THE Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Tuesday, May 21, 1974 News Phone: 764-0552 Terrorist hypocrisy THE RECENT ATTACK by Arab terrorists on Israeli civilians at Maalot and the subsequent reprisal raids by the Israeli air force once again reveal the hopeless- ness of violence in the Middle East. The murder of school children can not advance the cause of the Palestinian people; it merely points out the hypocrisy of the Arab ter- rorist organizations. The terrorist organizations have stated publicly that they are persuing peace through the creation of a non- sectarian state in Palestine" where both Jews and Arabs would live as equals. Yet this latest attack can only drive a wedge between Arabs and Jews, and make any sort of peace more remote. During recent peace efforts the terrorists have re- jected any Arab Palestinian Involvement with negotia- tions. Nahjef Hawatmeh, the leader of the Popular Demo- cratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine which was responsible for the tragic incident at Maalot, has stated openly that Henry Kissinger's peace missin was the tar- get of the attack. The mistrust, which has been consid- ered a major factor separating Israel and Syria in nego- tiations, can only be heightened by this action. The selection of Maalot as the site for the attack cannot be considered a coincidence. Relations between Maalot and the neighboring Arab village of Tarshiche ,ave been particularly, good. Things have gone so well in fact, that the two have joined and are administered by a single government which is equally divided between Arabs and Jews. This latest attack can only be considered a blow against coexistence. IN THE PAST we have seen the United Nations condemn Israel for reprisal raids while remaining silent on terrorist attacks. The loss of civilian life is just as tragic when it is caused by a reprisal raid as when it is caused by an act of terrorism, yet these losses are inevitable as long as the terrorists base their operations in heavily. populated areas and Israel maintains its policy of re- prisal, Why should Israel be expected to stand by while its citizens are murdered? Terrorism must be actively op- posed. Those who harbor, aid, or remain silent to ter- rorism share in the guilt. -CLAUDE FONTHEIM Kelle/s opifio Business as usual ATTORNEY GENERAL Kelley's recent decision not to prosecute television repair companies which over- charged consumers in a recent stateinvestigation is a mistake. Kelley's decision reflects a pervasive national atti- tude among overnment officials of overlooking business and official crime. Granted the consumer may only be ,taken for $20 to $75: petty larceny. But would that same TV dealer decline to prosecute if he discovered a policy on your part of covering the cost of his portable radios with your overcoat? And would the police merely counsel that you "clean up your act." More importantly, multiply that $20 to $75 fraud by the number of charges made daily to repair America's mechanical servant-masters. The product would likely dwarf all the bank stick-ups for the entire year. The mentality which suggests that only the poor and uncouth commit crimes has led the highest public officials in the land to scheme,-like the businessmen in question, over how to "cut their losses" and maximize gains regardless of the public good. IT IS PRECISELY this erasion of law and order in the normal intercourse of citizen and business or govern- ment, where honesty should be taken for granted, which creates runs in the social fabric and makes many of us so distrustful. -JOHN MeMANUS IT'S WESTERN UNION WITH A DON'T JUST STAND THERE, BOY! MESSAGE FROM THE WHITE HOUSE GIVE US THE MESSAGEI TO THE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. r THAT'LL BE A $1.50. IT WAS SENT C.O.D. -U - \ \ fil s li risitw05 17 1. Portugal: Documents By PHILIP WEST LISBON, PORTUGAL: In the fortress of Caxias Pri- son, near Lisbon, 296 agents of Portugal's secret police await trial, locked in cells where they recently interrogated, beat and tortured political prisoners. Two reports released here after the coup detail tortures used by the 3000-man force - still called by its old name, PIDE - which was the backbone of the former regime. PIDE was disbanded by the military junta the day after .ts April 25 coup. In Portugal's three African colonies, w h e r e PIDE was as active anj feared as at home, military ,telli- gence units of the armed forces have-absorbed its operativs's. In Portugal, prison awaits them, and the manhunt continues f o r those still at large. PIDE WAS established by dic- tator Antonio Salazar over 40 years ago with the help of a senior Gestapo officer. (Nazi ties to Portugal are still evident today. General Antonio Spinola, president of the