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May 23, 1974 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1974-05-23

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>age Twelve


Thursday, May 23, 1974

'age Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAiLY Thursday, May 23, 1974

Horton's 11th HR paces Tigers
Angels dump Royals
_ /: on freaky rundown

By The Associated Press
MILWAUKEE -- Willie Hor-
ton's two-run homer, his 11th of
the season and third in two
nights, paced the Detroit Tigers
to a 6-4 victory over the Mil-
wankee Brewers last night.
Horton connected following Al
Kaline's single in the seventh
inning off rookie Bill Travers,
who relieved starter and loser
Kevin Kobel, 2-2, in the fifth. It
gave the Tigers a 5-2 lead.
The Brewers closed to within
5-4 in their half of the inning
when Charlie Moore singled and.
Bob Coluccio homered off Mick-
ey Lolich, 4-5, but the Tigers
held on to snap a four-game
losing streak.
Until Moore's single, Lolich
had allowed only two hits, none
since the second inning.
The Tigers went ahead to stay
at 3-2 in the fifth on a walk to
Ed Brinkman, a sacrifice and
a single by Kaline.
Cherubs rejoice
KANSAS CITY - Frank Rob-
inson and Joe Lahoud hi. home
runs and a controversial play
paved the way for three first-
inning runs, leading the Calif-
ornia Angels to a 6-1 victory
over the Kansas City Royals
last night behind Bill Singer's
five-hit pitching.
Mickey Rivers, who tripled'
leading off the game, got
caught in a rundown between
third and home after a ground-

JOHN BOCCABELLA, San Francisco Giant catcher, isn't fooled for a moment by Atlanta's
Johnny Oates running out of the baseline. Oates was trapped between third and home when
Phil Niekro muffed a squeeze play for the Braves.

A t i. t Pe .
Mkileatsse, 19 1 .5?8 -
Borston 21 19 .5".i -
Itattimoes- 519 18 .514
Detroit 19 19 .500 I
Cleveland 19 20 .487 11
New York 20 23 .465 2'.
Oakland 23 18 .561 -
Chicago 19 16 .543 1
Kansas City 19 20 .487 3
T-Xas 19 20 .487 3
California 19 22 .463 4
Minnesota 16 26 .444 4'
Yesterday's results
Baltimore 1, Cleveland 0, 1-i2n.
iBoston 6. Nesw York 3
California 6, Kansas Cit.y tI
Oakland 7, Minnesota 4
Detroit 6. Milwatukee 4
Chicago 6. 'Texas 2, (Ist)
Texas at Chicago (2nd), inc'.
Today's Games
California (Ryan 5-4) at Kansas
City (Dal Canton 2-1), night.
Texas (Hargan 3-3) at Chicago
(Balnsen 5-3), night.
Detroit (Coleman 6-2) at Milwau-
kee (slaton 4-5), 2:30 p.m. wJR-.
Cleveland (G. Perry 6-1) at Bal-
timore (Palmer 2-4), night.
Only games scheduled.
W 1L Pet, Gi
Philadelphia 23 1 .5755 -
Montreal 17 15 .531 2
St. Louis 20 19 .512 2'.,
New York 18 23 .439 5'.
Chicago 15 21 .417 6
Pittsburgh 13 23 .361 8
Los Angeles 30 11 .732 -
Cincinnati 27 17 .541 8
San Francisco 23 21 .523 8
Atlanta 22: 21 .512 9
Houston 22 23 .489 10
San Diego 17 29 .370 1513
Yesterday's revlts
Atlanta 6, San Francisco 2
Pittsburgh at Montreal, ppd., rain
Chicago 9. New York 6
Philadelphila , St. Louis I
Houston 5, San Diego1
Cincinnati at Los Angeles, inc.
Today's Games
Pittsburgh (Reuss 2-3) at Mon-
treal (McAnally 2-4 or Renko 3-4),
Chicago (Reuschel 3-2) at New
York (Matlack 5-1).
Cincinnati (Kirby 2-3) at San
Diego (Arlin 1-5), night.
Los Angeles (Messersmith 4-0) at
San Francisco (Caliwell 7-1), night.
Only games scheduled.

er by Bobby Valentine. Short-
stop Fred Patek, certain he
had tagged out Rivers, fired
to second, attempting to nail
But Rivers continued home
and both home plate umpire
Bill Deegan and third base um-
pire Dave Phillips allowed the
run, claiming Patek missed the
tag, and the Royals shortstop
was given an error.
Robinson then walked, Bob
Oliver singled Valentine home
and Paul Schaal singled home
the third run of the inning.
Bosox hex
BOSTON - Cecil Cooper and
Bernie Carbo drove in fifth-
inning runs and the Boston Red
Sox went on to defeat New York
6-3 last night, extending their
Read about the trials and trib-
ulations of West Virginia High
School basketball star Maurice
Robinson and check out Major
League Leaders on page 11.
Fenway Park hex over the
In sweeping the two - game
series, the Red Sox posted their
eighth consecutive home victory
over the Yankees. Boston has
won 17 of 18 Fenway meetings
with New York since August
The Yankees pulled into a 2-2
tie with a pair of runs off Luis
Tiant, 4-5, in the fifth inning but
the Red Sox bounced right back
with two runs in their half of
the inning.
Tribe tripped
BALTIMORE - Paul Blair's
run - scoring single in the 12th
inning following an intentional
walk to Brooks Robinson gave
the Baltimore Orioles a 1 - 0
victory over the Cleveland In-
dians last night behind Ross
Grimsley's eight-hit pitching.
Giants scalped
Aaron's run-scoring double and
a two-run single by Johnny
Oates sparked a four-run sixth-
inning rally that carried the At-
lanta Braves to a 6-2 victory
over the San Francisco Giants
The Braves, who have won
eight of their last 10 games,
started their winning rally with
consecutive singles by Ralph
Garr and Darrell Evans off
loser Jim Barr, 1-2.
Dusty Baker was safe on a
fielder's choice and Aaron belt-
ed a double to left center for
the go-ahead run after Mike
Lum was walked intentionally,
loading the bases. Dave John-
son hit a run-scoring single and
Oates capped the rally with a
two-run single.
Chisox roll
CHICAGO - Chicago's Jerry
Hairston pinch hit an RBI sin-
gle that ignited a four-run
seventh inning for the White
Sox and gave Wilbur Wood his
fifth straight victory, a 6-2 de-
cision over the Texas Rangers
.last night
Chicago's six-hit outburst in
the seventh snapped a 2-2 tie
and a tight pitching duel be-
tween Wood, 7-5, and Jim Bib-
by, 5-7.
Texas opened the scoring
when Jeff Burroughs hti his 10th
homer of the baseball season,
a two-run shot in the first.

AP Photo
BILL BERGEY, erstwhile linebacker for the Cincinnati Bengals, has been spending time in
court trying to jump to the World Football League. Here he tries the tennis court, posing as a
huge tennis player.

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