&N DAILY Page Three Nixon ends ist of subversive groups WASHINGTON (RP) - President Nixon in full accord with the law and the pro- as abolished the Red-scare era list of tections its affords to all," he added. ubversive organizations maintained by The list, although it has languished in he attorney general and used to screen obscurity for some 20 years, still con- applicants for government jobs, the tained the names of about 300 groups. White House and Justice Department Only about 30 of the groups remain in announced yesterday. existence. Nixon signed an executive order doing They include such groups as the Com- way with the list created in 1947 by munist Party U.S.A. and the Ku Klux President Truman. Klan. h s t a v a ATTY. GEN. William Saxbe said he recommended the action because the list was a sort of vestigial tail on the feder- al government's security programs." Saxbe said "it is now very apparent it no longer serves any useful purpose." Truman ordered the Justice Depart- ment to prepare and maintain the list at a time of widespread national concern about alleged Communists and subver- sives in government. THE LIST was widely criticized and the Supreme Court in 1951 ruled that no group could be placed on the list with- out a hearing. In subsequent hearings, the court made is virtually impossible to deny an applicant a government job simply be- cause of membership in a group desig- nated as subversive. °i "This list has long been a source of contention over both its fairness and its effectiveness," Saxbe said. "The argu- ments are now ended. The President's order not only abolishes the list but also r forbids its use by every agency of the federal government." P hoto SAXBE SAID "perhaps the most seri- L i e m o her like daug terous failing" of Truman's order was that rUit allowed the Justice Department to la- Tara Lyn Floriani, 16 months old, wears the costume of the day while bel groups as subversive without proper walking with Sister Patricia Agnes at St. Joseph's School in North Adams, consideration for due process of law. Mass. Tara was there to participate in alumni day, on which the nuns wear "If the list serves no other purpose traditional habits. It was the last gathering of this type, however, since the now, it should continue to be a reminder school is closing this month because of financial troubles. that whatever who do must be fair and Naval Academy recruits more black mishipmen Candidates for school board debate issues By JEFF SORENSEN Candidates for three city Board of Education p o s t s debated campaign issues last night at an open forum spon- sored by the Parent Teacher Organiza- tion (PTO). In a surprise move, liberal candidate Elliot Chikofsky withdrew from the 11- candidate race citing the large number of hopefuls likely to split the liberal- radical vote. His name, however, will still appear on the ballot June 10. CONSERVATIVE candidates at the Scarett Junior High discussion stressed tighter enforcement of discipline policies and the need for more city-wide stand- ardization of academic curriculum. Most liberal and radical candidates in- dicated disapproval of the present track- ing system and said they would vote to repeal the controversial "Plan F," a busing plan designed to alleviate over- crowding at Huron High School. The plan transforms Clague Middle School, which combines sixth, seventh and eighth grades, into a junior high school and relocates about 800 elemen- tary and secondary students. PLAN F was passed 6-3 last March by the school board's conservative ma- jority which has controlled the nine- membher board in recent years. Will Simpson, who along with Tanya Israel is backed by the "liberal caucus," a loose coalition of Democrats, called Plan F "a humiliation for the board. We've got to make better use of long- range planning to make certain that this sort of thing doesn't happen again." Radical Human Rights Party (HRP) write-in candidate Larry Mann strongly stated his opposition to the present tracking system. ANNAPOLIS, Md. (ll-For three years, Naval Lt. Cmdr. Ken Johnson has been -fighting an enemy that wears no uni- form and carries no weapon. His adversaries have been as elusive as the anti-white feelings of inner city black youths and as concrete as the requirement committing Naval Academy graduates to five years of military serv- ice after they leave Annapolis. 'I don't feel... that minor- ity kids turn down the Navy because of an antimilitar- istic attitude held by some white youngsters. To them it's more of an antiwhite attitude, or antisystem. And when you say system to most minority young- sters, that means white.' Ken Johnson Navy recruiter JOHNSON, a 33-year-old black officer, was the academy's first minority re- cruiter, brought in to increase the small number of minority youngsters entering the Naval Academy. This month, he returns to shipboard assignment in Nor- folk, Va., and his successor Lt. Cmdr. George Gaines also black, takes over. The body count for Johnson's three- year campaign indicates success - al- though he says it isn't an all-out victory -in the battle against more than 100 years of discrimination at the academy. In 1970 when Johnson arrived at An- napolis the incoming class of 1,300 plebes included only 17 blacks and six other minority students. HIS FIRST year of recruiting pushed those figures to 45 blacks and 14 other minorities. The number of blacks in the plebe class jumped to 73 in 1972 and to 112 this year. The number of other minority students increased to 16 and then to 34 those two years. "At the beginning I did a lot of travel- ing I was onc the road almost all the time," Johnson said. "I went to high schools, contacted the NAACP, the Ur- ban League. I also got a lot of help from regular Navy recruiting officers. If they ran. across a kid they thought would be good they called me. As time passed, more people came to me, but I still like to get out and meet the ones who look like good prospects. "The big thrust is still eyebaUl to eye- ball contact with a candidate. You need to be able to talk face to face with a, kid to know if he sincerely wants to do the things he says he does." A GRADUATE of Iowa State Univer- sity Johnson came into the Navy through the Reserve Officer Training Corps (R.O.T.C.). He says the biggest hurdle in his recruiting has been the require- ment that Naval Academy graduates serve five years of active duty in the Navy or Marine Corps. The second major hurdle has been the Navy's lily-white image and a reaction to that image among black youths. "I don't feel-and this is a personal opinion-that minority kids turn down the Navy because of an antimilitaristic attitude held by some white youngsters," Johnson says. "To them it's more of an anti-white attitude, or antisystem. And when you say system to most minority youngsters, that means white." Racial incidents aboard Navy ships in recent years have also created* doubts. tFnhnson says he gets many questions about shipboard problems. "I just tell them we have problems in #&,a r'iavy juss asften so toe1.- restCUs-a the Navy just as we do in the rest of the country. The same people who are in the "TRACKING serves mainly to channel Navy causing problems were out there blacks and lower income whites into the problems," he said. sbottom group" contended Mann. Mann, See NAVAL, Page 13 See SCHOOL, Page 14 Antikdiscrmidnatory b weakened, NO Wclaims By ANDREA LILLY Members of the National Organization of Women (NOW) claim legislation aim- ed at ending discriminatory bank lend- ing practices was severely weakened during hearings held Monday in the State Senate. The bill, which originally called for criminal penalties of up to 90 days in jail and a $500 fine for anyone convicted of discrimination in giving credit or loans on the basis of race, religion, na- tional origin, marital status, sex and blindness, has already been passed by the state House of Representatives. BUT THE SENATE committee on Corporations and Economic Develop- ment stripped the bill of all criminal as well as possible civil penalties during the hearings. The bill now allows only for civil suits against banks for damages in- curred because of discrimination in lend- ing practices. Kathy Fojtik, vice president of the local NOW chapter and a Washtenaw County commissioner, says the bill has been severely weakened. She blames state Sen. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor), the vice-chairman of the committee, for the diluted version of the bill. "Bursley endorsed the change," she says. "He did exactly what we asked him not to do." ACCORDING to Bursley, the legisla- tion is not nearly as weak as Fojtik claims. He says that NOW had gotten much more out of the compromise than the bankers, who opposed the bill. "The bill can still be amended before it goes to the floor," he adds. NOW had strongly supported the bill See NOW, Page 14