WT BKcAsE NE5sSA.R'? tlki *6 1E 2 Mt'1B SAVE ri.' RATE HIKES Electric shock for consumers TUE Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Wednesday, May 22, 1974 News Phone: 764-0552 To Robbed Rob in Memory of His Raleigh Winter is over, warm springs on Ann Arbor, The pale yelow sun coaxes trees to show leaves. Rays promising summertime freckle the cyclists ... And signal the throngs of bicycle thieves. Lured out by the Mayness, the season's rewarming Winter-white cyclists roll up their jeans And pedal through petals, watched by the robbers who plan their "transfer of ownership" schemes Anything with wheels has a potential market Any color will do, or speeds one to ten The thieves are not known to be too selective- Question not if the bike's to be stolen, but when. Against cable cutting and commandeered U-Hauls The bike-owning victim does not often win; A country renowned as safe for democracy Can't guarantee a safe Raleigh or Schwinn. The students provide the thieves' best source; Both owning a bike and residing in dorms Has sent a few tearful former owners to file a sheaf of insurance claim forms. The cyclists are helpless, although they can ride girded by five pounds of heavy-weight chain. They lose speed on the hills, though, and run the great risk of rusting themselves if they're caught in the rain. To make their bikes legal and safe as can be a. fifty-cent license is affixed to the frame This preventative action by cyclists will save Their bike's new owners from doing the same. The best solution to these maddening thefts That "liberate" bicycles, leaving no clues Is to sell your bike now to the highest bidder And walk where you go'if they don't steal your shoes. By PETER BARNES WERE YOU shocked by your latest electric bil?. If so, you are not alone. Electric rates have been soaring all over the country: rate increases granted to electric utilities last year totalled $1.2 billion, an all-time high. Another $1.7 billion in rate hike applications are currently pending. And this summer, with air conditioners going full blast, millions of consumers could pay more for electricity each month than they pay in rent or mortgage payments. Utilities say the rate hikes are due mostly to higher fuel costs. That is part of the story, but not the whole story. It is true that coal and fuel oil have nearly tripled in price during the past year, but since most utilities buy on long-term contracts, their average cost rose only 20 percent. FUEL COSTS account for about a quarter of a utility's expenses, so a 20 per cent rise in fuel costs should mean only about a five percent rise in rates. Utilities also blame soaring electric bills on new environmental safeguards, higher interest rates and rising construction costs. The first two may be justified, but the last raises some interesting questions. In most states, government regulatory com- missions set the utilities' electric rates on a cost- plus basis, somewhat like Pentagon defense con- tracts. The more a utility spends on new generat- ing plants and other equipment, the more profit it is allowed to make. Naturally, utilities want people to use more electricity so they can build more plants and make more profit. And if the new plants are very expensive to build, as nuclear plants are, so much the better for the utility. TO STIMULATE electricity consumption, util- ities give discounts to large users. And when they build new plants and put in new lines to .service new customers - for example, in su- burban subdivisions - they spread the costs to long-established customers - mostly in cities - whose electricity comes from old power plants and old lines that have been largely paid off. "A flat rate structure and one that charged newly-installed customers a rate that reflected their true share of costs would lessen the need for new construction," says Edward M. Kirsh- ner, an Oakland, California, economist. "That in turn would help keep rates down, especially for small users and people in cities." ANOTHER WAY to keep rates down would be to build a nationwide transmission grid. As things are now, utilities in each area must build enough generating capacity to handle their maxi- mum power demands, which usually ocur in early evening hours or on especially hot or especially cold days. At off-peak hours, a lot of expensive generating capacity sits idle. With a nationwide transmission grid, utilities could spread peak power loads across time and temperature zones. But private utilities h a v e strongly opposed a nationwide grid because it would reduce their individual construction costs and thus their profits. Rates might also not be rising so fast if utilities passed on to customers some of their savings as well as their higher costs. For example, fed- eral taxes paid by utilities have declined from 14 per cent of revenue in the mid-1950s to less than 4 per cent in 1972 - savings which are not passed on to consumers. The same is true for savings in hydro power costs brought about by this year's heavy rainfalls. WHILE SOME rate increases are inevitable, the real problem lies in the structure of the utility industry. Investor-owned utilities, or IOUs, they like to be called, sit between two kinds of people. At one end of the utility are the rate pay- ers; at the other are sock owners and bond holders. The IOU's first loyalty is to the latter - the people who demand a return on their invested capital. For example, utilities also explain that rates must go up because consumers are start- ing to conserve energy. Their reasoning g o e s like this: if consumers use less electricity, util- ity revenues will go down. But since utilities don't want their profits to go down, they must raise their rates. If more utilities were consumer-owned or city- owned, the interests of rate payers would be better protected. ONE ILLUSTRATION: private utilities have not protested the surge in fuel costs - they have simply passed on the increases to ratepayers. By contrast, the American Public Power As- sociation, which represents municipally owned utilities, and the National Rural Electric Coop- erative Association, which represents consumer- owned utilities in rural areas, have been vigor- ously fighting the rise in fuel prices. For the past several years, these groups have been demanding a government investigation of anti-competitive practices within the energy in- dustry, especially the takeover by oil companies of coal, uranium, shale and geothermal resources. They have. also been fighting for a nationwide transmission grid, a roll-back of oil prices, and a non-profit federal oil and gas corporation to develop energy resources on public lands. IF PRIVATE utilities would put their political clout behind the demands of city and consumer- owned utilities, it is quite likely that your electric bill would not be rising so fast. Peter Barnes, West Coast editor of the New Republic, and editor-publisher of People and Land, was formerly Washington correspondent for Newsweek. He is the author of Pawns: The Plight of the Citizen Soldier, Knopff, 1972. Copy- right Pacific News Service, 1974. 'Well, who knows? We might have a president someday who'd like to fight another little war - ~ over there.' -BETH NISSEN. I