Page Six THE MICH-IGAN DAILY Thursday, May 9, 1974 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, May 9, 1974 - - - -- I- -hO l1 . Uncontracted Classified Rates and Policy WORDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 odd. 0-10 1.15 2.30 3.05 3.80 4.55 5.30 .75 11-15 1.40 2.80 3.70 4.60 5.50 6.40 .90 16-20 1.65 3.30 4.35 5.40 6.45 7.50 1.05 21-25 1.90 3.80 5.00 6.20 7.40 8.60 1.20 26-30 2.15 4.30 5.65 7.00 8.35 9.70 1.35 31-35 2.40 4.80 6.30 7.80 9.30 10.80 1.50 36-40 2.65 5.30 6.95 8.60 10.25 11.90 1.65 41-45 2.90 5.80 7.60 9.40 11.20 13.00 1.80 46-50 3.15 6.30 8.25 10.20 12.15 14.10 1.95 INCHES 1 3.15 6.30 8.25 10.20 12.15 14.10 1.95 2 5.65 11.30 14.75 18.20 21.65 25.10 3.45 3 8.15 16.30 21.25 26.20 31.15 36.10 4.95 4 10.65 21.30 27.90 34.20 40.65 47.10 6.45 5 13.15 26.30 34.40 42.20 50.15 58.10 8.95 N.B.: Each group of characters counts as one word. Hyphenated words over 5 characters count as two words (this includes telephone numbers) 10 lines equals 1 inch 5 words per line FOR RENT SUMMER-One room in comfortable three bedroom apt. Less than 1 block from Dig. Modern kitchen. Furnished. 662-1671. 06C19 OWN ROOM in house very near campus. Summer prices. Girls, 769- 4412. Guys, 665-2757. 200512 QUIET, mature female share beau- tiful apt, A/C, 2-bdrms., large kit- chen. $155/mo. July-May. 769-216. 15090 ROOM FOR RENT in house. Fall option, spacou with fireplace, prsm window. GOreat location,asub- let negotiable. 769-5065. 86C506 5-BEDROOM HOUSE near campus. $450/month. Available now and in falL. 769-3809. 950514 SPACIOUS comfortable room in pri- vate home for grad student or fa- culty, 3 blocks to central campus. Deposit. 663-132. l17C515 2 or 4 MONTH Lease. Start May 1 or July 1. Cam- pus rooms for girls. Single $75-85. Double $9-100. 761-1932. cCtc Across from RACKHAM TWO-BEDROOM FALL $240-$260 furnished. includes Heat, Water, and Parking Many with Air Conditioners 663-4101 CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. 335 E. Hurcms Cte FALL RENTALS EXTREMELY NICE ON-CAMPUS APARTMENTS WELL FURNISHED Sharon, our rental associate will be glad to help you with your housing needs. STOP BY - OR CALL HER CAMPUS RENTALS 1335 S. University 665-8825 BARGAIN CORNER SAMA'S STORE LEVIS-DEN IMS TRADITIONALS . 10.00 BOOT JEANS ... 10.00 LEVIS-CORDUROYS BOOT JEANS 8.50 &9.50 BELL BOTTOMS .. 9.50 CORDUROY JACKETS ..... 14.00 BOOT JEAN CORDS 9.50 LEVI TAB SHIRTS 13.50 WESTERN SHIRTS . ...from 6.98 SPRING JACKETS ..... from 6.98 BACK PACKS from 149 207 E. Liberty FOR RENT WOULD YOU Like to Leave Your Apartment at 9 a.m. to Make Your Nine O'clock Class on Time?- UNIVERSITY TOWERS APTS. 536 S. FOREST 761-2680 cCtc THE MOST INEXPENSIVE 2 BDRM. APTS. ON CAMPUS 912 BROWN Fall FREE CABLE & FAIR MANAGEMENT 665-0110 Nights e0te ROOM IN APT. Good place to live. $00. 761-5198. 280515 TAPPAN: 2-bedroom, 2 or 3 man furnished apartment. Fall occupan- cy. $243.00 per month includes air- conditioner, heat and water. 663- 4101. ectl THE HIGHLANDS ... It's more than a place to hang your hat. The view The location . The :onveniences ... And more. COME TO THE HIGHLANDS MAKE A MOUNTAIN OUT OF OUR HILLTOP 10197 Broadway, Apt. 303 1-7 P.M. DailI 769-3 672 Fall '74 occupacy Buses ta and from campus daily cc FOR RENT WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING APARTMENTS LEFT FOR THE FALL AND SUMMER 418 E. Washington Modern 1 bedrooms for students Balconies, air, security system 521 Walnut Street Modern 2, 3, & 4-man units Dishwasher, air, security system 911 S. Forest Modern 2, 3, & 4-man units Modern, A/C, near Hill Street 807 W. Madison near 7th Street Lovely 2-bedroom, 2-man 1346 Geddes. Rooms for Men only No cooking. $70-$90/mo. MODERN APTS., INC. Office at 418 E. Washington, basement 668-6906 or 663-3641 Where TENANTS COME FIRST! For a Campus Apt. Offering Many Additional Features CALL MAIZE & BLUE Management 300 5. Thayer, Suite A 761-3131 ecte Sans Soucti Furnished 1-2 bedroom apt. available for Fall '74 occu- pancy. Across the street from Michigan Stadium cCtc A BEST ON CAMPUS 2 or 4 month with Fall option. Completely furnished rooms for girls. Near Arb. Secure building. $75/mon. 761-1932. cctc Summer Rates Campus locations Furniahed one-and two Bedroom apartments DAHLMANN APARTMENTS 545 Church St 761-7600 cCt FOR RENT AVAILABLE immediately-Room in house. $60/mon. 741 Packard, 762- 0 534. 