Page Seven Friday, May 31, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Daily Classifieds MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS SONY manual turntable with Shure V-15-I. $100. 668-7602. 89X601 GUILD GUITAR amp, 100 watts, $80. 764-7561, Doug. 10X601 FENDER Super-Reverb Amp, Gib- son 345 stereo guitar, Gibson SG ~uitar. 662-7108. 41X531 USED UPRIGHT PIANO, $99.50. Dark finish, in good shape. Apollo Music Center, 761-9430. cXtc RENT A GUITAR. Why Buy? Les- sons available to-boot Your quality music store, Apollo Music Center, 769-1400. eXt GUILD D/35, $330. Apollo Music Center, 761-9430. cXtc PETS AND SUPPLIES LOVING PERSON needed oe ador- able 7 mon. old puppy. Call after 7-763-6899. 06T605 ROOMMATES FEMALE GRAD student wanted to share large apt. on central campus. Call 665-5370. 12Y604 SINGLE $50 MONTH Moder apt., A/C, dishwasher, bal- cony, cable TV, big closet, one roommate. Trudy, 994-5695. 04Y531 OOOMMATE WANTED. Own room. quiet, Private. Fall option. 665-5401. 34Y531 WANTED TO RENT SINGLE MOTHER, U-M gra stu- lent needs 2-3 bdrm. unfurnished apt. or townhouse with equipped kitchen by Aug. 24. Prefer near grade school and shopping. Good references. Call collect, late eve- nings PERSISTENTLY 1-513-731- 1822. dL BUSINESS SERVICES MOVING & HAULING Experienced, reasonable. 971-4585 ees. 20J TYPING and EDITING. Call Jean, 994-3594, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. cJtc INTENSIVE PIANO instruction-all levels. David Brassfield. For inter- view call 663-5284. lOJ529 FREE ESTIMATES on aluminum siding and custom trim, and alumi- num gutters. Call DAVE'S SIDING CO. (Gregory, Mich.), 498-2423. 54J531 PHOTO SUPPLIES- S4IRANDA SENSOREX outfit. 5 lenses. $300. 769-0273, 764-0317. 64D604 'ANON FD lens 28 MM F 3.5. 761-6386. 67D531 USED CARS TOYOTA CASH BRING YOUR TITLE WE'LL BUY YOUR CAR! TOP $$$ 1973 PINTO RUNABOUT. 4-speed transmission, radial tires, radio, only 10,000 miles. Sale priced. 1973 FIAT 124 Spider, 5-speed trans- mission, one owner, low miles. Ex- cellent condition, immediate deliv- ery. 1971 SPITFIRE. Red mags, radials, ike new. $2295. 1972 SPITFIRE. Brown. 4-speed, radial clean. $2595. 1972 DATSUN 510 4-door sedan. 4- speed, Perelli radials, sharp. 972 VOLKSWAGEN S u p e r b u g. Bright orange finish, 4-speed, AM- FM, like new. Priced to sell. 1973 SUBARU GL coupe. Tach 4- speed, radials, radio, accent stripes, 7700 miles, 6 month warranty, extra sharp FWD automobile. 1972 RX-2 MAZDA. Two door coupe, one owner, 4-speed transmission, ra- dio, white vinyl top, white interior, ilver blue fnish, radial tires, Just like new. Priced to sell at . $2895 70 JAGUAR 6-cylinder, XKE coupe, chrome wire wheels, 4-speed. British racing green finish, A classic at $495. Spring sale now in progress on all used Toyotas) Toyota-Peugeot 907 N. Main 769-7935 ScNtc Tr Daily Classi fieds- USED CARS 1000 VW BUS. Rusty, runs line. $200. 761-9880 eves. 07N601 PORSCHE convertible, 1064, 356C, very good condition, $1950. 1-051- 5053 or 1-557-0044. 03N601 VOLKSWAGEN Bus, 1971, excellent condition. Call 769-2322. 9lN601 PORSCHE -1963 Coupe. Good condition. Poten- tial collectors item. 761-4937. 81N601 Transportation SoeCial 1966 Pontiac convertible. Body, en- gine, tires excellent condition. Car ust u ed around town. Excelient aeal. 760-5570. 54N601 LOST AND FOUND LOST-5 month old white Husky moix female puppy. Affectionate, with chain collar, Hill and State area. Call 769-8489. 