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May 23, 1974 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1974-05-23

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Thursday, May 23, 1974


Page Three

LSA may kill Course Mart
- --- By JEFF DAY

U'law expert
de d at 66
Law Prof. Paul Kauper, an interna-
tionaly recognized authority on consti-
tutional law and a member of the Uni-
versity law faculty for 38 years, died
yesterday of undisclosed illness. He
was 66.
Dean of the Law School Theodore St.
Antoine called the death "tragic," and
said, "Paul Kauper was one of the finest
classroom teachers and one of the most
profound constitutional scholars of his
time. That he should die while still at
the height of his powers makes his loss
doubly tragic for the whole world of
legal education.
"Thedhallmarks of Paul Kauper's
thought were breadth and balance. He
was not given to passing enthusiasms,
but devoted himself to such overarching
questions as order and liberty, the state
and the individual conscience, and hu-
man rights in the international commun-
ity," St. Antoine said.
IN RECOGNITION of Kauper's work
at the University, in 1971 he was named
Henry Russell Lecturer, the highest hon-
or the University can bestow on staff. In
1959 he received the Distinguished Fac-
ulty Achievement Award for, his schol-
arship, teaching and public service.
Born in Richmond, Indiana on Nov. 9,
1907, Kauper is survived by his wife
Anna and his son Thomas who is on
leave from the University law faculty
while serving as assistant attorney gen-
eral in charge of the Justice Depart-
ment's antitrust division.
Kauper began his career here as a
student and returned four years after
his graduation from the University law
school in 1932 to become an assistant
professor of law.
THROUGHOUT HIS career, constitu-
tional law remained his major teaching
and research interest, and he had spe-
cial interest in religious liberty and
church-state relations. In 1951 he was
awarded the American Bar's Ross Essay
Prize for his work on the Bill of Rights.
The funeral will be at 3 p.m. Satur-
day, May 25, at Zion Lutheran Church
U niversit
"Cost is not the objective in housing,"
says Housing Director John Feldkamp
of the University's is residence halls and
co-ops. "The objective is quality,and
you've got to pay the price for quality."
To the average University student,
who probably spent his or her first two
years on campus inhabiting a crowded,
run-down dormitory room, Feldkamp's
view may come as a surprise.
BUT FELDKAMP indicts dorms such
as those at Michigan State, which he
says are planned economically rather
than educationally. "These dorms," he
said, "house 3,000 people. You go in
there and it's like a factory"
Dorms at State cost $1,215 a year for
20 meals a week. The dorms here cost
S1,42 on a 13 meal a week plan.
"Here we have smaller halls and older
ones. That makes them less efficient,"
Feldkamp explains.
OHIO STATE, our next closest com-
petitor at $1,335 per scholastic year, also
included 20 meals a week and linen
service. But at Ohio State, "you don't

eat inthe residence hall," Feldkamp
says. "You go to a commons to eat."
The University of Iowa offers yearly
housing for $1,114 which also includes
20 meals a week. For an additional $46
they offer bedding and maid service

