Poge Eght THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, May 9, 1974 Kennedy Gearing up for 1976 By GORDON ATHESON Daily News Analysis Count Sen. Edw ard Kennedy t)-Mass.) in the ra::e for his party's pireidential nomin:tion the next time orviend. The Sentor's recent trip to the Soviet Unin m oly under- scores sihat mons osersers havie beet 'iredict for quite awhile - that KenniWis' more th:n witting to toss Is h-it into> the political aren when the prize to be won is the hi ,,hest of- fice in the country. BY TOUIRING the Soviet Un- itn, Kennedy is using a tactic comnin among presidentialt hopefuls He wants to improve bij image as an expert on fore- it i affairs. M any prsidentiat candidates, tiarticutirl , thosa who emerge from the Senate, initially have ttle crediblity as masters of foreign dipomay and to bolster that wtak point undertake a nniber of jankets to interna- titil nimivers centers. This proicess begins very earlsy in the campaign strategy - even before any formal an- nouncement of candidacy, as is the case with Kennedy. IN TRAVELING through the foreign countries, the potential candidate gains a good dell of media attention which in itself is imprirtant, bit mre critically builds a reputation as s'vmessne invol:ed in international affairs. Consequently it silt rot be surprising to see Kennedy go to other countries and in fact that should be expected. The Soviet excursion how- ever, should be considered per- haps the most important be- cause of that country's status as a super power. Moreover, the Russian government's welcome for Kennedy is indicative of the significance of the six-day visit madle two weeks ago. SOVIET PREMIER Leonid Breznev met with the Senator in a closed session for over four hours on one occassion - such a meeting is usually re- served only for visiting heads of state. Although Kennedy brought members of his immediate fam- ily with him, the trip was clear- ly designed to roll up political points rather than provide a vacation-type excursion. It would not be surprising to see the Senator make a return trip ta the USSR before he openly declares his drive for the pre- sidential itisiination. Hanging o v e r Ken- nedy's head even now is the c 1 o u d of that o ne rainy n i g h t can Chappaquidick Island: The effort to improve his im- age is a necessary ploy Ken- nedy must undertake if he wants to become a viable candidate. HANGING OVER Kennedy's head even now is the cloud of that one rainy night on Chap- paquidick Island. If the Massa- chusetts Democrat does in fact garner the 1976 presidential nomination, the race wifl pra- bably become one of GOP scan- dal versus Democratic scandal. The Reoublicans will lhave to rin with Watergate around their neks and similarly Kenmedy a the D2mocrats who would bae ta ride his coattails to vic- tore wilt be burdened with their siw scandal. Hlwever, Kennedy may be ib to outdistance the antici- ited attacks by appearing to he far and way the best qtual- fied contender for the Demo- cratic nomination. OF COURSE, the other politi- cos aiming for the Democratic nod in 19?6 will also be making concerted efforts to improve their own images in the foreign policy area as well as in addi- tional policy matters. Moreover, if one of these con- tenders can do his homework as impressively as Kennedy has set out to do, he could cop the nomination if his background is relatively scandal-free - given the Senator's tenous position on that score. "Fascinatinq . . - a nrippinq storv . . . a great deal of insight . ' --PROF. NOAM CHOMSKY, M.I.T. "A superb piece of work" - PROF -H H. WI LSON. 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