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June 06, 1974 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1974-06-06

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Thursday, June 6, 1974


Page, Mne

Aides desert President

(Contimied from Peie-)
Huebner, 33, now working for
the Whitney Communications
Corp. in New York, said he
finds it hard to talk about his
feeling on working for the
Nixon White House.
The transcripts of ^the Water-
gate conversations are, in Hueb-'
ner's view, "one of the most
depressing things I've read.
People still have questions."
BUT OF HIS experience in
the White House, Huebner in-
sisted: "It is an extraordinary
vantage point. I feel lucky to
have had the opportunity. I met
a lot of fine people there. I
learned a lot."
le smiled at the memory,
then shook his head. Ile was dis-
appointed, he said, that Nixon
didn't take a more active role
in investigating the Watergate
scandal: "From the day after
the break-in, we kept waiting
for someone to raise the roof.
I regret he didn't take a strong-
er role from the start in con-
demning it and cleaning it up."
"For a time, I was mad as
hell I didn't know more," said

Robert Odle, a former Nixon
staffer and official at the Presi-
dent's re-election committee
who was the first person to tes-
tify before the Senate Water-
gate committee. "They could
have taken me into their con-
fidence, but I'm glad they
ODLE, a strong defender of
the President, takes offepse at
those who describe the White
House "as a dark, fortress-like
garrison where everyone went
around with paranoia and
Ie scowled at the image. "It
wasn't like that," he said, ris-
ing from his chair to pace
around his ninth-floor office at
the Department of Housing and
Urban Development where he
has worked since last summer.
"It was a fine place. They were
principled people, generally.
"There were few affairs, lit-
tle adultery, little drunkenness.
Many of the people were
church - going. I think a few
individuals went wrong. One or
two things were done improp-
erly, and people attempted aft-

erswards to, cover up these
"YOUIIAVE to ask yourself
m conscience, might the people
who covered it up not have done
so if the vultures wtereim't wait-
In Odle's view, the edited
transcripts "conclusively show
the President had no more
knowledge of the scandal than
he said he had."
Some of the young people
who, like Odle, carried the title,
"Staff Assistant to the Presi-
dent," have been unable to find
a job or found potential em-
ployers wary of anyone with
White House connections. They
view themselves as victims of
guilt by association, even in
cases where no evidence has
surfaced to connect them in any
way with Watergate.
Jefferey Donfield, 30, a for-
mner Nixon staffer whso worked
for more than four years on
Nixon's drug abuse program,
said he received less than red
carpet treatment when job
hunting last summer.
.HE RECEIVED indications,
he said, that congressional lead-
ers had little interest in award-
ing high government positions
to any attorneys who had work-
ed on the White House staff
during Nixon's first term.
At most of the law firms and
corporations where D o n f e 1 d
interviewed, officials insisted
on knowing if he had done any-
thing that would subject him to
prosecution or unfavorable pub-
"Talk about resentment and
disgust," said Donfeld, who
now works for a Los Angeles
law firm. "The fact that I serv-
ed the president of the United
States and committed no illegal
acts and shouldn't be able to
get a high position in govern-
ment, 1 resent that."

Kozachenko: HRP voice

(Continued from Page 8)
DESPITE Kozachenko's lim-
ited influence, she is one of
the more vocal members of
council. She consistently speaks
out for increased funding of
the city's social services and
for low-income housing.
Active in politics since her
high school days in Plymouth,
Kozachenko is a former Demo-
crat. After moving to Ann Ar-
bor, however, she decided it
"was time to become involved
in something besides meaning-
less rhetoric."
Since joining HRP while a
sophomore at the University,
Kozachenko has been active in
a variety of political causes.

Her active support of the United
Farm Workers -and their grape
and lettuce boycotts earned her
the endorsement of the Chicano
law students during her cam-
LAST FALL, after three years
as a campaign coordinator, Ko-
zachenko decided it was time
to run for office herself.'
"I wanted to do something
nrodoetive that had a potential
for reaching a lot of people,"
she says. "I also thought it es-
sential that a radical feminist
be on council because even
leftist mules sometimes tend to
ignore the concerns of women."

OHIO STATE University students greet President Nixon last
year. Since the Watergate scandal broke, many of the young
people who formerly supported Nixon, including a number of
White House aides, have lost faith in the President.
Motown, rock 'n roll
come to Pine Knob
One of the summer's best at- Can't Help Myself," "Reach
tractions, the Pine Knob Music Out for Me," "Baby, I Need
Theatre, opens its 1974 sched- Your Lovin'," and countless
tile this weekend with some '60s others. They are still going
solid gold in the person of strong on the Dunhill label.
Frankie Valli and the Four Sea- The Four Seasons became
sons, the Four Tops, and Tom- synonymous with rock and roll
my James and the Shondells. as they racked up gold record
The show, June 8 and 9 after gold record with "Rag
starting at 7:30 p.m., sold out Doll," "Sherry," "Big Girls
Madison Square Garden for Don't Cry," "Dawn," and
eight straight nights and got "Let's Hang On."
rave reviews in the Big Apple. Tickets are $7, $6, and $4 if
The Four Tops symbolize the you want to picnic on the spa-
ever-popular Motown Sound of cious lawn at Pine Knob. The
the 1960s with such hits as "I theatre is located in Clarkston