one-year inter- im government, served as an "observer" with German troops in Russia, despite Portugal's neutrality in World Wa: II. Starting in the 1930's with the Spanish Civil War, when Salezar was obsessed with fear of com- munist insurgency, PIDE work- ed up a rule of terror. "Mili- tants" were arested and shot in prison or sent without trial to Portuguese colonies - t h e Cape Verde Islands or Timor. After Marcelo Caetano replac- ed Salazar in 1968, te secret police acquired a new, some- what more sterile designation - DGS, for Directorate General of Security - but the politica li ll- lags continued. C)mosunist sculptor Dies Coelho was shot in the head while walking a London street. PIDE operated from a mar- ble-baled building in Lisbon, opened to newsmen S days after the coup. Broken glass n doors smashed by rifle butts told of the Marine assault on the headquarters, which offered the only armed resistance .o the coup. Files on hundreds of thoudsands of Portuguese citi- zens and groups lay scattered in rooms and hallways, disorder in contrast to the smart ura-mod- ern communications equipment with which PIDE kept in con- stant radio contact with agents pOlice tortures in distant lands. Reporters were not aowed to visit rooms used for torture, or to view devices - other than a two-pronged elbectric "billy club" found in an office, a gift from a U.S. police chief to a PIDE counterpart. But details of PIDE'S techniques .'re contain- ed in two reports now available in Lisbon. ONE IS A dossier secretly compiled under the old regime by a group of psychiatrists, soc- iologists and psychologists tram case histories of 520 persons who underwent "interrogation". The other, prepared by the com- mittee for political prisoners, examines 100 case histories of torture occurring bstween No- vember, 1973 and April, 1974. The reports show toat ballu- cinations, acute anxiety a n d terror, and complete 'disorienta- lion from space and time norm- ally resulted from P I D E 's techniques. Ninety 'ercent of the victims studied suffered nervous breakdowns. removed to a psychiatric hos- pital. PIDE agents started his interrogation in a room con- taining nothing but a table and two chairs, one for a agent and one for the pri;oner. On the third day, Costa's chair was taken away. If he dozed of, the interrogators would allow him to sleep for a mimte before dropping a coin o.i the table or splashing cold water into his face. "I hit my hand ag'iiest tl's wall to keep myself awake," Costa told his psy:hiarist, "be- cause it was so much worse to be woken up than not to sleep." On the seventh day, Costa col- lapsed and could not be awak- ened. He was allowed a visit from his wife, then th- interro- gation resumed with sleen de- privation until he felt the walls and the floor were moving. In the third week, PIDE a d d e d beatings. Finally, they played a tape recording which sounded like his wife screaming in ter- ror. "The effects of this were "The reports show that hallucinations, acute anxiety and terror, and complete disorientation from space and time normal- ly resulted from PIDE's techniques. Ninety - per cent of the victims studied suffered nervous breakdowns." " .": 'ti'- } iS w:,r: '.}:::,{"r:".<' is a i", :i {% '{ :i Y ;j r? Torture often took the form of scientific experimentation. Prisoners were forcifully in- jected with a variety of ,ruth drugs, and subjected to sophis- ticated methods of sleei and sensory deprivation. The agents kept detailed records, b a t h photographic and wricren, so doctors could study the physical and psychological effects of var- ious measures, and "improve" them. PALMA INACIO, leader of the LUAR (League for Revolution- ary Activity), was ate of the prisoners tortured with ' r u t h' serum. He was eventually killed when PIDE'agents doubled the dose as part of their experiment. Inacio was also a vic. m of sleep deprivation, and P I D E recorded that he had set the re- cord for the longest sleepless period, 11 days. Engineering student Carlos Costa also under- went this torture before he was devastating," wrote the phychia- trist, "and the breakdown was complete." THE "STATUE," in which the subject was kept in a crucifix- ion position for long periods, was a .standard torture, a n d electric shock techniques w e r e also routine. The statue torture was used for over two weeks last December at Caxias on a woman named Maria ishbriela Ferreira, who was also kept naked in a small cell and beat- en hourly. PIDE agents tried to burn the files recording these n".ictices when they sought refuge i their headquarters, after the coup, from the army and their tfellow citizens, fleeing "like rats re- turning to their holes", as one long-time Communist described it. Philip West, an Australian jformalist, is based is London.