19A601 TAN TAILLESS PUPPY with red rhinestone collar found on Wilmot. Call Margie, 663-7771. dA604 LOST-2 RINGS at State Theater. Reward. 769-t786 ees. 8A61 LARGE REWARD - Small dark brown cat, white collar, lost near Arb Sunday. 665-6046. 74A531 REWARD-Black Lab, male, 2 yrs. ald, lost near Division & Hoover Sunday afternoon. He wears choker -hain with 1973 license tag. Call Noel, 665-9358 or 994-0503. 73A531 LOST-Siamese cat, neutered male, dark brown, named Lyndon. Re- ward offered. Call 662-6634. 56A531 MISCELLANEOUS PAID SUBJECTS For Educational Testing Experiment CALL 662-6155 (MALES ESPECIALLY NEEDED) 86M531 TYPING term papers, theses, etc. Will proofread and edit grammar, etc. Also keypunch *format, prices vary with difficulty. Call 769-3348 or 662-5388 evenings. cMtc HELP WANTED IR'E UNIVERSITY CELLAR wilt be accepting applications for Fall Book Rush 1974 June 3 thru June 8. Please apply between 10-3 at the info Desk in the rear of the Cellar, basement Michigan Union. 21H608 COLLEGE STUDENT wanted to live- in for summer to care for 3 school aged children, Birmingham, Mich. area. (313) 624-6299. 37H601 DESK CLERK wanted full or part- time. 2151% S. Fourth Avenue. 55H605 Students of Advertising Fall and part-time work available -market research-sales-graphics- production-clerical. ANDREW Z. KOKAS CO. 701-2651 50H531 REGISTERED UMPIRES wanted for the Chelsea summer recreation base- ball program. Call 475-8816. 09H522 TRAVEL EUROPE--ISRAEL-AFRICA Travel discounts year round Int'l. Student Travel Center 739 Boylston St. Suite 113 Boston, Tel. (617) 267-1122 86AA604 PERSONAL WANTED-Experienced ballet teach- er for private lessons. Call 761-7695 after 6 p.m. dF604 SENIOR MALE seeks female com- panion. Desires social-sexual rela- tionship. Call Jeff, 662-0046. 02F531 SELECTING WINE from the Village Apothecary's cellar means properly stored wine at areasonable price. 1112 5. University. cFtC STRAT-O-MATIC Baseball League forming. Charlie, 663-6676, eves. 15F601 FLASH for Linda Ross! Little did we know what fiendish plot Mark S. was plotting when we all assumed he was on a routine errand. He returned to amae us all wish hisrnaked upper lip. His bare lip shining, we shielded our eyesand fell to the floor to avoid being blinded by the glow. Now we know what he was hiding all this time. SC.M.J.D.E. & Co. dF531 The place to bowl Union Lanes 11 a.m. cF531 HAVE AN ESP Party in your own h me. Free Readings. 662-3700 o r1- 356-5112. cP636 BE HAPPIER! Scientology Works DON'T LET LIFE HANDLE YOU. SEE IF YOU QUALIFY FOR OUR COMMUNICATION COURSE. 668- 6113. Scientology is an applied religious philosophy. e~te VOLUNTEER SUBJECTS NEEDED (tale, over 18, for altitude adapta- tion study on Pike's Peak, Colo., June 17-27, 1974. For more informa- tion call 764-5499 days, 761-7970 eves. 71F601 We've got style U-M Stylists cF531 THE COPY MILL 211 B. S. State: 662-3969 FOR QUALITY COPIES & OFFSET cFtc READY TO QUIT SMOKING? Weill help you beat your habit. Phone 764-0434, - M-F, 9-3. Other times, phone 763-6606. dF604 WEDDING INVITATIONS-Mod, or traditional style. Call 761-0942 any- time. cFtc YOU CAN'T understand Watergate unless you've seen "Mllhouse," sponsored by UNIVERSITY COM- MUNITY for Eckstein for State Senator. Saturday, June 1, Nat. ScL Auditorium, 7 & 9 p.m. $1 each. 68F601 JUNE BRIDES (and