Course Mart, a curriculum of largely
student-taught c o i r s e s organized to
bring new ideas into the literary cot-
lege, will almost certainly be shut down
if proposals advocated by the ISA
Executive Committee gain final accept-
The Executive Committee, the col-
lege's most powerful faculty body, has
ordered the ISA Curriculum Committee
to draw up proposals prohibiting under-
graduates from teaching in Course Mart
SET UP IN 19%8, Course Mart enables
students to propose and take courses
not offered by any other department,
as a means of opening up the ISA cur-
riculum. In the past, student instructors
have offered courses on topics ranging
from "aw of Tenants and Landlords to
Itstory of the Comic.
The Executive Committee, which is
chaired by ISA Dean Frank Rhodes,
recommends in a memo dated May 21
that "no undergraduates should be used
to teach courses for academic credit
in the Course Mart," and that all gradu-
ate students teaching in the program be
teaching fellows.
The Curriculum Committee is not
scheduled to discuss the recommendation
until September. However, the Execu-
tive Committee has final say in policy
COURSE MART coordinator Connie
Zastrow says the guidelines proposed in
the memo, which approves the concept
of Course Mart "in principle," would
"ruin the idea of a student-run course."
"They have approved it in principle,
but made it impossible in fact," Zastrow
says. The elimination of student teach-
ers would mean the Course Mart pro-
gram would be entirely different, she
"They haven't considered the benefits
of students teaching other students," she
says. "I really like the idea of peer
teaching, you have a kind of common
relevancy. You can talk out of the same
concerns, in the same language."
ECONOMICS PROF. Alexander Eck-
stein, a member of the Executive Com-
mittee, objects to the concept of student
teaching, contending, "If you have Uni-
versity credits with undergrads teach-
ing undergrads, then we are not a
The move would not only put an end
to undergraduate teaching, it could en-
danger the concept of Course Mart it-
self, since professors and teaching fel-
lows have for the most part been un-
willing to tackle the job of proposing and
teaching new courses in the past.
Because the Course Mart programs
are largely innovative and require a
large amount of time, many professors
do not have time to run them, accord-
ing to Joan Woodward, assistant to
Dean Charles Witke of the literary col-
lege. "Several departments have indi-
cated that they are not willing to pick
up the Course Mart courses that are
being offered once student teaching has
stopped," she says.
See PROGRAM, Page 10
Thistle wetter
put through the wringer since the be-
ginning of the week.
The other local bars, whatever their
diverse characters, from the dimly-lit
Del Rio to surrealistic Mr. Flood's
Party, to the collegiate Village Bell, all
claim beer as the top seller night after
Despite the unanimous choice of beer,
the bartenders couldn't agree on the
fastest moving mixed drink or hard
liquor among local barflys.
HEADING MANY lists and near the
top of most, however, is the tequila
sunrise, though nobody knows exactly

"We noticed that sunrises started sell.
ing well right after Time Magazine said
See ANN ARBOR, Page 10

Ervin gets a new angle
Sen. Sam Ervin (D-N.C.), left, and Sen. George Aiken (R-Vt.) hold fishing
rods that were presented to them yesterday in Washington by the American
League of Anglers for use in their retirement. Ervin and Aiken have both
announced they intend to go fishing as soon as their terms are completed
this year.
residence halls
pay more for less.
once a week. Linen service costs $16 and what we need, we would have a vacancy
for another $25 air conditioning is pro- problem," he says.
vided, bringing the grand total to $1,201, ONE THING Michigan hasn't got is a
some $200 less than rent here. vacancy problem. Last fall, because of
Feldkamp says the University does not overcrowding problems, the University
offer such pleasures because it is not kept 23 incoming freshmen at the Bel
hr the business of panpering. "We are Tower Hotel at the cost of $14 a day
not entrepreneurs for gimmicks," he until rooms could be found for them.
said. "We take nothing in terms of "You've got to pay the price for
vending." quality," Feldkamp says.


HE SAYS the University does not offer
linen service because it is "foolish.
Students say, 'I get these linens and
don't know what to do with them., He
explains that residence halls serve only
13 meals per week as opposed to 20 like
most schools because of student prefer-
ence and because it lowers the amount
of absenteeism at meals.
Because of rising costs of food, fuel,
and maintenance, most schools are rais-
ing their rates a maximum of five per
cent. Here, rates are going to be in-
creased by more than seven per cent.
The University of Minnesota is another
school which is raising its rate seven
per cent. According to Minnesota Hous-
ing Director David Anderson, the hike
was necessary because they receive no
subsidy from the university to cover
rising costs. "Seven per cent is not
enough, but if we raised the rates to

Beer City's W
By any measure-be it glass, pitcher,
or keg-the drink is beer, beer, beer that
people guzzle here,
All across town the word is that the
foamy brew wets more whistles and
empties more wallets than any other
alcoholic beverage known to civilized
"On a good, Friday night, we'll easily
go through four or five kegs," says a
bartender at the Pretzel Bell, a ret'eal
as often patronized by the town crawl
as by University students,
WHLE THAT much beer-on the high
side of 70 gallons-won't sink a battle'
ship, it's quite enough to mellow out
a room full of people who have been

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