THE Michigan Daily Vol. LXXXIV, No. 18-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, June 1, 1974 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Hi gh Court consents to request for haste Donations linked to milk supports WASHINGTON M-The Supreme Court yesterday granted Special Watergate Prosecutor Leon Jawor- ski's plea for speeded-up review of U.S. District Judge John Sirica's o r d e r that President Nixon sur- render W h i t e H o u s e tapes and documents. Meanwhile, a draft report from the Senate Watergate Committee staff says that Dairy Cooperatives' donations to Nixon's 1972 re-elec- tion campaign apparently were di- rectly linked to a presidential order to raise milk price supports in 1971. THE STAFF also said in the report that there are serious deficiencies in a recent White House white paper that states the President was not influenced by campaign pledges of up to $2 million when he ordered the price hike. The Supreme Court decision sets the stage for a possible confrontation be- tween the President and the courts on the issue of executive privilege. Jaworski asked for the streamlined procedure last Friday after the Presi- dent's lawyers filed notice of appeal to the Circuit Court from Sirica's ruling. HE SAID letting the matter go through the appeals courts would delay until next spring the trial of seven men, in- cliding former close associates of the President, on cover-up charges arising from the Watergate scandal. In a response filed Thtirsday, White House lawyers said the case was too important to be hastily considered in the closing days of the court's current session. The court set oral arguments for July 8. It asked both parties to submit briefs by June 21, with any additional briefs to be filed by July 1. IN THEIR written response, the Presi- dent's attorneys said: "To allow the judicial process to run its orderly course will cause some delay, but though speedy justice is an important aim of the law it can never take precedence over just justice." Jaworski said a prompt decision was needed to determine whether the na- tion's constitutional system is "suffi- ciently resilient to permit the executive branch to establish an independent prose- cutor fully capable of investigating and prosecuting allegations of criminal mis- conduct by officials in the executive office of the President." Sirica ruled last week that Nixon must give the tapes and documents subpoe- naed by Jaworski to a federal judge for the judge's inspection. The material re- lates to 64 White House conversations between June 2o, 1972, and June 4, 1973. THE MILK .contributions report said that the dairy-farmer lobby began "an effort to secure the favor of the President See SUPREME, Page 10 Dory to.,., urm, u n i uunsel o u D uar, lef, yesteruay as ine group wound up anotner week or invesugatng grounds for. impeachment of President Nixon. In the foreground committee member Elizabeth Holtzman (D-N.Y.) takes a coffee break. fbenefit for Eckstein questioned By DAVID BLOMQUIST The screening of Millhouse: A White Comedy scheduled for tonight at the Natural Science Aud. will go ahead as planned, Out may no longer be a benefit for Peter Eckstein's state senate cam- paign. University Community for Eckstein for State Senator (UCE), a student or- ganization affiliated with the Eckstein campaign, had originally scheduled the film showing to raise funds for on- campus activities. HOWEVER, on Thursday it was found that a state statute prohibits political fund-raising on tax-exempt property, such as the buildings owned by the University. Section 168.913 of the Michigan Com- piled Laws prohibits any person or group froin requesting or demanding "within any building . . . which is exempt from the general property tax of this state any . - . purchase of tickets or similar demand for the purpose of furthering or defeating the candidacy of any candidate for public office." A later section terms violations a mis- demeanor. Referring to the Eckstein showing, Assistant County Prosecutor John Hen- zel commented, "It would seem to me that the statute covers this sort of thing. "I WOULD think that the University has the responsibility to see that their property is not used in violation of the law," Henzel added. Nevertheless, University Assistant Counsel J. D. Ketelhut indicated that the general counsel's office would take no action to stop the Eckstein showing. "At this point I don't know that there's any rumblings about it," Ketelhut said. Both General Counsel Roderick Daane and Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Wilbur Pierpont were out of town and unavailable for comment. MEANWHILE, UCE made plans to proceed with tonight's program. "Yes, we're certainly going to go ahead with the showing," commented Democratic candidate Eckstein yesterday afternoon. Eckstein maintains that his group could not be prosecuted under the statute, if it does indeed apply to the Millhouse benefit, until the funds received are actually used. "I would suggest that liability begins when we spend the money," he said. See FILM, Page 14