph 662-6150 dams. "THE COMMISSION has cho- sen to issue an edict barring the people from exercising their re- ligious beliefs through the use of firecrackers," Mink wrote. "Although you exempted farm- ers and ranchers from this rule you made no exception for persons to use firecrackers in accordance with religious cus- tom which has existed for many, many years," she said. Inouye wrote in a separate let- "The whole matrix of China's civilization, including its relig- ion and folk traditions and cere- monies, .dates back more than 4,000 years. The use of fire- works has always been an im- portant part of those religious and cultural ceremonies," he wrote Inouye. Richard Simpson, chairman of the federal commission, said on Monday the firecracker ban will go into effect unless a legal challenge is filed. legendary Koerner, Ray, and Glover 1 11 SHillESPU 1&1.as1 . BOOKTH