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May 24, 1974 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1974-05-24

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Friday, May 24, 1974


Page Nine

Fi,.My2,17 H IHGNDIYPg ~~n

'I'm innocent,' Colson
claims at breakfast

Ozone offers free lunches

OWOSSO (UPI) - Former
White House Aide Charles Col-
son told a small interdenomi-
national religious group yester-
day he is innocent of all charges
leveled against him in connec-
tion with Watergate and related
"I know in my own heart that
I am innocent of all of t he
charges that I stand accused of
at this moment," Colson said in
a speech before the YWCA
Prayer Breakfast in this small
Michigan agricultural commun-
ity near Lansing.
COLSON, who has stated that
he turned to religion in t h is
"dark moment of history," was
a former high-level presidential
aide charged with conspiracy in
the Ellsberg break-in case.
Colson is one of five defend-
ants, including John Erlichman,
President Nixon's former No. 2
aide, allegedly connected w i t h

the White House special investi-
gative "'plumbers" that Nixon
established at the time Daniel
Ellsberg leaked copies of the
Pentagon papers on the origins
of the Vietnam War.
"This is no less a time of
trial for the nation than for
those few of us who are caught
in the eye of the great Water-
gate storm in Washington," Col-
son said.
COLSON SAID the goal of
achievement is not wrong but
"achieving to simply gratify
one's own ego, which has hap-
pened to so many of us in high
governmental and business posi-
tions, is to worship a false god."
Colson added that he could
not recall any other "great ca-
tastrophes of modern histpry"
that haven't been caused by a
few men "driven by an excess
of personal pride and personal

Through the dual efforts of
Ozone House and the Salvation
Army, Ann Arbor's needy now
have recourse to an organized
free lunch program. The pro-
gram, run at the Salvation
Army at 220 E. Washington,
serves lunches from noon to i
p.m. Monday through Saturday.
The program, which concen-
trates on serving hot, substan-
tial lunches, can accommodate
up to 30 persons a day. Al-

though individuals are techni-
cally limited to five free meals,
Linda Chapin, orga'nizer if the-
program for Ozone House says,
"My personal philosophy is that
no deserving person will be turn-
ed away."
OZONE HOUSE hopes to lo-
cate jobs and housing for lunch
recipients who need them. Chap-
in also expects. that the lunch
center will facilitate Ozone
House's counseling service f ox

runaways by enabling them to
make contact with persons who
might not otherwise take ad-
vantage of the service.
Staffed primarily by volun-
teers, the program, although
funded partially by the city and
federal government, welcomes
any donations of food or time.
Interested persons can contact
Linda Chapin at Ozone House,


Philosophy prof to teach
computer history course

For. those who shrink f r o m
the unwearying pace of technol-
ogy, a course entitled "T h e
History of Computers" will
come as little comfort.
Nevertheless, computer de-
velopment is far enough p a s t
infancy to have collected a his-
tory and has affected our lives
enough to give cause for speak-
ing of it.
THE NEW course, more pros-
aically known as Computer and
Communication Sciences 50 6,
was proposed and will be taught
this fall by Prof. Arthur Burks.
"The course will be directed
at juniors, seniors, and grad-
uate students in computer stu-
dies, and engineering, and sci-
ence or mathematics students
who have used. computers,"
Burks noted. "I will try to com-
bine technical detail with gen-
eral historical context.
Some of Burks' own articles
will be used.
BURKS, better known as an
instructor in the philosophy de-
partment, is uniquely qualified
to teach the course. He was one
of the princinal designers of the
first general-purpos.e electric di-
gital computers, forefather of
all modern electronic comput-
A section of the computer.
known as E AC (Electronic
Numerical Integrator and Com-
puter), was brought to the Uni-
versity under Burks' auspices,
where it is on dislay in the
Frieze Building. The vintage
1945 machine still operates and
will be used to solve simple
problems as part of the course.
WORK ON ENIAC was begun
in 1943 by the Army Ordnance
Corps, which needed rapidly cal-
culations of artillery shell tra-
jectories. Although completed
too late to aid the World War
II effort, "ENIAC was a b I e to
reduce the composition of fir-
ing tables from a matter of
months to a matter of days,"
Burks says. ENIAC solved its
first problem in December 1945,
an H-bomb problem that re-
mains classified. ENIAC work-
ed at one thousand times the
speed of other computers of its
day, adding and subtracting 10
or 20-digit numbers in one eight-
thousandth of a second.
Burks became involved in
the research, development, de-
sign, and construction of ENIAC
while an instructor of electrical
engineering at the University of

Pennsylvania's Moore School of
Electrical Engineering.
This 1941 position was an out-
growth of a free government
course in electrical engineering
which Burks took after gaining
a Ph.D. from the University of
Michigan the same year. "Phil-
osophy was in a deprĀ°-,ian
then," Burks recalls.
AFTER A BRIEF sojourn as
professor of philosophy at
Swarthmore College, Burks
came to the University of
Michigan where he has stayed
-for 21 years.
Burks has served as a corpor-
ate and government consultant
on computers, and since 1956
has directed the Logic of Com-
puters Group, a small govern-
ment-supported research group
He helped start the Univer-
sity's graduate program in com-
puter and communication sci-
ences in 1957. In 1967 this pro-
gram became a department in
the College of Literature, Cci-
ence, and the Arts.


1929 U

The original fob four's screen debut in their hit Broadway musical
comedy (by George Kaufman). Groucho tries to sell some boous Florida
land aginst the mai cap efforts of Chico and Harpo. Chico at the
auction is one of his very best scenes. Short: Laurel and Hardy's The
Musie Box,

SAT.: Kinugasa's GATE OF HELL
WED.: Preminger's LAURA

E m

TONIGHT at Architecture
CINEMA GUILD 7:30 & 9:30 Ad.
adm. $1 -

The Ann Arbor Gay Liberation Front presents:
with Cary Grant, Jimmy Stewart with Sam Waterston
"THE PHILADELPHIA STOR (fits the written by Tennessee Williams
curious taents of Hepburn like a coat oft "N " A quite lovely production of an excep-
ouick-drv enamel. It is said-to have been tionally lrvely play. HEPBURN'S Amanda
written for her. Its shiny surface reflects is a wonderfully effective blend of South-
perfectly from her gaunt, bony face. Its ern gentility ant fierce determination."
lnuid action becomes her lean, rangy -N.Y. Times.
body. Its brittle smart-talk suits her "Spectacular!"-Newsweek
msetallic voice. And when Hepburn sets "It absolutely thrilled me"'-Tennessee
out to play Hepburn, she is a sight to I Williams.
behold!"--Life. 8 P.M.
10 P AMA

/l;Modern Languages
both films Friday Aud. 3
and SaturdayI EE. Washington at Thayer

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