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May 22, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-05-22

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Michigan Daily

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 11-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, May 22, 1974 Ten Cents Twelve Pages



U' keeps student records secret
By JEFF SORENSEN and "backer cards," which provide up to the colleges. mer chairman of the University Civil
Like the federal government, the accounts of college counselor com- Liberties Board, declares that all coun-
University k e e p s secret records on ments. "MUCH OF THE information in the selors' comments a h o u 1 d be made
adult citizens. All counseling - offices Counselors have exclusive access to students' files, especially in counselor available to students if they are used
presently collect files on students which this information, although faculty mem- comments, was recorded without the by the University.
the subjects are forbidden to see. bers may request interpretations of knowledge that students would later
However, the University-most not- the records. Similarly, students may see the information," says Chuck "IF A COUNSELOR should transmit
ably the literary college - is moving request summaries of the material. Judge, associate director of LSA coun- the records to anyone, he should trans-
slowly in the direction of more "open University policy strictly forbids fur- seling. Judge is a member of the LSA mit them to the subject," Gold says.
access" to student records. nishing any confidential student in- Administrative Board, w h i c h makes Gold admits, however, that very few
formation to outside groups, employers policy decisions on students' records. legal precedents exist on the "right to
THE PORTIONS of a student's file or agencies., "Since the remarks were made on know" issue and says the matter is
that he or she is not usually allowed The Board of Regents adopted a the basis of confidence, they can't very open to interpretation.
to see include letters of recommenda- student records policy last summer well be opened up now," Judge con- John Arnett, an LSA junior who un-
tion, test scores, high school counselor that is vague at crucial points and tends. successfully tried to see his own record,
comments, original application forms leaves interpretation and enforcement Psychology Prof. Martin Gold, for- See 'U', Page 8


Magruder sentenced
to 10-month minimum

WASHINGTON (M - Jeb Stuart
Magruder, conceding that "I lost
my ethical compass," w a s sen-
tenced yesterday to serve at least
10 months in prison for his major
role in the Watergate break-in and
Magruder, once the No. 2 man in
President Nixon's re-election cam-
paign and a key figure in breaking
open the Watergate affair, told the
sentencing judge: "My ambition
obscured my judgment."
Sirica imposed a 10 months to four year
term on Magruder to be served at a
Other Watergate
WASHINGTON (A-The House Judici-
ary Committee heard two key Watergate
tapes yesterday including one in which
Nixon discussed payments of hush money
with his aides. Rep. Jerome Waldie (D-
Calf.) said Nixon, when talking to Dean
about hush money said, "Jesus Christ,
get it." Waldie said the statement "was
a command.
* With the deadline for Whitehouse
compliance with a subpoena for 11 more
tapes passing at 10 a.m. today, White
House lawyer James St. Clair said yes-
terday he saw no indication that Presi-
dent Nixon will turn over the tapes.
* The Senate Judiciary Committee an-
nounced a special vote of confidence in
Special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski and
his effort to obtain White House tapes
through the courts. The unusual an-
nouncement followed a closed committee
meeting prompted by Jaworski's disclos-
ure Monday that the White House had
claimed he had no authority to litigate
against the President. A White House
spokesman, meanwhile, said no consid-
eration was being given the possibility of
firing Jaworski-even though his prede-
cessor, Archibald Cox, was dismissed
over the same issue.
* U.S. District Judge Gerhard Gesell
dismissed charges against one of the
Ellsberg conspirators and told defense
lawyers they could not wrap defendents
"with the mantle of the Presidency."

minimum security institution. Sirica said
he will recommend that Magruder be
sent to the federal facility at Allenwood,
Pa. It is a five-hour drive from the
Washington area for Magruder's wife
and four children.
Magruder, assistant to the President
for a year and a half before taking on
the re-election committee job in May
1971, had pleaded guilty last Aug. 16
to a single count of conspiracy to inter-
cept communications, obstruct justice
and defraud the United States.
The charge carried a maximum sen-
tence of five years imprisonment and a
$10,000 fine.
HE WAS the sixth former White House
employe to be sentenced to prison in
connection with post-Watergate scandals.
The others were Dwight Chapin, Egil
Krogh, Herbert Porter, Howard Hunt
and Gordon Liddy.
In pleading guilty, Magruder admitted
that he helped "devise, implement and
carry out a strategy" to break into the
Democratic Party headquarters and that
he conspired to cover-up involvement
through lies, paying hush money and de-
stroying evidence.
"It will take me a long time to under-
stand the ease with which I surrendered
what I always considered my funda-
mental, immutable beliefs," Magruder
said in a brief statement before sen-
"I KNOW what I've done . . . I am
confident the country will survive its
Watergates and its Jeb Magruders."
He spoke of seeing 'confusion in the
eyes of my children, heartbreak in the
eyes of my wife, contempt in the eyes
of others," and said: "somewhere be-
tween my ambition and ideals I lost my
ethical compass."
Magruder and John Dean, the Presi-
dent's counsel, were the first White
House insiders to carry details of the
Watergate cover-up to federal prosecu-
tors. Then Magruder, followed by Dean,
told the story publicly for the first time
in the Senate Watergate hearings.
MAGRUDER testified that his commit-
tee boss, former Atty. Gen. John Mitchell
approved the break-in plan at a meeting
in Key Biscayne, Fla. Mitchell later
denied it.
He said he had "no direct knowledge"
that President Nixon was involved.

sentenced yesterday to a 10 month to four year prison term for his role in the
Watergate coverup.

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