TE Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Wednesday, May 29, 1974 News Phone: 764-0552 The sinking ship of state GERALD FORD, WHO seems to be doing a lot of talk- ing lately, made a rather interesting statement a few days ago. He seems to feel that it would be in President Nixon's best interest to cooperate fully with all the assorted investigations of his alleged misdeeds. This includes handing over subpoenaed tapes to the House Judiciary Committee and the Special Prosecutor. Normally, Gerald Ford's public statements are among the more ignorable pieces of newsprint to be found. Before becoming vice president, the highlight of the man's life was starting at center for one of the worst football teams Michigan has ever fielded, and he seems fully capable of bringing the excellence he showed on the gridiron to the highest office in the land. But the context of this statement is interesting, in- deed. Gerald Ford is as Republican as a cloth coat, and one of the outstanding traits of a true Republican is his loyalty to his superiors. Therefore, to find him criticizing a decision of the All-Highest is an indication that some- thing is wrong with the cosmic order of things. And Gerry Ford is not alone. In the past few days such GOP luminaries as Barry Goldwater and Hugh Scott have urged their president to release the tapes. WHY ARE THESE GOOD people so concerned about a presidential decision? Well, they appear to have heard the message sent to Washington by such congres- sional elections as the recent one in the Thumb. Perhaps they have also read the latest polls, which state that the majority of the American people want Richard Nixon to leave office prematurely. To them, the message is obvious-the people want Nixon out, and they blame the Reppblican party for putting him in office in the first place. In fact, if Nixon doesn't get out seen, there may not be a Republican party left for them to lead after the November congressional elections. Unfortunately for these consciousness-stricken men, Nixon has made it clear that no power will make him relinquish anything. If Christ and Moses were to come to Earth to tell Nixon to release the tapes, he would tell them, "I will not make any decision that will hamper the ability of future presidents to conduct the affairs of this office." With that attitude, the GOP leaders have no chance. Nixon would drag down the country in his attempt to stay in office. Why then should he care for the Repub- lican party? JOHN KAHLER , , 4. IF' . Yf INFALLIBILITY CRISIS* PapalBull released By GARY THOMAS bug the Methodists, the Christian Scientists bug KOME - POPE PAUL VI refused t. honor a Jehovah's Witnesses - everybody does it." subpoena yePterday for 61 taped Vatioa conver- But public indignation rose higher when it sations related to the bugging of Mormon head- was revxealed that the Vatican had hired a corps quarters in Salt Lake City last June. of dirty tricksters' to disrupt opposition church Citing Papal privilege, the Supreme Pontiff services. The team, known in Vatican circles as claimed compliance with the subpoena by-Spec- the "Philistines," disrupted services through ial Inquisitor Leone Cardinal Jaworskini stould streaking and other distracting methods. In one "violate the principle of papal infallibility., celebrated incident, a "Philistines" team threw "To honor such a subpoena would cause Catho- an Oral Roberts "Crusade for Decency" into lics to question the doctrine of infallibilty," the chaos by handing out pornographic holy cards. Pope said in a statement issued through Papal A former Vatican counsel for the Sacred Press Secretary Renaldo Zucchini. "This'would Curia, Giovannio these events and had partci clearlypekncripplese futurend Popes.ici clearlyucripple future Pcomment on speculation pated in a coverup. Dino said he told the Pope ZthatthChiefCtol icwasmmrepintosecton on March 21st that "there is a leprosy growing that the Chief Catholic was preparing to excO - on the Papacy" and related the goverup to him. municate Jaworskini forhis subpoena. s Dino said he got the impression Pope Paul al- S Hight Vatican sources have said the tapes in rayke ftecvrp question contain papal conversations with God ready knew of the coverup. and other Vatican aides on the Waterlog affair. REVELATION OF THE Vatican taping system SEVEN MEN, including five mercenary agnos- he r tics, were caught inside the Mormon World ead-the Special Subcommittee on Papal Activities. quarters June 17th. The burglers carried electron- The guard, Geraldo Fiat, revealed a 'apingsys. ic' eavesdropping equipment and photographic teihabennslednPplofcstore grThe men were in thep r ndof 'hotograph- serve the Pope's conversations for the secret gear. Th e eemteprogess Vaicn ibar. etai tegwisapailwa ing classified copies of the Book of Mormon and Vatican Library. He said the Swiss Guard was other Mormon documents when apprehended by charged with maintainance of the system. Since then, the Pope has steadfastly refused to Salt Lake police, turn over tapes to the special inquisitor. Despite Subsequent investigation revealed the burglers tunoe ae oteseca nustr ept had been hired by B. R. "Bobo" Cardinal urgings by leading Catholics, includes U.S. Sen. Machiavelli, Sacred Chief of Staff at the Vati- Edward Kennedy, that his credibility has plum- can. The Pope ordered an immediate investigation meted among Catholics, he has held his ground. and said, "There will be no whitewashtatSt. "If I can't believe the Pope, who can I be- Peter's., "lieve," said one Catholic dejectedly. "Now I But members of the College of Cardinals were don't even know 4f Mary is a virgin anymore." skeptical of an investigation conducted by Vatican aides. Bowing to pressure from the cardinals, 'a BULLETIN special