PageSix THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, May 22, 1974 PageSixTHEMICIGANDAIY WdnedayMay22,197 Daily Classifieds FOR RENT OWN FREE ROOM in large friendly house near campus for appr. 25 hrs. domeolic service a month. Call 769- 4132. 04C524 FOR RENT: Two Sublet, 60 and 70- month through Aug. end. Chris at 868-809. 000529 URNISHED ROOMS on campus. Immediate occupancy only. no cooking or pets. 761-9350 after noon. 99C525 ROOM IN FARM HOUSE available for female now-Sept. 1 with pos- sible Fall option. $70 mon.. in Chel- ea. 15 m. west of Ann Arbor. Call 475-7797. 97525 FEMALE for large basement room. $4.75. Wahe-deyr,oclose to transportation, large yard, garden. Call 883-8787. 73C523 ROOMS FOR RENT, $45/mon. Avail- able May 18. Call Ron, 761-515. 340522 ROOM close to campus immedi- ate ocupancy, kitchen privileges, fireplace. $75. Call 662-3228. 20C52 APARTMENT for rent beginning Fall term: Medical Center location; 1 or 2 man. Call 761-700m. 70C524 * BEST CAMPUS-A 2 or 4 month with Fall option. Completely furnished rooms for girls. Near Arb. Secure building. $75 mon. 701-1932. oCt TAPPAN: 2-bedroom, 2 or 3 man furnshed apartment. Fall occupan- cy. $243.oo per month includes air- conditioner, heat and water. 663- 4101. 0ctc FALL RENTALS EXTREMELY NICE ON-CAMPUS APARTMENTS WELL FURNISHED Sharon, our rental associate will be glad to help you with your housing neds STOP RY - OR CALL HER CAMPUS RENTALS 1335 S. University 665-8825 FALL CAMPUS-HOSPITAL -Efficiencies -1 Bedroom and 2 Bedroom Apts. -Old House and Modern -Furnished, Heat & Water Paid Campus Management, Inc. 663-4101 337 E. Moron St. 8 MONTH FALL-WINTER LEASE AT UNIVERSITY TOWERS APTS. S. UNIVERSITY AT FOREST 5 minutes to class * FURNISHED APARTMENTS * HEATED SWIMMING POOL « RECREATION ROOM * STUDY LOUNGE * PIANO ROOM * FREE WEEKLY HOUSEKEEPING * MOVIES AND PARTIES VISIT OR CALL 761 -2680 rtc BARGAIN CORNER SAM'S STORE LEVIS-DEN I MS TRADITIONALS . 11.00 BOOT JEANS . . 11.00 LEVIS-CORDUROYS BOOT JEANS 8.50 & 9.50 BELL BOTTOMS .. 9.50 CORDUROY JACKETS .. .... 14.00 BOOT JEAN CORDS 9.50 LEVI TAB SHIRTS 13.50 WESTERN SHIRTS - from 6.98 SPRING JACKETS . from 6.98 BACK PACKS from 3.49 207 E. Liberty FOR RENT SBEST CAMPUS ' Summer sunny rooms for girls. Nicely furnished in a clean, modern ries building. $75/mon. includes stilities. 761-132. ect THE MOST INEXPENSIVE 2 BDRM. APTS. ON CAMPUS 912 BROWN Fall FREE CABLE & FAIR MANAGEMENT 665-0110 Nights coe THE HIGHLANDS It's more than a place to hang your hat. The view The location . The :onveniences ... And more. COME TO THE HIGHLANDS MAKE A MOUNTAIN OUT OF OUR HILLTOP 1697 Broadway, Apt. 303 1-7 P.M. Daily 769-3672 Fail '74 occupancy Buses to and from campus daily Coc ONE BEDROOM APT. to Sublet with NECESSITY TO PURCHASE ALL FURNISHINGS. Modern apt. includes balcony, carpeting, park- ing, air conditioning. Near North Campus and hospitals. Call 769-7824 after 10:30 a.m. ONLY. dC FALL RESERVATIONS are now being accepted at our campus locations. Newest furnished student apartments available. DAH LMAN N APARTMENTS 545 Church 761-7600 ctec FALL 418 E. Washington Modern 1 bedrooms for students Baiconies, air, security system 521 Walnut Street Modern 2, 3, & 4-man un100 Dihwher, air, security sytem 911 S. Forest Modern 2, 3, & 4-man units Modern, A/C, near Hill Street 807 W. Madison near 7th Street Lovely 2-bedroom, 2-man 1346 Geddes Rooms for Men only No cooking. $70-$90/mo. MODERN APTS., INC. Office at 418 E. Washington, basement 668-6906 or 663-3641 cCtc PHOTO gace Streakers m o iao SoeErt et cut [fiat picture and end t in foPHOTO Statney, It makes ette, #HY hmet i en lPe igh 0aan pond) f I . s - r +. , Y s f ea w - c r . SlCet i ., wa v.t uR ~ret. ti , fiMr .,, +\ , cn .i.. m. I,,,cf~aie (nli pagr pi:7 ure cr beat ion on page nr deperxi on uc for 71,r beat arrangement. VIPa1P {erld fPntlna Me Mlf+l p16['r tP. 27N FRiNTING CO. =27 N. C<....... QL G G FOR RENT 2or"4 MONTH Lease. Start May S or July 1. Cam. pus rooms for girls. Single $75-85. Double $90-100. 