others) : Choose your wedding invitations and acces- sories in private and at your con- venience. Samples delivered. Finest quality at best prices. Call 769-6815 during morning hours. F4 BUMPER STICKERS custom printed while-U-wait! MBL PRESS, 1217 Prospect. Ann Arbor,, 761-0942. cFtc PERSONAL PERSONAL GOING TO EUROPE or applying to DIRECT purchasing volume selling that great job and need pictures? and marginal profits assure you Then come to the Michigan Daily that your diamond will be an in- this and every Monday evening j vestment at Acstin Diamond, 1209 from 7:30-0 for fast and reasonable S. University, 663-7151. eFte service. Ask for Tom. dF Why buy mass produced WEDDING RINGS? Have your own personal UPTIGHT?-Ue whirlpool. An 15 Or ig nmade by Jhan 769-7550.eFte massa,,s muscles. Exclusiv , inex- 0ensive. 971-6867. cF023 P I DBA L I BOARD EXAM TUTORING Enrollments now being accepted for S. H. KAPLAN tutoring courses to prepare for the upcoming M.C.A.T.. D.A.T., and L.S.A.T. Board Exams. S UN IVERSITY Call (313) 354-0085 tc WOMEN half price May-June. SAT- XEROX AND OFFSET URDAY NIGHT INSURANCE. 663- 1392. cFt Fost, low cost duplicating. TENNIS LESSONS Fortner U-M player. Individual or group. Fourth year in Ann Arbor. 663-6720. cF626 WHY WALK FARTHER? Get your Levi's cuffed lairs at WILD'S VARSITY SHOP YOU TWO can choose your wedding invitations and accemsories in pri- vase and at your convenience.Sam- ples delivered. iFnest quality at best prices. Call 769-6815 during morning hours. F4 COPY QUICK 1217 S. University 769-0560 PIPE SMOKERS: Handerafted meer- schaum pipes. Exceptional values and the most personalized of serv- ice. Free Catalog. PMP Co., P.O. Box 444., Gaithersburg, Md. 20760. 66Ftc ARBOR INSTANT PRINTING Offse Printi" , -Xot, Typig. Wedding and Social Aimouncemnits 214 S. 4th Ave.-994-4664 eFte HELD OVER DOUBLE FFATURE ends Tuesday BETTEcn nitzes $1 . lRobnta Ci MIDLER *in in "CAGED "THEHEA RT" and DIVINE P cm Greer in MR.J " BIG D LL nrated R H UE rated R It's a fact. But not likely to be a sheadline. Violence andscandalarethestaplesof news; individual charity and kindness gounremarked.This is not to make any Pollyannish assumption that violence does not exist tharrowing abundance. In perspective we must see that violence is in all of us. So is God. The time is now to try His way, in concert, on a sale never be' fore attempted. Get together with your family, friends, neighbors, or co-workers to discuss the problems of violence and how you can work together to help solve them. For a helpful discussion guide and further information write: ReligionIn American Life, 475 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. Plan an active role in your community and help show the way. RIAL RELtISM AERANiIFE The community of God.Make ityour way , kkYaeea,ssnsAssmi*eao.,.iA*&ssgas What's NEW on SOUTH U? - - 4 GET ALL THE NEWS AS IT HAPPENS DAILY MONTHLY N.Y. Times Cosmopolitan Chicago Tribune National Lampoon Detroit Newspapers Psytchology Today Washington Post Playgirl Wall Street Journal Playboy & Hundreds more WEEKLY PLUS' People All the b e st sellers in Time Magazine paperback and hardbound Newsweek Books and Magazines on New Yorker every conceivable subject. Sports Illustrated Alphabetical by author. SPECIAL ORDERS WELCOME Another COMMUNITY NEWSCENTER Open 8:30 am..-i 1 p.m. 7 days a week 1301 South University-Ph 662-6150