7hursddy, May 23, 1974
Page r ne
First Ladofish 'n chips
(Continued fromPage8) "There will be a market for CONNIE, who came to the when she returns to the U.S. in
b for him. I let him have the din- people who want to run a proper United States in the late fifties September, except look fur a
ter anyway. Inever really ex iestaurant with proper cook- after working in the treatre at job. "I'll go straight to lIoly-
perted to see him again. just ing she continues. "The new Stratford-on-Avon will spend the wutd, she says (kingly, "or'
thghtethmneyagn .ust awareness will do away with summer in Spain. "I have a itaybe 1.is e 'as."
Btt he nneyck-a wask goe steak and the pre-cooked potato casita, a little house, there that Although c'nie is leaving,
und paid the bill. in foil and limp salad. Fast food needs attention, she says. 1cky Jim s will continue to op--
' e dteblas a way of life will be out." She isn t sure what she will do ertict under a nes titanaietnent.
"It's so encouraging," she
beams. People are responsible
if you trust them, she says. "But
if you're out to screw people you
get the same back."
But, Connie confesses, she's
become a bit disenchanted
with Ann Arbor."
IT'S POSSIBLE to be very
tonely in this town," she sighs.
During the last year I've found
myself very very lonely. I'm not
an unfriendly person. Maybe it's
s the same everywhere, I don't
In addition, she says, "It's a
greedy town-in terms of prices
for food, cothing, rent. It soaks
the populace."
One feels so hopeless and
thelpless about all those lovely
elm trees being cut down," she
continues. "And I've seen so
omany nice old houses come
down "
SHE IS NOT pleased swith the
coating of MacDonald's to the
city, especially since still an-
other old house will fall in its
"If the University is whet it
pretends to be, i.e. a civilizing
force, I think they should have
gotten behind the thing and
stopped it," she comments.
Connie believes little shops
like hers are vital in this time
of ever-increasing mass produc-
tion. "The best part of shipping
is having little individual shops
run by funny, odd people like
reason people go to Europe is
to visit little stores like the
reen grocer and the sweet
"In America," she says, "with
the new awareness people are
having with regard to design
and good taste generally, and
,# specifically the awareness to
plant flowers, to enchance life,
an awareness of clothing and
music, in about two or three
years there will be a new
awareness for food.
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Vg au~a~pee~
BAt oa fofKtand dwwb&4
eO h.gged ed
:':, r-" fir: %
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100 Briarwood Mall
Other ocabons: New York City * Losc
Angees Washngton DC .Houston.
Phoenx 'Miwaukee * Orlando * Bos-
ton.* Buffa o * Cleveland* Rochester
Shoes for men from the world'sf
finest cobblers
. , ., r. .