761-1932. 0 Sans Souci Furnished 1 -2 bedroom apt. available for Fall '74 occu- pancy. 434-0550 Across the street from Michigan Stadium eCte McKINLEY ASSOCIATES CAMPUS LOCATORS FOR FALL 1974 Rooms, Efficiencies, 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedroom apartments In modern buildings and older houses plus many whole houses. (Security de- posits now only equal half a month's rent). Please come pick up our listings. 611 Church S- cote Where TENANTS COME FIRST! - For a Campus Apt. Offering Many Additional Features CALL MAIZE & BLUE Management 300 S. Thayer, Suite A 761-3131 Ct BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING and EDITING. Call Jean, 904-3594, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. cJtc DO IT YOURSELF DIVORCE. If your marriage is dead, give it a quiet burial. It's easy-it's legal. lnywhere in Michigan (no lawyers). Low-cost, usually under $100. Com- plete, including all court fees. Vir- ginia Cramer, telephone 1-278-7286, 27314 Clairivew (near Inkster and Warren), Dearborn Heights, ML 48127. - 4522 PRINTING-FLYERS, STATIONERY & MORE IN MULTI-COLORS & ADVERTISING SERVICES. 994-0770, 71-055. 86J525 ADVERTISING SERVICES, MULTI- MEDIA. 994-0770, 761-9855. 857525 INTENSIVE PIANO instruction-all levels. David Brassfield. For inter- view call 663-5284. 1J529 FREE ESTIMATES trin d luminum iding and cutom trim, and alumi- num gutters. Call DAVE'S SIDING CO. (Gregory, Mich.), 498-2423. 54J531 HELP WANTED DAY CAMP COUNSELOR. Ann Ar- bor Jewish Community Council -Camp. Experience working with children necesary. 663-7485 eves. 02H525 HOUSE CLEANING. 1 day/wk. 663- 7485. 01H522 LIVE-IN Mother's Helper for sum- mer. Sandi (665-9188) or Steve (764- 4215) days and 062-0580 eves. 82529 WAITRESSES, WAITERS, busboys, dishwasher, bartender, cooks. Apply in person. Ramada West Ann Arbor. Will train. We are an Equal Oppor- tunity Employer. 33H515 FOXY SALESPERSON needed for part-time retail sales in Briarwod Mal. 66-60. 411525 RACKHAM S T U D E N T GOVERN- MENT needs a %a-time secretary 10-12 hours per week at $2.90 per hour. Contact the R.S.G. Office, 2006 Rackham Bldg., 763-0109. 51H522 NEEDED year around elec- tronic instrument assembly aoplicants. Must have sol- dering experience and be willing to work at least 20 hrs./wk. during fall and winter. Flexible hours, con- venient city location. Call 663-3352 between 8:30 and 5. 81H523 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS DUAL 1218, 1 year old. Stanton 681 EE cartridge included. $125. 665-2125. 68X524 EPI 100's pair $150. 3 mos. old. Call 662-8257; after 4, 663-0511. 77X522 USED UPRIGHT PIANO, $99.50. Dark finish, in good shape. Apollo Music Center, 761-9430. cXte RENT A GUITAR. Why Buy? Les- sons available to-booti Your quality music store, Apollo Musi Canter, 769-1400. CXte GUILD D/35, $330. Apollo Music Center, 761-9430. cxtc TRAVEL AVEST & EAST EUROPE-ISRAEL- ASIA-AFRICA-CARIBBEAN- CANADA * Charters * Youth Fares * Cruises * Icelandic * 22/45 Day Excursion Fares * Student ID Cards * Inter-European Charter Flights * Rail Passes * Car Lease & Purchase * Publications e Hostels * Tours Write or call, 10:30-5: TRAVEL WORLD CORP. 610 S. Foreat, No, 4 Ann Arboe, Rich. 40104 (313) 665-3603 66AA525 EUROPE-ISRAEL-AFRICA Travel discounts year round Int'. Student Travel Center 730Boylston St. Suite 113 00s000, Tel. (6171 267-1122 86AA604 NAIROBI, KENYA SUMMER, 1974 A Safari Through East Africa's History and Changing Geography 5-Week Study Course University of Nairobi Plus Actual Field Study. Up to 6 Academic Credits July 17-Aug. 21 CONTACT; Center for Foreign Study 216 South State Street (above Marti Walker) 662-5575 74AA523 STUDY/TRAVEL ABROAD PERUGIA, ITALY Summer 1974 JULY 1-AUGUST 9 Applied Arts & History of Art and Italian Language. 