Friday; May 24, 1974
Page Three
Haig adjusts to ife with Nixon
Imlow 4w
WASHINGTON 5) - When the call came a
year ago, Alexander Haig was enjoying the pre-
cise parameters of his new job as Army vice
chief of staff.
The future seemed comfortably predictable,
he says, "clear cut . . . clean."
But since then, his world has been rocked by
firestorms and miscalculations, conflict and con-
troversy, some intellectual comforts but more
visceral pangs.
HAIG ANSWERED the call of his commander-
in-chief, an embattled President who later would
say "I cut. off one arm, then the other arm' by
asking for the resignations of his top aides, I. R.
"Bob" Haldeman and John ihrlichman.
The four-star general - son of a Philadelphia
family of lawyers and doctors, West Point grad-
uate and war hero, Henry Kissinger altar ego
and peace negotiator-gave up his military ca-
reer to become Richard Nixon's chief aide.
His associates credit him with holding the
White House staff together during difficult times,
with breaking down a Berlin wal around the Oval
Office and with bringing a measure of open-
ness to inner circles.
NOW, AFTER a year of Watergate, Haig's
hair is grayer, his blue eyes wearier, his straight-
arrow face a bit more worried.
"These have been 12 very tough months," he
Any regrets about leaving the military?
"Yes, in all fairness, I think I had then and
I subsequently had serious regrets about leav-
ing a career which had been the focus of my
aspirations," he replies.
IN THE PAST year, Ilaig has been at the
center of every Nixon storm, from the dismiss-
als of special prosecutor Archibald Cox and top
Justice Department officials - the so-called Sat-
urday night massacre - to the disclosure of the
President's income tax returns and the release of
the Watergate transcripts.
Miscalculations clearly were involved, and
some of his White House associates place part
of the blame on Haig, contending he lacked the
political horse sense to properly gauge the reac-
IF BE HAD it to do over again, would lie leave
the military and come to Richard Nixon's White
"Of course I would. I've not regretted it except
in a subjective, emotional way from the day I
did it.
"I'm confident I did the right thing . . . but
I have felt pangs . . . I'm talking about the
stomach and visceral side versus the brain. In-
tellectually, I'm totally comfortable with what
I did."
HRP nominates
3 hopefuls for
fall elections
The Human R i g h t s Party (Hl)P
named two more candidates for county
commissioner and a contestant for state
representative last night at the final
session of the party's county convention.
HRP nominated county commissioner
hopefuls Ron Beck in the 13th District
and Marty Wegbreit running in the 15th
District. Robert Alexander was chosen
as HRP candidate for the 53rd District
state representative race.
Saturday to run for state representative
in Ypsilanti's Second District has been
forced to withdraw his name due to a
conflict with federal law.
Dennis Galbraith, who announced his
candidacy at the IRIP County Convei-
tion in Ypsilanti, is forbidden to run for
public office by _the hatch Act because
he is a public employe.
IIRP considered testing the law in
court and has taken the matter to the
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
THE SUPREME COURT has recently
upheld the Batch Act, and an HRP
spokesperson said the ACLU claimed
to be "low on funds" and seemed "un-
willing" to accept the case.
However, Washtenaw County Chaicrman
of the ACLU Allen Philbrick contends
"There are plenty of resources at the
state level" provided that "the case
looks like a good one from a legal stand-
Philbrick said there was a good chance
the ACLU would accept the case if it
was a "more attractive proposition"
than the previous one used to test the
ALEXANDER, 29,teaches fifrl grade
at Kaiser elementary school in Wihiow
Run. He stressed the need for "a steeply
graduated state income tax" and "liber-
ation for oppressed minorities," but
said he is "not planning on winning."
Beck, 32, a PhD candidate in social
planning at the University, wants to
offer voters "a real alteroatise,"
"There is great dissatisfaction wit the
'politics as usual' of the other two
parties," he said.
Wegbreit, 22, a graduate student a, the
University, emphasized the Sheriff's De-
partment's generous funding compared
to that going to child care. He promised
to "fight very hard for a reversal of
AP Photo
Grand jury probe begins
Steven Weed, the 26-year-old philosophy graduate student Patricia Hearst was to marry this summer, arrives at the
Federal Building in San Francisco yesterday. He testified be fore a federal grand jury that could indict Hearst on bank
robbery charges. Another grand jury witness testified that Hearst had told him she had willingly taken part in the rob-
bery. Meanwhile, police and FBI agents continued their search for Hearst and her Symbionese Liberation Army companions.
Union houses new arts info center
You've always wanted to learn the
ancient art of belly dancing and won-
dered where you could. Now all you have
to do is wiggle up to the second floor of
the Michigan Union, walk into the large
room with the fireplace and high ceil-
ings, and look at the wall.
Here in the new Pendleton Information
Center, which opened in April, is every-
thing you've always wanted to know
about arts events but were afraid to ask.
Included are resources concerning the
arts in Ann Arbor, Detroit, and even
as far away as Stratford, Canada.
FORMERLY the Pendleton Library,
but more recently used as an attic for
storage, the Arts Information Center of-
fers a unique facility to those interested
in the arts,
"There isn't' another place like this
anywhere on campus," says Marsha
Dykstra, an art student who runs the
Center. "Here you can find out what's
going on in Ann Arbor in terms of art,
theater, film, dance, music, books and
Ann Arbor's history,"
However, the center is not just for
those who are interested in art.
"IT'S AN INFORMAL meeting place
for people to come and share ideas,"
says Dykstra, "a place where people can
come and meet and talk about their in-
Pamphlets, posters, announcements,
schedules, and books bedeck the various
"interest islands" in the spacious cor-
ners of the former library,
In the music and dance "island," for
example, the wall displays concern an-
nouncements and class schedules for
such courses as "The Ancient Art of
Belly Dancing" and "The Art of the
LARGE, colorfully - decorated note-
books lie on tables in each island area,
containing newsletters, bulletins, and.
other pertinent information about the va-,
rious arts.
Besides its function as a resource ser-
vice, the Center will have another pur-
pose in the future.
"We're hoping to use it for various
organizations that want to come and
meet," Dykstra says, "for things like
poetry readings and recitals."
For now, though, next time you want
to know where you can take belly danc-'
ing lessons, you'll know where to ask,