Friday, May 31, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page 'Une Friday. May 31, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page N:ne Faith healer to come (Continued from Page 3) and has syndicated shows on However, 15 years ago when both radio and teles sion. Kuhlman moved to Pittsburgh, still her headquarters, things "SHE INSPIRES people to began snowballing. The faith believe in God," says Rev. healer now heads the wealthy Thomas Trask of Dearborn who Kathryn Kuhlman Foundation coordinated her Detroit visit to Crisler two years ago and will bring 9,555 followsers with him to Crisler. "I hae witnessed heatings, he says. "All people hase ti do is accept her message . . . the message of God." Murray details no-milluge city budget Fro iiip m,,lss pI prrisay I r tl Iadl tycl'ss. tt kIO n w w - tov .awful lot >t braros. From Italy: Colrnago. Imaoz i, ('o( lirtibi, DRosa, anstCrinTl, From England: Hlh J rom . H'.tchin'e (" ,i ,, ,,i r H lirh ut C ol; i tror.From France: Msoih ,ans. From the USA: I i, trant, Sterling ,BobMeyers',.ldrYrrIsl'ow'J5 Asi afro m japan, Holland. Grm'any. -wdlAi sin.i. Wi.lls ssi1 tlir hike oxperts together have more than 100 }vt,5 iiea xpr::::: IS hesnI so asyou c m ac i[ ' L t s s1)0!' .i'' sal rrin in Chicago ) 1 1 41, .a1 1t 12 Nort t I C irk St. ( 3121 i44 1 I), Turin in Evanston (02011 ,at 102/ Ia:is eet 13121 UN4 /1(.1 By GORDON ATCHESON City Administrator Sylvester Murray yesterday called on lo- cal voters to carefully consider an emergency property tax in- crease which he said will be necessary if the city is to con- tinue its present level of mu- nicipal service. Emphasizing the effects of inflation and the increasing de- mand for services during the past several years, Murray cau- tioned that without additional revenue the city will be forced to make "very drastic cuts" in vital areas. THE CITY hopes to generate the necessary funds through ap- proval of a 1.7 mill property tax hike appearing on the June 10 school board election ballot. The administration has al- ready allocated the $1 million the tax increase would bring in, as part of the fiscal 1975 budget that will go into effect July 1. However, if the millage is de- feated, the city must reduce ex- penditures - and consequently delivery of, services - to a level thatbthe administration say~5sill be "far short of de- sired" operations. "WE NEED the money for existence level activities not for increased or new services, Murray said. "We simply need the millage to exist." Murray cited the police, fire, and public works departments as areas that would suffer if the millage is voted down, al- Around A2 The University of Michigan Artists and Craftsmen's Guild will be sponsoring an arts and crafts fair at the Briarwood Mall today from 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. and continuing through the weekend. The fair will feature artists and Crafts- persons from all over the state selling and demonstrating their work, as well as continuous en- tertainment from 1 to 7 p.m. Ars Musica baroque ensem- ble, will give the last perform- snce if its 197374 seaso110 Moday ats 1.m. at St. Cire's Eniscopal Church, 2309 Packard. Tickets to the concert, titled, "The art of the 1larosichords," are available at Libertv Music and lldcock Misic, and at the door starting at 7:45 on the night of the performance. The Lighthouse, a summer coffeehouse run by Word of God, onens its third season to- morrow. The facility offers free mrsic, entertainment, drama aird dance performances every Fri'iiay and Saturday night all smmmer in the basement of the First Presbyterian Church on Washtenaw between Hill and South University. Daily Official Bulletin Friday, May 31i Day Calendar WUOM: Sen. Howard Baker spes on Watergate Committee's report at Nti PrmsCubreorded 5 30, 9.7 MHz, 10:05 a.m. 11:30 p.m. Hospital Commission for Women: W10i10 s ipita, noon. Eduationai Media Ctr.-A-Ctc.: "Chicken Soup," "Golden Meir," Schorling Aud., S.E.B., 12:15 p.m. Career Planning & Placement 32100 SAB 764-7456 Peace Corps / Vista recruiters wilt bep at CP&P, 320 Al, June 3 trough 5, 574, 9 AM to 4 PM. Volunteers are needed for program at home & abroad. Stop in or cal 764-7456 for an appointment. though all city functions will be "reduced or curtailed." Recommepded budget cuts - in the event they become neces- sary - will hit personnel par- ticularly hard. The administra- tor has suggested and City Council agreed that 30 full-time municipal workers be laid-off and that other employes receive no salary increases or be de- moted to lower salary grades if the millage fails. SUCH ACTION would risk lawsuits or strikes by the un- ionized city employes, Murray said yesterday. But he added that he has not as yet had any direct discussions with the un- ion leaders. Murray also admitted the property tax increase is not a longterm solution to the city's financial bind. He said follow- ing the June 10 vote council and the administration will draft a definite fiscal policy, aimed at balancing expenditures a n d revenue. Nonetheless, Murray concen- trated on the importance of the millage to the city's immediate WE'VE GOT STYLE1 Utrthe UNION open 8:30 a.m. POTTERS' SGUILD Q SPRING ri SALE Sunday, June 2 9:00 a m 3:00 p.m. 201 Hill - SAnn Arbor operations. His statement yes- terday -- in the form of an open. letter to the citizens of Ann Ar- bor - is part of a campaign to inform voters about the "facts" of the millage. THE CAMPAIGN thus far has emphasized the detrimental ef- fects, termed "devastating" by Murray, that defeat of the tax proposal would have on munici- pal services. "We have confidence the vot- ers will understand the financial problems facing the city and will take responsive action at the polls," Murray said. ROBERT ALTMAN'S 1972 GRADUATE STUDENTS The Pilot Program is seeking graduate students for Resident Fellow Positions We need people working toward personal and social change who want to teach and participate in an EXPERIMENTAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM ROOM AND BOARD PLUS G.S.T.A. STIPEND APPLY NOW THROUGH JUNE 15 CALL 764-7521 ALICE LLOYD HALL i i