North Campus children deserve fairer treatment than provided under
Plan F. Reassignment again and again has made these children the scope-
goats of bad planning. We believe that these candidates will work for
fairness and an enlightened approach toward the education of ALL children
in the community.
We, the undersigned residents and friends of the North Campus Community
endorse for the Ann Arbor Board of Education the candidacy of
Wi'lie Simpson Tanya Israel

Missy Fritz
Al Fritz
Cheryl McBroom Reichert
Fridl Gordon
David Gordon
Flo Burke
David Burke
Fran MacDougall
John MacDougall
William S. Craven
Erna Craven
Sandra Church
Marsha H. Lewis
Dennis Clifford
Muriel Ray
Paul Ray
Suzanne Stephany
William S. Stephany
Dr. Gerda Seligson
Dr. Robert L. Kyes
Robert J. Brown
Lillian H. Williams
Winfred Maguire
Olaf Laeberg
Sylvin Laeberg
Judith Clinger
Susan Nelson
Marvin Kierstead
Joan Ferraro
Patience R. Nelson

Stephen B. Wineburg
Annette Wineburg
Beth Tolley
Marcia Mitoma
Michael Mitoma
Michael C. Richards
Judy Kierstead
Robert Dzialo
Thomas M. Post
Elsa L. Genzlinger
Bryan S. Genzlinger
Sharon Wood
Mark A. Clarke
Patricia A. Clarke
Gerald Anderson
Nancy Schafer
Michael and Joan Mihaika
Karen Van Dragt
Tom Wern
Becky Wern
Roselyn Rael
Steve Herman
Judy Sheldon ยข
Ani Waldo
Ruth Moore
Fay D. Longhoter
Roberta Sussman
Anita Williams
Carol Rigolot
Lakshmi Kodali
Karen Smith

Guy R. Moscareilo Jr.
D. C. Frazier
Julie A. Dodge
Peter Dodge
Carol Steffenson
Kathleen Lambrix
Michael H. Hess
Mohamed M. Seddik
Cora M. Ssengoba
Sandra Applewhite
Mary Lou Rivera
Susan Kieran
Isabel Etcheberry
Alten G. Wood
Nancy P. Kinney
Barbara Gutek
Katherine Gurol
Ann Rappapport
Leslie De Pietro
Sandra Jean Spencer
Mary Lee MacMahon
Emily McNally Brown
Douglas John Doty
Jeanne Agnes Moore
Robert Codding Richards
Dean Falk
Marsha Lux
David Lux
Diane Holder
Lynn B. Buchner
Bodo Buchner

Mike Detmer
Helen Detomer
Mary Taylor
Lawrence D. Taylor
James A. Brown
Sandra Browhi
Radha Rajan
Rari Rajan
Paul D. Moses
Joan Moses
Donna Jane Shade
william B. Shade
Monique Olivier Davinon
Gilles Davignon
Craig C. Foust
Christine Ku
Danny Ku
Lili Hsu
Hsiao-ming Hsu
John Owens
Deb Owens
D. D. Eastman
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lutmon
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Noyce
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Connie Potter
Phillip Potter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Jan Mastaglio

Mr. and Mrs. Icaro Vitorello
Lynn Millman
Jonathan B. Millman, M D.
Bob Brooks
Ted A. Reynolds
Jerrie Scott
Anne Peterson
Sue Esparza
Rich Peterson
Kathy Calvillo
Dianne Mullett
Jane Pickering
Joan Wright
Barbara Feldt
Allan Feldt
Alice Meyers
Bill Roy
Katie Nixon
Barbara Mac Adams
Charles Mar Adams
Daphne Grew
Judy Lax
Joan van Wieren
Audrey Wilkinson
Paul Wilkinson
Marina Watton
Christopher E. Hee
Huth McPherson
Roger B Carlson
Beverly A. Erskine
David R. wotton

Marcella Johnson
Cecelia Johnson
Margaret Woodworth
Euila Singleton
william Singleton Jr.
Suisan Dillon
Ricardo J. Perez
esmael S. Cantu
Imelda Cantu
Maria J. Perez
Norma Massa
Jose Lunas Massa
Rodolfo H. Rasehe
"Vanier Rasehe
Jan W. Bemer
Lynne G. Beier
John H. W1atlir
Pat Waller
Evelyn Bartz
Shirley Bradshaw
Benjamin An
Florence An
P. J. Glenary
B Saslow
Richard Saslow
Bruxce Musico
Pat Musico
Mira Mitra
Raj S. Mitra
Romero De La Crz
Kay Oe La Cri


North Campus Children Need Your Help. Vote Monday, June 10

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