360511 FALL RESERVATIONS are now being accepted at our campus locations. Newest furnished student apartments available. DAH LMAN N APARTMENTS 545 Church 761-7600 cctc FREE ROOM for reliable, quiet, fe- male student who Wants to live with family close to campus. Ex- change room for some evening baby sitting, Days, 769-9206. Eves., 668- 8968. 150515 McKINLEY ASSOCIATES CAMPUS LOCATORS FOR FALL 1974 Rooms, Effciencies, 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedrioom apartments in modern buildings and older houses plus many whole houses. (Security de- posits now only equal half a month's rent). Please come pick up our listings. 611 Church St. cCtc WANT MORE TIME for Spring/ Su"mer activities?Share cooking with others. Eat at an International Co-op. Tom/Carol, 761-7435. 31M11 MISCELLANEOUS SAILING CLUB MASS MEETING WANTED TO BUY WANTED-Used 3- or 5-speed bike. Debby, 769-7812. dEKlfi BUSINESS SERVICES IF YOU'RE a tenant of Daniel Kap. Ian and wish to help another tenant please call Lisa, 6653590.62191. 83J508 TYPING and EDITING. 01 Sean, 944-3549, 10am.-10 p.m. cite TYPING-769-2645, anytIme. 6te HELP WANTED BABYSITTER for 4 year old. Burns Park area. 4 hours Mon., Wed., pee- sibly Fri. 663-8302. 373511 DRIVER required for Summer sea- son. Travel here and abroad (Europe) with young male etec - tiye. Business and vacation. Must be single, sharp and with few at- tachments. Submit letter of interest with non-studio photo to: Driver Position, Box 165, River Forest, Illinois 60305. 0511511 FULL TIME LIVE-IN SITTER wunted for summer. Room and board plus. Two boys, 8 and 11, own room, close to Unieersity. Call for details. Sandi, 665-918 or Steve, 764-4215 (days) or 662-0580nights or weekends. 27H511 WAITRESSES, WAITERS, busboys, dishwasher, bartender, cooks. Apply in person. Ramada West Ann Arbor. Will train. We are an Equal Oppor- tunity Employer. 338515 NEEDED NOW To make appointments by phone for fire protection company. Must have pleasant, cheerful voice and at least one month atbtelephone experience. CaBl 994-4770 between 10 am. and 4 p.m. I18510 Wanted: GENIUS! Students in elec- tronics to help in designing highly sphisticated equpment .Some elec- tric typewriter experience helpful. 722-6357. 035515 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZLE AR U OAIN OSA PU P SECRETARY THIN TW 14- 0 60$ I CI 7 1 K00 N SATE O A T R A A LI STY ARAIMIS VISE STA N CAN LEIMAS A AN WAIN KNEE THURS., MAY 9 7:45 170 Physics & Astro 84M506 Fabunique 323 E. WILLIAM-769-6767 26M511 TYPING term papers, theses, etc. Will proofread and edit grammar, etc. Also keypunch *format, prices vary with difficulty. Call 769-3348 or 062-5388 evenings. cMte TRANSPORTATION RIDERS NEEDED to N.Y.C. May 13, return May 16. Call Denny, 769-4132. 98G511 - - i For Bargain Hunters CROSSWORD PUZZLE Cape. '74 GesIFearaes Corp. ACROSS 64 First-rate 25 Weep 1 Certain classics 67 Scot's hunting 26 This: Lat. 6 Demure guide 28 Adam or Mae 10 Boutique 68 - go brath 29 Old leather flask 14 Gleason role 69 Stylish. 30 Baker's need 15 Slag 70 Seaman Enoch 32 Landon, to 16 Giant 71 Dispatched friends 17 Kobold's kin 72 Traveler of 14 Rough draft 18 Southwest wind a sort r 36 Done sharply .19 Leave out 78 Do a printer's 37 Vinegarish 20 Would-be rivers job 88 Dried nutmeg 22 Prosper DOWN husk 24 Handbag type 1 Sunnyside up 39 On the wave 27 Subordinate objects 41 Compass pt. 28 Shetland 2 Pub order 44 Keresan Indian 31 Moses' sister 3 Operatic prince 45 Slip up 33 See 17 Across 4 Tell all 46 Spanish artist 35 Stage feature 5 Purloin 49 Prosecute 40 Tells .6 Synthetic 51 Bundles 42 Noisy quarrel substance 52 River into the 43 Baker's state 7 Air gp. Orinoco 47 Cinnamon 8 Common suffix 58 Fabric 48 Spins 9 Shopping place 54 Coin 50 lave no 10 Freshly 56 Degas 51 Fundamental barbered 58 Per person 55 Debated 11 Moist 60 Legal degrees 57 Geronimo's tribe 12 Gothic arch 61 Nautical term 59 Sign of danger 13 Famous Piper 62 Peer of Norway 68 Ancient 21 Not speaking 65 Exclamation instrument 23 Indulges 66 Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 69 10 1t12 13 14 15 - - 16 117 18 - - 19 - - - 20 21 22 23 .24 25 26 2 7 28 29 130 31 32 33 34 35 - 3637 3039 40 41 42 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 9 6 6162 3 64 65 166 67 1 72 7 THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS make interesting reading + ' "t Q Il