4-6 Weeks at Pietro Vannucci Academy of Fine Arts and the Italian Univ. for Foreigners. Contact: Center dor Foreign Study 216 South State Street (above Marti Walker) 662-5575 74AA23 ROOMMATES NEED ONE WOMAN for 2-bdrm. 4- man on Forest. EIGHT MONTH LEASE. $90/mo. Call Deb at 994- 0233. dY24 1 PERSON to share house on lake 20 min. from campus. Really nice place, $125/mo., and ?z utilities. (Year around or summer). Evenings during week, 437-2416. 45Y525 NEED FEMALE ROOMMATES. 4- man needs one more. 2-man needs one more. Call 668-6906 or 663-3641. cYtc FOR SALE GITANE TOUR DE PRANCE. 21% lbs. 23"2" frame. Perfect condition. $175. 662-7355. 40B524 1970 DELMONT, 12 x 65, shed skirt- ing, washer and dryer, fully carpet- ed, $4800. 461-6296. 83B525 MUST SELL-'73 New Yorker, 14 x 68 with 20 x 8 slide. 2-bdrm., 2 baths, on a lot. Unfurnished, with expensive refrigerator, stove and washer and dryer. Cal 461-1691. 89B523 FOR SALE-New deak and chair (18x45) bean bag couch and chair, new guitar, posters, etc. 973-9175 eves. 96B525 INDIAN TURQUOIS Jewelry, rea- -onable prices. Ask for Barry, 663- 5228. 9 B525 WEDDING DRESS, size 8, with veil. Call 682-4736. dB 8-TRACK CASSETTE for car. No speakers. Excellent condition. Call 769-7824 after 10 a.m. dB REGISTERED UMPIRES wanted for the Chelsea summer recreation base- ball program. Call 475-8816. 09H522 WANTED TO RENT SINGLE MOTHER, U-M grad stu- dent needs 2-3 bdrm. unfurnished apt. or townhouse with equipped kitchen by Aug. 24. Prefer near grade school and shopping. Good references. Call collect, late eve- nings PERSISTENTLY 1-513-731- 1822. dL WANTED-One-bedroom apartment, near campus, for fall. Aisosummer if possible. Call 663-0194 after 5:30 or weekends. 31L522 WANTED TO BUY PRIVATE BALLET lessons wanted. Call Lisa at 662-0191. 93K529 WANTED-Late 1940 or early 1950 automobile. Good condition prefer- red, drivable. Call before 4 or after 9, 994-5527. 63K525 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 05508 H KE B5A 1 CROSSWORD PUZZLE Copr. '74 Gen' Feaures Corp. ACROSS Rom. 11 Homage 1 Thin boards 47 Heavenly sight 12 Yearn for 6 Small weight 48 Fool 13 Obligation 10 Metal 49 National 18 Attraction 14 Hebrew prophet monogram 23 See 5 Down 15 Baltic seaport 52 Shove 26 Clothes presser 16 Ben Adhem 54 Spanish painter 27 Before 17 Began 55 D.C. person 28 Great Persian 19 Car damage 56 Chief king 20 Light meal 57 Dashes about 29 Table expander 21 Drive 60 Ancient money 30 Circuits 22 Likeness box 31 Fish 24 Noons: Abbr. 61 Isaac's eldest 32 Cupid 25 --Vegas 62 Hunt 33 Form of 26 Musical 63 Playthings government instruments 64 Escalator sign 34 Raise 27 Man's name: 65 Caves 39 Instant: Colloq. Abbr. DOWN 42 Color 28 Traveling bag 1 Joe or Adam 45 Cheeses 31 Staff officers 2 Cruise ship 46 Guatemala 34 Subsidiary rule 3 Perform the Indian 35 Teacher's gp. functions of 48 See 4 Down 36 Moslem prince 4 Seaman 49 Common 37 Lode contents 5 Infantry drill 50 Appreciation 38 B'way inits. command 51 Mountain chain 40 Gypsy 6 Opiates 52 " Girl" 41 Approximately 7 Spanish - 53 Epic figure 43 Shoals 8 Period 54 Bite on 44 Advance 9 Wine 58 Service gp. 46 17th cent. date: 10 Pest 59 Exclamation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . 101112113 14 15 16 20 21 22 123 24 25 26 27 28 2 9 30a 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3839 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 63 64 65