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May 22, 1974 - Image 8

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1974-05-22

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Page Eight
'U' keeps
(Continued from Page 1)
declares that "this sort of sec-
retive note-taking should not
take place without the kn.wt-
edge and access of the student."
ARNETT SAYS he believes
that all parts of the record
should be made available i.s the
student, including tigh school
counselor comments. "Being on
adult, it would be benefi:ial to
read my scholastic prsgress,"
he remarks.
"If they can prove :here's 1o
way the records can be used
detrimentally, it wouldn't bother
me, but I'm certainly nut con-
vinced they couldn't ae used
against you in some way," says
Judge counters, "I suppose
the potential for abuse exists,


Wednesday, May 22, 1974

records secret

'Flaming Creatures'
uproar remembered

even though such a chance is
slim, but in actual pra:tice I
don't feel the records have been
abused in the past."
LSA was the first school to
move towards an open a';cess
policy. All "backer cards" filed
out since September 1972 in-
clude a warning that the com-
ments "m a y ultimately be
available to the student."
The School of Architecture
and Design has also taken ten-
tative steps towards an open
access policy. "We have an ef-
fect a system whereby most
department counseling com-
ments as well as some faculty
comments are now available to
students," says George Bayliss,
chairman of the Art Depart-

"WE WOULD like to have a
counseling file that is ultimately
available to the student and
that the students could put their
responses in as well.
"We'd especially like to have
a file which does not c'atain
material which was collected
under confidence," says Dean
Charles Morris, chairman of the
LSA Administrative Board.
"However, it will take at least
a year before all the files can
be open because much of the
information that's already u the
files is confidential," Morris
"If informanon is available
to 150 counselors, I see no rea-
son why it shouldn't be made
available to the student."

of American and Victorian Furnishings
Thursday, May 23-11 A.M.
Thursday, May 23-7 P.M.
Friday, May 24-11 A.M.
Saturday, May 25-11 A.M.
Sunday, May 26-1 P.M.
Sale Conducted by DuMouchelle Art Gallery

(continued from Page S
thus became a symbol that dis-
turbed many people," Cohen
said, speculating as to why the
film received such a hostile re-
ception in various parts of the
THE CINEMA Guild board of
directors knew it was going out
on a limb in presenting Flam-
ing Creatures as part of a ser-
ies on the underground motion
picture industry in the United
States. But after a private
screening session, the group de-
cided the film had redeeming
social qualities.
"I've seen it and it's good,"
said Cinema Guild director El-
len Frank at the time. "My
definition of pornography is not
dehumanization. This film is
cold and sterile . . ."
Frank, along with Cohen and
two other students, was ar-
rested several days after the
movie was confiscated.
THEIR TRIAL, however,
dragged on for more than a.
year, since it touched on the
sensitive areas of censorship,
obscenity, and academic free-
dom - all difficult concepts to
define especially in legal pro-
Cinema Guild finally had to

drop the case and settle for
what former Guild director Ed
Weber yesterday characterized
as "a backroom deal." The or-
ganization, which the Univer-
sity had refused to support in
the case, just plain ran out of
money after spending about
$5,000 in lawyers' fees.
In the settlement, one of the
Guild directors on trial plead-
ed guilty while charges against
Frank, Cohen and the third de-
fendant were dropped. Because
the director found guilty was
a minor at the time, the entire
record was expunged.
AS PART of the deal, Cinema
Guild in turn dropped a $10,000
civil suit filed against the city
and specifically Police Chief
Walter Krasny and Stauden-
meier in federal court.
Still, the compromise pleas-
ed no one, except perhaps the
city, which "had become quite
embarrassed by the whole af-
fair," according to Guild mem-
ber Hill Thompson.
As a footnote to the Flaming
Creatures incident, Weber re-
called that the confiscated copy
of the movie was not burned as
is traditional in such instances
but was instead shipped air mail
to Washington D. C.
THE FILM was subsequently
used as ammunition by oppon-
ents of former Supreme Court
Justice Abe Fortas - then un-
der consideration for appoint-
ment to the High Court -- who
had previously defended Flam-
ing Creatures as not obscene,
Weber said.
Where that print of the film
is now, nobody knows or par-
ticularly cares. But for a movie
that was never publicly shown
here Flaming Creatures re-
mains one of the better remem-
bered and oft talked about
pieces of cinematic workman-
Daily Official Bulletin
Day Calendar
wUOM: M. Rousculp of wosU in-
terviews American harpsichordist,
Igor Kipnis, 91. FM, 10 a.m.
Anatomy: Arthur Johnson, "Im-
muned Cens tIvoived in Tumor
Cytotoxicity," 4804 Mad, Sci. II,
1:10 p.m.


A ccmedywritten and directed byvCharles Chaplin.
Cc-starrina lawn Addans,0tlairJchnstcn and
Michael Chaplin. leleased thrcuuh Classic Entertainment. Inc.

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