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May 24, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-05-24

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Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 13-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, May 24, 1974 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
House counsel calls
Questions accuracy, completeness

Tangled tale
Hijacker David Kamaiko is held by New York police after he took over a helicopter at gun point and demanded $2
million in cash ransom, to be delivered by a woman in a bikini. Kamaiko, 21, claimed to be a member of the Jewish
Defense League and said he seized the helicopter "to protest the masquerade that is going on" in the Middle East.
After he allowed the aircraft to land on top of New York's Pan American building, the hijacker was jumped and dis-
armed by one of his two hostages.

WASHINGTON (A.-- The chief
counsel of the House impeachment
p a n e 1 declared yesterday the
White House Watergate transcripts
are "inadequate and unsatisfac-
John Doar said he told the Ju-
diciary Committee he is concerned
both about the accuracy of the
documents "and the judgments of
the President and his counsel in
deleting material on the grounds
of revelance."
gate lawyer, James St. Clair, took af-
front at Doar's remarks and wrote
Chairman Peter Rodino (D-N.J.), that
they were "gratuitous in the extreme."
A comparison of the transcripts with
tapes already in the committee's pos-
session show that the panel "should not
rely on those transcripts," said Doar.
St. Clair acknowledged in his letter
of complaint that "the committee's own
experience in listening to tapes discloses
the variety of meanings, degree of in-
audibility and alike that can exist," but
he said that "despite such verbal differ-
ences of opinion as to what is said."
DESPITE DOAR'S assessment, neither
he nor Rodino would immediately sup-
port proposals aimed at pressuring Nix-
on further to turn over remaining tapes
of the conversations.
In the face of a second presidential re-
buke yesterday of committee subpoenas
demanding those tapes and other data,
Rodino said the panel should continue to
subpoena evidence it deems necessary-
and consider any rejections as possi-
bly impeachable offenses in themselves.
The committee met in a closed, ab-
breviated session during which it heard
evidence focusing on the first half 464
April 1973, when the Watergate cover-up
began to unravel.
THlE PANEL has the edited White
House transcripts ofspresidential conver-
sations during thnt period, but no tapes.
The next committee session is sched-
tiled for Wednesday when Rodino said
he hopes to complete hearing evidence
about the Watergate cover-up.
In related developments:
* The Senate Watergate committee
lost its 10-month fight for five White
House tapes when the U. S. Court of
Appeals ruled the committee had not
shown sufficient need for the tapes to
fulfill its function of determining whe-
ther new election laws are necessary.
The five tapes have already been given
to the specialsprosecutorand the House
impeachment inquiry, and their edited
transcripts have been made public.
* Attorneys for former presidential
aides accused in the break-in at the of-
fice of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist
asked a federal judge to transfer the
trial out of Washington on grounds that

Israel, Syria appr
accord on Golan

JERUSALEM UP - Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger has moved Israel and
Syria "considerably closer" to agree-
ment on thinning out their forces on the
Golan Heights, a senior U. S. official
said last night.
He said the breakthrough resulted
from Kissinger's introduction of undis-
closed American ideas, first in a meet-
ing with Premier Golda Meir and Is-
raeli negotiators and later in a four and
a half hour talk with Syrian President
Hafez Assad in Damascus.
IN A LONG day of shuttle diplomacy,
the official said, Kissinger also made
progress on determining the size of the
United Nations force that will patrol the
thinned - out regions as well as the de-
militarized buffer zone between the Is-
raeli and Syrian armies.
Kissinger will report to Israeli leaders
this morning and return to Damascus
later in the day or early tomorrow, hop-

ing to wrap up the over-all disengage-
ment settlement.
In any event, the official said, Kissin-
ger will head back to Washington by Sun-
THE ISRAELI military command said
while Kissinger was in Damascus that
its troops shot and killed six heavily
armed Arabs who infiltrated from Syria
intending to stage another raid like the
Maalot massacre that delayed Kissing-
er's peacemaking efforts last week.
Israel said the guerrillas trained in
Syria and were members of the same
guerrilla group that carried out the
Maalot raid.
Kissinger said earlier yesterday there
had been "great progress" toward a Go-
Ian Heights disengagement accord, but
added that he might not be able to com-
plete it during his current Mideast mis-
"But we will continue to persevere in

the next few days," Kissinger added in
a luncheon toast before resuming criti-
cal negotiations with President Hafez
KISSINGER gave the luncheon for For-
eign Minister Abdel Halim Khaddam and
other Syrian officials.
In the toast, Kissinger described a
separation of Israeli and Syrian forces
as "a first step" for a "just and perma-
nent peace" in the Middle East.
"It is time that the peoples of the
Middle East begin to devote their talents
to peaceful pursuits," he said.
Then, referring to his current disen-
gagement effort, Kissinger said: "It is
my judgment that we have made great
progress in the negotiations. Even if we
should for some reason not complete it
in this session we will surely bring it to
a successful conclusion in the near fu-

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