Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 12-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, May 23, 1974 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
House defies
House tape subpoena
Nixon claims sufficient compilance
By The AP and UPS sion of demands for additional presiden- -:r...:.:...... .iit'tlttt . '
WASHINGTON-President Nixon tial conversations has become a never-
yesterday refused to comply with ending process, and that to continue
two House Judiciary Committee providing these conversations would con-
subpoenas, claiming that "the com- stitute a massive invasion," to presi-
mittee has the full story of Water- dential confidentiality, the President's
gate." letter argued.
Nixon refused to comply with the Nixon's reaction angered many com-
court orders in a personal letter mittee members and Rep. William
Hungate (D-Mo.) said, "We'll just file
sent to Committee Chairman Peter it away and consider it another im-
Rodino (D-N.J.) one hour after the peachable offense.
10 a.m. deadline for compliance
with the subpoena. INDEED, adding the issue of Nixon's
THE COMMITTEE had asked for 11 defiance to its list of potentially impeach-
tapes and four sets of official diaries able offenses may be in only procedural
relating to Watergate from extended per- recourse available to the panel, although
iods of time in 1972 and 1973. several alternative actions are possible
Nixon offered only a partial transcript in theory..r
of one conversation to the committee. The committee could seek a court or-
"It is clear that the continued succes- der, but that, in the opinion of many,
would jeopardize the argument that the
Constitution gives Congress exclusive
SM powers over impeachment issues.
lif No one seriously entertains the notion
Pal Hearst with
*V .s
LOS ANGELES (A' - Kidnap victim
Patricia Hearst became kidnap suspect
Patricia Hearst yesterday, as authori-
ties charged the newspaper heiress with
joining her new-found c o m r a d e s in
abduction, assault with a deadly weapon
and robbery.
"In our opinion, Miss Hearst was act-
ing on her own free will," said Los An-
geles Dist. Atty. Joseph Busch, who filed
the state felony charges against Hearst
and two Symbionese Liberation Army
(SLA) members. "She is a suspect in a
kidnaping, not a victim.".
THE 20-YEAR-OLD heiress was drag-
ged from her home Feb. 4, and later
said she was joining the SLA terrorists
who claimed to have kidnaped her. Yes-
terday, she was accused in a multi-
count indictment along with William and
Emily Harris. Federal firearms charges
had been filed against the three earlier
by the FBI.
Hearst's father, newspaper executive
Randolph Hearst, remained at the fam-
ily home in Hillsborough, Calif. "There's
nothing to say, really," he responded
when told of the latest charges against
his daughter.
According to authorities, the Harrises
and Hearst were involved in a shooting
and bungled shoplifting attempt last
Thursday that touched off a citywide
search for SLA members in the Los An-
geles area. A police raid on Friday left
the terrorists' chief, Donald "Cinque"
DeFreeze, and five otherSLA members
dead. Authorities said they were the
nucleus of the group.
POLICE SAID Hearst sprayed the area
of a suburban sporting goods store with
bullets in the aftermath of the shoplift
attempt, then joined the Harrises in
See HEARST, Page 10
of sending the House sergeant-at-arms,
whose job over the years has become
purely administrative, to the White House
for a show of force. And without enforce-
ment power, the House would gain little
by formally holding the President in
In other Watergate developments yes-
* Vice President Gerald Ford said he
hopes a comprise can be reached over
Special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski's de-
mand for 64 White House tapes for use
in the Watergate coverup trial. District
Judge John Sirica ordered Monday that
the tapes be surrendered, but White
House attorneys say they will fight on
appeal. Ford said in New York that if
Jaworski "needs more relating to addi-
tional evidence for the prosecutions I
hope there will be some compromise with,
the White House."
. Saying "I don't recognize any ex-
ecutive privilege," U.S. District Judge t
Gerhard Gesell signed subpoenas direct-
ing Nixon to turn over documents for the
plumbers trial, including some top sec-
ret papers. The judge said he is de-
termined that all "relevant and mater-
ial" evidence be made available to the
five defendants charged in the break-in
of the office of Daniel Ellsberg's psychi-
atrist. Gesell's order came at the specific
request of attorneys for former Nixon
aides John Ehrlichman and Charles Col-
son and after receiving word from the
special prosecution force that some of
the materials in the case might be
covered by executive privilege of the4
President or by national security se-
. White House spokesman Gerald War-
ren insisted today that President Nixon
was not giving a direct order to John
Dean to continue blackmail payments to
a Watergate defendant when he was
quoted as saying, "for Christ sakes
get it."
* Gordon Liddy, silent member of the
original seven Watergate defendants,
persuaded a judge to drop a year's pro-
bationary sentence because he did not
want a probation officer dictating how he
League. Davison claimed he has m
four presidential elections by using
involving mathematical formulas.
)oslt Phoutoty KARrN KASMAUSKI
lectures last night at the Michigan
ade correct predictions of the last
a combination of 'art' and 'science'
Utor readS
even ts with 'cetific art'
By BARBARA CORNELL It" dabbled in such topics as pre-
In the days when the occult has dicting of presidential: election out-
been dramatized by The Exorcist comes and medical astrology.
and the host of films which followed Said Davison, "I've been looking at
it, one would expect a lecturer on your elections for many years now
astrology to look like the demon him- and I've simplified prediction to al-
self. most a rule of thumb." His method
Yet the noted English astrologer consists of examining the astrological
Ronald Davison, who lectured at the situation which corresponds to the
Michigan League last night, looked date, counting back from the date of
and spoke more like a fatherly pro- birth of the candidate and accounting
fessor than a possessed spirit. for the candidate's exact age on the
day of the election. The contestant
TO DAVISON, author of "The Tech- with the most favorable signs is the
nique of Prediction," astrology is a one who will win.
mathematical formula, although he Davison claims that he has pre-
described it as both a "acience" and dicted the last four American prsi-
an "art." dential elections correctly. "I'm doing
it so often," he said of his current
Along with giving many pointers to predictions, "I don't dare make a
budding astrologers, Davison, in his mistake."
lecture entitled "Astrology As I See See DAVISON, Page 10
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