inquisitor, Archimedes Coxswain, w a s appointed. He was subsequently excommunicated ROME - As we go to press, it was revealed over the tapes controversy and Jawroskini was the Pope has decided to give Billy Graham a appointed in his place. contract to publish transcripts of the tapes. The Vatican said the transcripts would "fully ab- VATICAN SPOKESMAN at first tried to dis- solve" the Pontiff. miss the incident, claiming "everyone in religion does it." "You know how it is," said one Vatican aide. Gary Thonias is a Daily staff writer and for- "The Lutherans bug the Baptists, the Baptists mer esinarian. SUMMERLIN'S DISEASE cientist yields ,to ambition By BETH NISSEN IN THE EARLY morning hours of March 26, cancer re- searcher Dr. William Summer- hn entered his Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center laboratory and carefully inked patches a-r the skin of two mice used in cancer and immunology research. On March 30 of this year, Summerlin reported to an Amer- ican Cancer Society seminar that his technique of storing tissue in a common laooratory culture solution made it possisle to successfully transplant or- gans without using dangerous immunity-suppressing drugs. As proof of his successhe of- fered his two mice, seeming survivors of his break-through technique. By artifically color- ing the patches on the two mice, Summerline made it sesr he had successfully transplanted skin patches between animals that were genetically nconpat- ible. If Summerlin's r,'sults had, been valid, they would have greatly contributed to the known data on cancer and immunology. Summerlin's pen .darkened more than a few hairs on two white mice; it indelibly marked his reputation, blar-mened h s future and smudged the, sterile pure image of Scienc'. WHAT MOTIVE w- reasoning passed throu h Sumer' is brain to prompt or justify ht:,s pre-dawn forgery? Perhaps ithe impetus to take a Itic or Flair to his two rodent subjects was not so much the i esut of his "serious emotional distuhate" as his colleagues clara, uit a result of the values o the socie- ty in which Suinn-eel'n sworkcd as an identified scuett and- liv'ed as a man. With 200 million indivduas crowding elbows for a space of their own and graJcata.n. ini ong - capped ahd gos ecd aisembly lines from university factories, there is limited oppsrt-.nity for a body to distinguish itself and push its head one successful mil- limeter above the skulls of :heir contemporaries. We as a society value the end accomplishments of a human life far more han the amount of integrity involved in the pro- cess of living. PUBLIC recognition, is not given to those who do the best they can as realily as it is giv- en to those who successfully get the most they can. Fame seen's more based in public envy of the possessions of others than in public admiration for t h e standards and :haracters of oth- ers. Living a generours ansi lo- ing life may 'win the hearrts and respect of a handful, but it takes muh more than that to warrant a few minutes of light chatter with Johnny Carson and alphabetized paragraph in the annual edition of Who's Who in America. We value stch eypo- sure and public notice and we elevate our apinions it those who have obtained it. Scrambling through life with a "name-in-lights" goal is ac- cepted and even admired as healthy ambition by most of us, except when we chanoe to fall into the path ct a spice-i iroed scrambler. YET EVEN 'th sir .:ontdon- ing nods to personal y'- getting, a deception such -as Saea.,er- lin's is shocking. We hae a different set of rules an I a'low- ances for the cora :-ate asieiass world than for the unconta mi- nated sciemiic stheres. Wliat is at stake in basiress is iee- ° ly a shifting of a fc v titles, a few tremors insales grtphs or the det ' aon cit a fete per- sonal careers. Yet in scientfic resi-e:i, the man with the .ii cse and the Petrie dish is the sclfless servant of scientific orogress and the crusader for the better- ment of humanity. The s ientist who has the slightest hint of Watergatian morals toys more with the qua-y of all life than the public ca-s accept. In the eyes of a betrayed pub- lic, Summerlin has committed a grievous sin. One wonde s whe- ther the sin in the eyes of the public is more in the action of the scientist itself, or in the dis- covery of his deception. TBE PATHETIC image rf a white-coated Sutnaeriin scnb- bling on a writhing tnotuse seems to give us more of a glimpsetof the 'an than the scientist. Surely at researcher.of Summerlin's ability and exper- ience could not have deluded himself into thinking he c o u Id successfully claim his oenned doodle as a sci.'tetific advance in skin transplants. Summerlin must have realized he was risk- ing his career and reputation by such childish disanuest'. Y e t Summerlin lid obtain public prestige and honor however fleeting, before he w'ss caught with his hand in the scientific cookie jar. The fact that an intelligent human would risk os'racisn by shocked and offended an I un- comprehending colleagues and the distrust and scare of the public for a fete dazzling se- conds of limelight and a smat- tering of pats on his lab- toated back does not speak well for our society's priorities. WE GIVE atte stion to eas- honor and scandal as welt as genius and gifted talent. For Summerlin, it may have b e e n worth it to risk all for some at- tention and notice whether nega- tive or positive. there is no distinction in tie pucgatorial Ozone of normality anl common ordinariness. The unfortaisate artistry of the unnoticed and perhaps neglected researcher may be a warning t us all to re-examine our priorities, and stand as an example of the de- gree to which a person will con- gree to which a person w i ll .compromise thenselves te vrin the applause of others.