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May 31, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-05-31

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Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 17-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, May 31, 1974 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Nixon denies Gesell
evidence co-operation
Probers say silence implies guilt

WASHINGTON (A' - President
Nixon again claimed the right yes-
terday to decide whether papers
subpoenaed for the criminal trial
of former aides should be surren-
dered even if failure to do so means
"that these cases must ultimately
be dismissed."
And he cautioned the Supreme
Court against a "rush to judg-
ment' on hearing its first Water-
gate tapes case, asking the court
instead to wait for a ruling by the
U. S. Court of Appeals.
EVEN AS THE submission of papers
to the two courts was taking place, the
House Judiciary Committee voted 37 to
1 to issue yet another subpoena against
the President, demanding tape record-
ings of 45 more Watergate conversations.
The committee warned Nixon that it
will consider his continued refusal to
comply with the demands for evidence
an indication the material is damaging
and a ground for impeachment.
In a letter to U. S. District Judge Ger-
hard Gesell, James St. Clair, Nixon's
lawyer, said the President will permit
conspiracy defendants John Ehrlichman
and Charles Colson and their lawyers
access to much of the material they have
subpoenaed for their trial.
RELEASE OF any documents that
they deem relevant to their defense will
then be weighed by Nixon "as to whe-
ther the documents should be produced,"
St. Clair wrote.
He added that "members of the spe-
cial prosecutor's office will be provided
access to all of such materials made
available to the defendants and their
St. Clair's letter left unclear whether
this meant the prosecutors will be al-

lowed to see everything requested or
just those items that Nixon grants to
Colson and Ehrlichman for use in court.
St. Clair and the prosecutors are due
in Gesell's court Monday for a hearing
in the matter. The White House lawyer
said at a news conference, "I hope I
can persuade him that the dismissalt
are not necessary."

EHRLICHMAN and Colson, both for-
mer top Nixon aides, are charged with
conspiracy to violate the civil rights of
Dr. Lewis Fielding, the psychiatrist who
had treated Pentagon Papers figure Dan-
iel Ellsberg. Their trial, along with three
others similarly charged, is scheduled
to begin June 17.
St. Clair's letter said one item in Col-

son's subpoena, a damage assessment
drawn up by the government following
Ellsberg's 1971 leak of the Pentagon Pa-
pers, "cannot be made public without
substantial risk to the security of the
United States."
He said security would be risked also
by release of some other documents.

Daily Phtos by KAREN KAS
STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS BOARD Chairman Elliot Chikofsky (left) and Newsreel treasurer Glen Allvord (ril
front each other over the issue of Newsreel's financial status which remains unclear despite the financial report
the film group yesterday.

Board faults

Friends of Newsreel last night gave
the Student Organizations Board of Stu-
dent Government Council the first of its
promised "complete financial reports,"
but the actual present financial status of
the student film organization remained
According to ledger totals for the per-
iod from Jan. 1 to May 3, 1974 as pre-
pared by Newsreel treasurer Glen All-
vord, the organization showed a slight
profit of roughly $701.
BUT WHEN the same work sheet fig-
ures were re-added by director of stu-
dent organizations Calvin Luker, they
indicated a loss for Newsreel of some
In addition, it was disclosed that the
Newsreel ledgers do not reflect the
group'sbalancesbefore Jan, 1 nor do
they include all outstanding debts,
More than a little amazed, board chair-
man Elliot Chikofsky told Newsreel rep-

resentatives that "we
tion of outstanding del
tors who say you have
"IT SEEMS to me ri
isn't credibility," Luke
Newsreel attorney R
mittedthat the group d
according to accepted
Board member Chu
covered one instance
showed a film in Augus
pay for the rental until
year-and then only w
yet to be repaid loan o
BY PAYING bills f
the due date, Meibeye
Allvord, "you're jeopax
Powell, however, ct
Newsreel debts werel
discussion of them w,
such bills had been ov
"If you owe someon
years, but then you

Newsreel accounting
have no indira- longer have a bad credit rating," Powell tion practice of directly contacting film
bts from distribu- claimed, distributors in an attempt to ascertain
them." "AS LONG as we continue running, Newsreel's financial condition.
ght now that there and if no bills are outstanding, I don't "You don't try to get the facts," Pow-
x commented. see what the issue is," added Allvord. ell complained. "If you wanted to get
Zobert Powell ad- But Newsreel could not provide the the facts, why didn't you come to Glen
oesn't have books board with a list of outstanding bills. Allvord?"
standards. When requested by Meibeyer to provide ALSO GIVEN in incomplete form to
ck Meibeyer dis- one by the board's next meeting June 5, the board was a Newsreel membership
where Newsreel Powell replied that he "sure will try." list, which had been requested along with
t, 1973 but did not "Could you try very, very hard?" the financial records at the board's last
1 February of this asked Meibeyer. meeting two weeks ago.
ith the help of a Chikofsky inquired about money al- Newsreel could only provide the names
f $1500. legedly owed by Newsreel to the RBC of 27 of the 36 members it claims to have
our months after Films Corp., which had written the on its active rolls. No explanation was
r told Powell and board claiming that Newsreel was in offered for why the group could not pre-
rdizing other film debt to RBC for an amount "in excess sent complete membership records at
of $4000." this time.
aimed that once POWELL ACKNOWLEDGED that An apparent attempt by Newsreel to
paid, any further "there are certain debts outstanding" draw a crowd to the meeting by plaster-
as moot-even if with RBC. He added, however, that RBC ing posters around campus urging stu-
erdue when paid, bills "are in the process of negotia- dents to attend what it termed the "SOB
e money for ten tion. The figures haven't been settled." Follies" apparently fizzled, as only
pay it, you no Powell attacked the board's investiga- about 25 Newsreel supporters showed up.

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